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Fake check scam targets online car sellers
Are you selling a car online? If so, know that scammers may target you. They’ll pretend to be a buyer and try to trick you into sending them money. Here’s how the scam works.
Consumer Alert
Sign over a portion of your VA benefits? Nope, that’s a scam
Whether you served for four, ten, or twenty years, veterans pension and disability benefits might be an important — often essential — part of your life after the military. That’s why scammers call, email, or message to “help” you apply for them. But what they’re really after is your money. These “advisors” make promises they can’t keep and charge filing fees for services that are always free through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Spot scams during the VA benefits claims process to avoid them.
Identity Theft and Online Security
Consumer Alert
Did someone use your SSN to file taxes? Here’s what to do
If you’re filing your taxes online this year, watch for signs of tax identity theft, like someone using your Social Security number (SSN) to file and claim a tax refund. One way you’ll know is if the IRS rejects your tax return once you file. Learn to protect yourself while filing online and what to do if someone steals your tax refund.
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