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Consumer Alert

Top scams of 2024

BCP Staff
Did you or someone you know report a scam to the FTC in 2024? Thank you! Those reports help the FTC bring enforcement cases and educate people about scams. Let’s jump into the top 2024 scams.
Consumer Alert

Looking for Marketplace health insurance this open enrollment season? Avoid scammers.

Kira Krown
Looking to get or switch your Marketplace health insurance during open enrollment (November 1, 2024 – January 15, 2025)? Don’t click on ads that say they offer free things like phones or cash cards for gas, groceries, or bills to those who enroll in a health insurance plan. They’re probably scams. Instead, use the official Health Insurance Marketplace to find plans you qualify for, get help signing up, or enroll in the plan you choose directly.
Consumer Alert

Five ways to keep scammers and hackers away

Alvaro Puig
We’re living in the data age. The things we do on our phones and computers, on our internet-enabled smart devices, and on websites leave a trail of our activities and our personal information. That personal information has value — not just to us, but to scammers and hackers who want to steal our identities. Here are five things you can do to keep scammers and hackers at bay.
Consumer Alert

Fighting back against harmful voice cloning

Alvaro Puig
If a call sounds like your boss (asking for bank account numbers) or your family member (begging for help in an emergency), you’re more likely to act. That’s why scammers use voice cloning to make their requests for money or information more believable. And the FTC is fighting back.
Consumer Alert

FTC Data Spotlight: New insights about imposter scams

Alvaro Puig
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that every year we report on the top scams people tell us about. And that we take a deeper dive into the data through our Data Spotlight reports. A new Data Spotlight about business and government imposters shines a light on the top imposter scams.
Consumer Alert

Never move your money to “protect it.” That’s a scam

Jennifer Leach
People are losing big money to scammers running complicated scams. The scams usually involve someone supposedly spotting fraud or criminal activity on one of your accounts, offering to help “protect” your money, sometimes asking you to share verification codes, and always telling you to move money from your bank, investment, or retirement account. And every bit of it is a scam.
Consumer Alert

Celebrate National Consumer Protection Week. Talk about scams

Samuel Levine
That call or text might not seem like a scam. It might look like it’s Apple or Microsoft, saying there’s a problem with your computer. (It’s not.) It might seem like it’s Amazon, saying there’s a problem with an order. (Also no.) It might even sound like your grandchild, calling with (supposedly) an emergency. (Still no.) All of these are scammers. This is National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) and we’re inviting you to join us in talking about scams just like these.
Consumer Alert

Did someone tell you to move or transfer your money? It could be a scam

Alvaro Puig
Many impersonation schemes start with a call about a routine problem, like suspicious activity in your Amazon account. But in a new twist, the story quickly takes a more serious turn when you’re told someone is using your information to commit crimes and all your money is at risk.