FTC settles pain relief device case for $4 million
FTC & FDA issue warning letters to supplement sellers
Ads abound for products that claim to treat or prevent serious health conditions. Unfortunately, these products often are unproven and useless.
Smoking out bogus product claims
Quitting smoking and losing weight can be enormously challenging. In the quest to kick the habit or drop the pounds, you might be tempted by products promising miraculous results.
Less than magical promises of youth
Once upon a time, a woman drank a potion, magically turned into the young maiden she was 20 years earlier, and lived happily ever after.
The End?
Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements may seem like harmless health boosters. But while some have proven benefits, many don't.
Miracle Cures: Health Information for Older People
I saw an ad that said, “CURE YOUR ARTHRITIS WITHOUT DRUGS USING THIS ALL-NATURAL, GOVERNMENT-APPROVED REMEDY.” A natural remedy appeals to me, but poison ivy
Anti-Aging Products
History has it that centuries ago, explorer Ponce DeLeon searched in vain for a Fountain of Youth.