Small businesses like yours are important. They create jobs, support a competitive marketplace, and lift up local communities. As a small business owner, you’ve worked hard to start your business and make it into something you can be proud of. That’s why it’s important to know how to protect your employees and customers from a range of cyber and financial threats.
In our Protecting Small Businesses playlist, you’ll find some key steps you can take to keep your small business safe from fraud. Each video gives clear, concise information that you can act on to protect your data and hard-earned money.
From defending against ransomware to securing your network devices, this playlist from the FTC gives tips on how to avoid common scams and cyber-attacks that could target your small business. There’s also helpful guidance on what to do if you think your business has experienced a data breach.
To learn more, check out and make sure to subscribe to our Business Blog.
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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.
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