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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

April 10, 2020

In reply to by Timichele

Will my stimulus check be deposited on my liberty tax netspend card?
April 17, 2020

In reply to by anitraroutt33

I wanting to no also will I receive my stimulas check on a net spend card that liberty tax gave me
Michelle wolford.
April 15, 2020

In reply to by Timichele

Will my Corona 19 supplement check go on my NetSpend prepaid direct deposit tax card from Liberty
April 20, 2020

In reply to by Timichele

I'm having same issue and my address is no longer valid. When I go to check the refund it started my information is not correct and Locks me out. I spoke to both NetSpend and liberty tax office and corporate. Still no understanding.
April 04, 2020
My husband and I cash in a 401k last year to do repairs on our home. That ant put us over the amt to receive a check. That amt does not reflect our wages earned which is well under the qualifying amt. Is there someone to contact to assist us with getting a check. The 401k was a one time amt.
Queen Prien
April 04, 2020
I'm on disability and I have 3 kids. My husband is my full time caretaker, I can't do much on my own. As a family, we do not make enough to file. I understand I will get $1200 from my Social Security status. Will my children or husband receive the stimulus money as well?
April 04, 2020
I get a Pension from VA and do not file income tax. Will I receive a check?
April 04, 2020
Its unfair that anyone who is behind on child support because either they dont earn enough or got behind recently wont get a stimulus... We have expenses too!
April 05, 2020
April 05, 2020
I owe back child support and I understand it is my responsibility to pay but give me a break I always lose out my ex gets extra payments every month towards my arrears has got my tax returns for 5 years and claims our child and get 8000-10000 every year on her return I think its not fair to take our relief money we need to survive sometime should do something about this cause I will end up homeless if I don't receive relief I agree with all the other payments bit give us a break one time this is not fair in any way shape or form we are Americans too and need help now
April 05, 2020
Will I still get one if student loans takes all of my taxes? Im without a job and could really use this money.
April 05, 2020
Father & sons and sons of fathers needing help
Loretta 66
April 05, 2020
When can we expect to receive the funds
Theresa Sarvis
April 05, 2020
Will I get a coronavirs check I receive about 800.00 dollars a month disable
Don't use your…
April 05, 2020
I am waiting a answer from ss diability been out of work for a few years but I filed taxes for the 30 years before that do people like me receive a stimulus check???
April 05, 2020
Am concerned because I left my abuser and am living in another state. I have a different bank account. Our taxes were deposited direct deposit which he now has control of. What am I to do?
April 05, 2020
Will people who are on disability, and have a Rep Payer over their account, receive a stimulus check ?
April 05, 2020
I get a ssdi a disability check will I be able to receive any money at all I need it for important reasons these are hard times
Baby Yota
April 05, 2020
My wife and I are in the process of a private adoption we have had permanent custody of our daughter since August. Our adoption is not final and we couldn’t claim her on our 2019 taxes because we only had her 5 months. Will we receive anything for her? It would help with the adoption cost. Thank You
Don't pse your…
April 05, 2020
Im on ssi disability will i receive the payment oweing back child support
April 05, 2020
Due we have to pay this back next yr with our taxes?
April 07, 2020
My daughter is a toddler she receive ssi but I'm her payee and I receive her checks every month. Will I receive 500.for her and 1200 for myself or since it's her ssi they will only put 500 on my card for her how does that work
April 05, 2020
We're is the checks going when they get sent out
April 05, 2020
what I want to know is I got my 2019 tax return sent to NetSpend direct deposit through liberty tax if I got it sent there will my stimulus check come to that same direct deposit
April 09, 2020

In reply to by Abrizzle

I have my on personal netspend card and my tax return came to it will I be receiving my stimulous check on my netspend
April 09, 2020

In reply to by stanleyritte12…

Did you ever receive an answer? thats my same question too ....
April 09, 2020

In reply to by stanleyritte12…

So did you got to find out if the money will go to the NetSpend card I'm wondering the same question ?
April 05, 2020
I am unable to work due to i take care of my mother will i get the stimulus check?
April 05, 2020
What if we are Representative payees will they get the stimulus check
May 02, 2020

In reply to by Elizabeth

trying to find out if my stimulus check got deposited and my payee really isn't telling me if it is when everybody else I know has gotten theirs
Don't use your…
April 05, 2020
My son is 26 yrs old he has a mental illness he has been waiting on ssdi to review is case against he added not work in 2yrs I take care of him he has no income no insurance he's been in an out hospital for schizophrenia Will an how can I help him
April 06, 2020
I get my tax refunds on an H&R Block Emerald card. Will I be able to receive my stimulus check for the Coronavirus on it also?
April 06, 2020
My husbands check has been cut about $500. a week, I'm self-employed and my work is considered non-essential, so I'm not working. Our health insurance out of pocket is almost $1300. a month, plus hospital bills from where I had surgery in September for Ovarian Cancer. Is there a way we are eligible for help? Thank You
April 06, 2020
I was released from federal prison on the 19th of March and have no inco.e for the past3 years and haven't filed taxes, my question is will I still receive the stimulus?
April 09, 2020
I have no income just a tanf check my grandkids get just wondering if we get any extra funds?
April 06, 2020
I'm on disability and I get my money on a directexpress card. I don't have a bank account. Will I get my stimulus money that way too? I was mugged a while ago, and I lost all of my identification papers. Everything. Birth certificate, Social Security card, drivers license. And replacing it is difficult when you have none of it. Which leaves cashing a check out of the question at this time. Can anyone please find out the answer? I know I'm not the only person wondering, and hoping, I will get my economic impact payment on my direct express card.
April 09, 2020
I wanted to know if my kids can get the stemulus check and how. I'm on social security so I know it will automatically go in but how does it work for my 2 kids do I claim them or will it just be with my check?
April 06, 2020
I see no comments on stay at home moms with no income. Yes all u with disability, ssi,ssdi,etc are ALL getting stimulus. But what about us unmarried moms supporting our kids with nothing? We aren't even MENTIONED by anyone!! There are millions of us in this country! Help!!