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Online Shopping

Before you buy online, comparison shop and check sellers and products. Keep records of purchases to make sure you can hold a seller to its promises

Shopping for Light Bulbs

Need to replace a light bulb? People used to shop for light bulbs by the watt, but wattage only tells you how much energy a bulb uses — not how bright it is. That takes lumens. Here’s what to know as you shop around for a new light bulb.
Consumer Alert

The FTC weighs in on repair restrictions

Emily Wu

When you buy a new smartphone, computer, home appliance, or other product, you may not always think about whether it can be fixed if it breaks or has an issue.


Auto Trade-Ins and Negative Equity: When You Owe More than Your Car is Worth

Some car dealers advertise that, when you trade in your car to buy another one, they’ll pay off the balance of your loan. No matter how much you owe. But what if you owe more than the car is worth? That’s called “negative equity,” and the dealer’s promises to pay off your loan may be misleading. Learn how negative equity works and how to deal with it.
Consumer Alert

Cracking down on ticket bots that leave you out in the cold

Alvaro Puig

For most of us, it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to attend a live event. Think back, if you can, to the last time you tried to buy tickets online to go to a concert, a game, or a play.