Lesson 2A: Ad targeting, Messages, Techniques, and Placement
This lesson allows students to learn how (and why!) advertisers choose certain techniques to reach a certain target audience.
Students will understand techniques used in advertising.
Web Worksheet 2, pen and paper
- 1. Tell students to imagine that a new clothing line is about to hit the stores. The company wants to advertise the clothes to kids age 13-16. The company has created an ad that they think will reach their target audience.
- 2. Distribute copies of Web Worksheet 2. Instruct students to look at the ad on the sheet. Ask them the following questions about the ad:
- What techniques are used in the ad?
- Why do you think these techniques were chosen for this target audience (kids age 10-13)?
- Do you think the ad is successful? In general, would kids age 10-13 want to buy this product?
- 3. Lead a class discussion about the ad and what the students think of it. Ask students to think about how they might change the ad to make it more appealing to the target audience. Instruct students to write their ideas on the worksheet.
- 4. Ask students to share their ideas with the class. Encourage students to talk about what the ad wants them to do–and whether it’s successful.