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Consumer Alert

Not enough baby formula means plenty of scammers

Colleen Tressler
Scammers exploiting the high demand for baby formula have sunk to new lows. They’re popping up online and tricking desperate parents and caregivers into paying steep prices for formula that never
Consumer Alert

Applying for jobs? Be on the lookout for scams

Lauren Prather
You might have just graduated from college, but there’s still more to learn when you’re on the job hunt. Not every posting or job recruiter is legit. Learn how to spot the scams. We’ve been getting
Consumer Alert

Honor LGBTQ+ Elders Day – Pass it on.

Ari Lazarus
Today is National Honor Our LGBTQ+ Elders Day. There are many ways to celebrate this important occasion, but here at the FTC, we’re focusing on helping LGBTQ+ elders avoid frauds and scams — and we
Consumer Alert

Want to work from home? Spot the scams first

Andrew Rayo
These days, working from home is pretty common. It’s a win-win for both those hoping to avoid a commute, and companies looking for talent from all over the world. You might even get a call or message
Consumer Alert

Shutting down tech support scams

Andrew Rayo
With technology, it’s easier than ever to connect with others and people are just a click or call away. Nobody knows that better than scammers — who might try to contact you about a supposed virus or
Consumer Alert

FTC says credit repair operation was a scam

Seena Gressin
If your credit isn’t as good as you’d like, a company that promises to boost your credit score by hundreds of points in as little as 45 days might seem like the perfect answer. That’s the result that
Consumer Alert

Watch for an AdvoCare refund by check or PayPal starting May 5

Cristina Miranda
If you lost money to AdvoCare — a multi-level marketer of energy drinks, shakes, and supplements that allegedly swindled people out of money through a pyramid scheme — we have good news. Thanks to the
Consumer Alert

Scammers advertise jobs and business opportunities

Rosario Méndez
We know that scammers advertise jobs and business opportunities because we’ve investigated and stopped many of them . Unfortunately, scammers are relentless and keep advertising online in ads, on job
Consumer Alert

Avoid a scammer’s money grab during Older Americans Month

Lois Greisman, Elder Justice Coordinator, FTC and Deborah Royster, Assistant Director, Office for Older Americans, CFPB
Scammers use lots of different tactics — stories about grandchildren in distress, million-dollar prizes, a romantic future, or a business deal — to try to steal peoples’ money. Scammers may demand
Consumer Alert

Give yourself some credit (reports)

Seena Gressin
During Financial Literacy Month, we’ve focused on steps to protect your money by spotting and avoiding scams. But here’s another important way to help protect your wallet: regularly check your credit
Consumer Alert

Funeral providers must give accurate information

Bridget Small
After the loss of a loved one, family and friends often need to make decisions about funeral arrangements quickly. You may need to plan services by phone or online. When you ask for information by
Consumer Alert

Did you use Western Union to pay a scammer?

Bridget Small
Refunds are still available to people who were tricked into wiring money to scammers through Western Union between January 1, 2004 and January 19, 2017. If you didn’t file a claim for a refund yet
Consumer Alert

Reject a job or money-making scam offer

Bridget Small
Financial Literacy Month is a good time to talk about earning, managing, and saving your money. Are you searching for a new job, investment, or business opportunity to boost your financial well-being
Consumer Alert

Saint James School of Medicine: operating on lies

Andrew Rayo
Choosing a medical school is a big decision, and lesser-known schools work hard to get your attention. Some set themselves apart by boasting about high first-time pass rates on standardized medical
Consumer Alert

Did you get a text from your own number? That’s a scam

Andrew Rayo
Scammers are always thinking up ways to put a new spin on their criminal tricks. This time, they’re sending spam texts to you — from your own phone number. They’ve changed (spoofed) the caller ID to
Consumer Alert

How do you spot a scam? Listen to how someone tells you to pay

Cristina Miranda
Like spring cleaning for your finances, Financial Literacy Month is a great time to dust off your knowledge for spotting and avoiding scams. The best way to make a clean getaway from a scam? Listen to