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Sign up to connect your community with fraud resources at:

When you sign up to be a Report Fraud Community Advocate, your organization will get:

  • A custom Community Advocate link that you can use to submit reports on behalf of your clients
  • Next steps tailored to your client's report to try to recover money lost
  • Aggregated data and statistics about the reports submitted through your organization's link
  • Periodic emails about reporting trends in your geographic area - Access to training videos, learn about upcoming webinars, and consumer education resources


At the Federal Trade Commission, we’re proud of the work we’ve done with legal services organizations. I want to tell you about the latest way we’re working together to help protect your clients.

The Community Advocate Center, we hope, is a tool that will make it easier for you and your colleagues to help clients report fraud to the FTC. If you become a Report Fraud Community Advocate, you’ll get a custom link that lets you submit reports to the FTC on behalf of your clients.

This does two things: first, it flags the reports so our investigators can look closely at them as they build cases. Second, it aggregates the reports into data that we can feed back to you about the reports your organization submitted. Which can be helpful for grant writing.

As you move through the reporting process, you’ll get some next steps tailored to your client’s experience, with a focus on getting their money back, whenever possible. And, of course, by helping your clients report, you’re helping stop fraud in your community.

Learn more and sign up at If it’s been a while since you’ve reported to the FTC, things have changed and gotten easier than ever. Check out to see how easy it is to report a scam or bad business practice now.

Every day, we all work to help people affected by scams and bad business practices. I hope the Report Fraud Community Advocate Center helps you help your clients. Knowing what’s happening in your community matters to us. Get started at And, if this was useful, please like and share it in your network.

Please download and share our resources.