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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

April 11, 2020

In reply to by Corey

I was told people that owe child support and immigrants are the only ones not getting the check. But I was also told , if you let someone claim you - you won’t get a check. I’m trying to find out the answer for the second comment myself.
March 26, 2020
I’m a stay at home single mom of 2 and I’m broke with buying while I quarantined my kids and myself to our home my son has asthma and I don’t want to take any chances a stimulus check would be a blessing and can really help out with my bills that are piling up on us I haven’t filed taxes since 2017 I don’t think I qualify but if I do I no it will be a blessing to me and my kids thank you Jesus if I do
March 26, 2020
What if you had divorce prior to stimulus package coming out. When both parties filed 2019 taxes together?
March 26, 2020
What happens if I changed my banking info and don’t have the same bank account for stimulus check?
April 03, 2020
I m a retired disabled Senior will I get a stimulous check throughditect deposit? Wilth my Social Security direct deposit?
March 26, 2020
I filled my 2018 not my 2019 I heard they was using the bank info from the irs. Now say if your bank account closed will you receive a paper check
March 26, 2020
Will DACA aka dreamers be eligible for this stimulus relief check?
Just a person
March 26, 2020
Will people that come out of jail recently form a 3yr sentencing. Will they be able to get a check. And how to go about that
Don't ue your …
March 26, 2020
If we file taxes my husband and I (Married filing jointly) but we also have a disable brother 49 yrs old as a dependent and we file taxes together . Is he included as an adult ,
FTC Staff
April 27, 2020

In reply to by Don't ue your …

The IRS has questions and answers about who is eligible for a stimulus check on this page.

The IRS says you may be eligible to get  a payment if you can’t be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.

March 26, 2020
I was wondering if anyone knows about if you were married in 2018 but now divorced and haven’t filed for 2019 taxes. Will they send a check to me for 1200 or 2400 to me and my ex wife? Any information on this would be helpful.
March 26, 2020
Will my check be deposited into my direct express card? Thank you
April 13, 2020

In reply to by Julievan13

I want to go Madrid card stimulus check from the government
April 16, 2020

In reply to by Julievan13

Will you stim check be deposited into my Express Card?
March 26, 2020
I have filed my 2019 taxes as head of household. 2018 I claimed my children as dependants. 2019 my ex husband claimed them. They live with me full time. Where would the children's payment go?
March 26, 2020
My husband and I. File married and joined we also have my disable brother (49yrs old) we file him as dependent is he qualify as an adult for the stimulus package
April 15, 2020

In reply to by Vddmn05

No. Any adult claimed as a defendant does not qualify.
Doctor Jay
March 26, 2020
Will people on SSI receive stimulus money
April 15, 2020

In reply to by Doctor Jay

I get ssi and ssa and direct deposit. When do i see my stimulus check in my acct
March 26, 2020
If there was a problem with direct deposit and irs mailed my check would same happen with this stimulus or can I correct it somewhere ?
March 26, 2020
What if I changed my bank Since My 2019 income tax?
March 26, 2020
My child was born in 2020, therefore not claimed on my 2019 taxes. Will I receive the additional funds for having a child?
March 26, 2020
How can I update new address info. To whom.?
March 26, 2020
How do e handle getting our Ssi checks when bank branched are closed DC is to covid?
March 26, 2020
If I didn't have a child in 2018 but I have one in 2019 will I get the 500 for the child? I heard they are going off of 2018 taxes. I filed 2019 taxes and claimed my son though
March 26, 2020
I well like to know will the people who don't work and have kids get a check
March 26, 2020
If my partner lives in my house with me and he is on Social Security and I’m his payee will his stimulus check from the government come to our address or come to his dad’s address because his dad filed him on his taxes every year without his permission
Ricky #1
March 26, 2020
Will stimulus checks be deposited into Direct Express accounts already set up to receive Social Security?
Ricky #1
March 26, 2020
Will Stim Checks go directly into Direct Express Accounts?
Sherri D
March 26, 2020
Of my ex owes back child support, where does his stimulus check go?
March 26, 2020
I receive Social Security Disability off of one of my parents Social Security numbers because when I restarted receiving Social Security at 18 and not have work yet. The amount that I receive every month isn't enough to pay taxes. Is there a specific form that I need to fill out an order to get on the stimulus database
March 26, 2020
I have a special needs child , that is 23 now that has a mind of a 4 to 7 year old I have to take care of her 24/7 I cant work I'm a single mom , she was 15 mos old when a drunk driver hit us head on .my question is she only gets 783 .00 a month , I live with my 80 year old mother , will my daughter get a stimulus check ... not to mention she has seizures and is blind ...
March 26, 2020
will you still receive a check if you have a defaulted student loan?
March 26, 2020
What is the age limit for the paycheck?
March 26, 2020
good message...authority that isnt helpful isnt helpful..whatever the politics whoever you hire to voice the realities....good honest communication is what is needed....the old crony is gone....simple straightfoward kind info to the citizens who are free and one...thanks....give that person a white wine and lets hear some crosby stills and nash......
March 26, 2020
My child was in foster care in 2019 but I got her back in 2020, how will that work? That's my biggest question
Jennifer Cox
March 26, 2020
I am a single mother and I can't work cause I have to care of my disabled daughter age 12 yrs who does receive SSI benefits so do we get a Stimulas Check??????
Valentino Hunt
March 26, 2020
Fo people on disability and don't have to file taxes will recieve a stimulas check
March 26, 2020
Fo people on disability and don't have to file taxes will recieve a stimulas check. You can't stick up on things because you don't recieve enough to stock up and can't work
March 26, 2020
If you owe VA Medical debt, but are making monthly payments from your disability check, will you get a check or will it be taken?
March 26, 2020
Will I still get help if I’m on disability and have not filed taxes in over 10 years
March 26, 2020
Do permanent Residents get a check also
March 26, 2020
Please answer about people with disability. Will people on disability get a stimulus check.
March 26, 2020
I still haven’t seen an answer about if your going to get the stimulus check and you owe for student loans or child support can they take your check in this time when only one person in the household can work that just doesn’t seem right when if it’s to help it should be there to help everyone in this time of crisis
March 26, 2020
What happens to salespeople? Their sales are down due to closures. Will they be entitled to any type of help?
March 26, 2020
Will i get a check im on disability and ssi