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Consumer Alert

Top scams of 2024

BCP Staff
Did you or someone you know report a scam to the FTC in 2024? Thank you! Those reports help the FTC bring enforcement cases and educate people about scams. Let’s jump into the top 2024 scams.
Consumer Alert

Taking the guesswork out of gigs

Gema de las Heras
Say you’re looking for ways to make extra cash and see an ad for a gig doing lawn or handy work, house cleaning, or assembling furniture. What they promise you’ll make per hour sounds good. When you complete the work, you expect to make what you saw advertised, right? But the FTC says that’s not what happened for most people who signed up for gigs on the Handy Technologies platform.
Consumer Alert

Operation AI Comply: Detecting AI-infused frauds and deceptions

Alvaro Puig
There’s been a lot of hype and excitement about artificial intelligence and all the amazing things it can, or one day might, do. Some companies are developing and selling AI tools, while others are flaunting the benefits of incorporating it into their existing business models. And some businesses aren’t being truthful when it comes to AI.
Consumer Alert

Can you spot an investment scam?

Terri Miller
Investment scammers claim you’ll get big returns investing in a hot new money-making “opportunity” — maybe something like cryptocurrency. Some scammers say you’ll likely make a lot of money if you follow their proven system or method. But will you?
Consumer Alert

Military Consumer Month 2024

Samuel Levine
July is Military Consumer Month, so we’re deploying advice you can use. No matter what stage of military life you’re going through, you could encounter an imposter scam: someone pretending to be your bank’s fraud department, the government, a relative in distress, a well-known business, or a technical support expert. Want to protect yourself and the people you care about? Let the FTC help.
Consumer Alert

Job scams that start on social media: Appointment Setters

Colleen Tressler
Here’s a new scam spotted on social media: appointment setting jobs. They claim you can work from home and make big money. But just what does an appointment setter do? And how can you tell the difference between a legit job offer and a scam?
Consumer Alert

What to do if your online love interest offers to teach you how to invest your money

Colleen Tressler
No one thinks their online love interest is going to scam them, but scammers are good at what they do. They establish an emotional connection with you so you’re more likely to believe that they’re an expert in cryptocurrency investing, for example. But that online love interest is a scammer. People have lost tens of thousands ― sometimes millions — of dollars to romance scammers.
Consumer Alert

How to avoid getting wrapped up in a car wrap scam

Ari Lazarus
You’re looking to make some extra money and you get a text or email, or see an ad on social media: get paid to wrap your car and drive around. And the offers can sound good: $600-700 a week to drive around with an ad for some well-known company (usually an energy drink). Many times, these offers are scams — here’s how to spot them.
Consumer Alert

Celebrate National Consumer Protection Week. Talk about scams

Samuel Levine
That call or text might not seem like a scam. It might look like it’s Apple or Microsoft, saying there’s a problem with your computer. (It’s not.) It might seem like it’s Amazon, saying there’s a problem with an order. (Also no.) It might even sound like your grandchild, calling with (supposedly) an emergency. (Still no.) All of these are scammers. This is National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) and we’re inviting you to join us in talking about scams just like these.
Consumer Alert

Think you know what the top scam of 2023 was? Take a guess

Larissa Bungo
Every day people report to the FTC the scams they spot. Every year, the FTC shares the information we collect in a data book which tells a story about the top scams people tell us about – so we can all spot and avoid them.