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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

March 26, 2020
Will ppl on SSI who can't work get stimulus checks also?
Bobby Trujillo
March 26, 2020
Why do people on Social Security or Social Security disability or that have not filed taxes in 2018 in eligible for the stimulus package
March 26, 2020
My 2 year old was added on my 2018 taxes but not for my 2019 taxes due to her being in foster care for 8 months of 2019. So her foster mom claimed her for that year. But now that shes under my care since Sept 2019 will i be getting the 500 for her in the 2020 stimulus check?
March 26, 2020
Yes, people on SSI, SS Disability and those receiving survivors benefits will receive a check. If you didn't file taxes, they will use your 1099 in determining income. They will use your info with SS to send payment. I'm not sure about direct express cards, I'm having a hard time finding a solid answer on that.
March 26, 2020
I'm on social security and display do I get the money from present Trump
March 26, 2020
If ur bank acct is different than ur 2018 taxes how will u get direct dep I did do a change of address through irs post office and census so will I get a paper check
March 26, 2020
Im on ssi will i get a stimulus check?I sure hope so im drowning in debt and unable to work
March 26, 2020
My husband and I both receive disability checks. Will we get a stimulous check
March 26, 2020
What about living situations like unmarried stay at home parents? We've lived together for 7 years and I've been a stay at home parents since. I have filed taxes every year from 1992 thru 2013. Does this situation qualify or how could I find out?
March 26, 2020
Seems the elderly on SSI and SSD and the very poor that don't file taxes are being discriminated against.
Lucas M.
March 26, 2020
If the proposed stimulus bill passes in the House, will DACA recipients receive a stimulus check? I realize that the bill purposefully leaves out any mention of immigration, besides stating that only those with valid SSN's will get the check. As a DACA recipient, I have a SSN for work eligibility with which I file my taxes, but will my immigration status result in me not receiving a check? Thank you.
W a mayer
March 26, 2020
Ok the one question thatsbei g consistently asked is will people on SSI or ssdi get the 2020 stimulus check we need an answer. All those that suffer with mental health problems are going crAzy because of our anxiety. We are disabled yes but we are also American citizens like everyone else. To exclude us from getting the check would-be abso?utely wrong and unjustified
March 26, 2020
I just had a baby in February. How will I get the 500 for him if it's not on my 2019 taxes?
March 26, 2020
Will my 18 year old daughter, still in high school, be eligible for a stimulus check
March 26, 2020
If they are going by our 2018 tax return and we no longer bank at the same bank will they send out stimulus checks to the old bank direct deposit or how do I change this information with the IRS
March 26, 2020
mike lorengo
March 26, 2020
Will everyone get a check in the U.S, even if they work from home. -Thankyou
March 26, 2020
Will teachers get the stimulus?
DancieDon't us…
March 26, 2020
I'm 64 and on disability My husband is 82 and on social security. All I want to know is. " Will we both get a stimulus check ". I'm starting to go into panic mode Please and thank you very much.
March 26, 2020
I have medical problems that won't allow me to work and I have filed for disability and have an upcoming court date in May will I be eligible for a stimulus check please let me know something because I am even though I'm not receiving the disability check right now I am disabled to the point that I cannot work
Phillip Rogers
March 26, 2020
Well it would be nice to know if the people on SSI and ssd are going to get the 1000 or what 1200 I could use it to get some stuff I need
Phillip Rogers
March 26, 2020
I get less then 13000 a year I get SSI and ssd will I get it
March 26, 2020
My husband and I both receive ssi and I owe back child support for my child that is now an adult, I realize my stimulus will be taken. Are my husband and son's getting theirs taken too?
Struggling Col…
March 26, 2020
Hi there! I work full time and go to university part-time. I pay for virtually everything in my life, but given the law, as a 23yo I still marked that I can be claimed as a dependent on my taxes, but my parents did not claim me. Will I be getting a check if this relief does become reality?
March 26, 2020
I filed my 2018 tax return but didn’t make enough to file my 2019 tax return I claimed my son on my 2018 return and had moved out of my moms house with my now husband and son into our own place but I let my mom claim me on her 2019 tax return because she helped with my down payment to our place and I was living with her most of 2019 would I still be eligible if I wasn’t claimed In 2018 but was in 2019
Trout Man
March 26, 2020
Im on low income disability. Will i recieve a check. Do i need to sign up for it if i do?
March 26, 2020
I know people who are homeless and do not revive any benefits and who haven’t worked in years.How will they revive a stimulus check?No one has been able to answer.
March 26, 2020
I’m an American citizen married to a DACA recipient will I receive a check? If so would it be individual or as a couple? Are DACA recipients eligible for a check?
March 26, 2020
I noticed that 17-18 year old dependents are not included. Do parents not get help with these kids even though they are still living at home not yet graduated from high school? I don’t understand how a whole chunk of the population is being left out?
March 26, 2020
As a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, I was wondering if we would receive a check considering we do NOT file tax returns. We exempt from that?
March 26, 2020
My ex claimed our kids this year per our divorce agreement, I listed them as qualifying children and got the EIC still because they live with me 90% of the year but who will receive the stimulus check for them? I find it to be somewhat insane that the irs might give him $1000 when he only has them 1 weekend a month.
March 26, 2020
What happens if you have been unemployed for 2 years due to a medical condition that keeps you from working and are unable to get help from ssi and disability and Medicare and Medicaid. I am still trying to come up with money to keep seeing my doctors but am unable too since I can get insurance through my spouses work and the state wnt help me. Would I qualify?
March 26, 2020
I have since changed bank accounts. What can I do to make sure I receive the check ?
March 26, 2020
what if im living with an elderly woman with dementia, im not claimed on her taxes, i havent worked for years, and she does not pay me, i do have a ssi number, can i get a stimulus check? and i dont have any income
March 26, 2020
If I had a baby in January 2020 will he be receiving the stimulus check
March 27, 2020
My husband is the one that works in our home we have two kids together that are under sixteen years of age he claims us on his taxes, our taxes are offset due to his childsupport, will the stimulus check for my children and myself be offset as well to his childsupport obligation, and if so how is that helping us
March 27, 2020
Someone claimed me as a dependent on their tax return fraudulently, will I get a stimulus check? Or am I screwed because of this person?
March 27, 2020
I apologize if this has already been asked and answered. Will we have to pay taxes on this as income? There is great rumor out there among the MSM that this is going to make things harder because this will be considered, along with earned income and therefore taxable.
Donfrank 1
March 27, 2020
I've been looking all over the internet about this stimulus package and so I haven't found the answer to if a person owe back child support will they receive a check? If not then that would be heart broken for alot of us. They take all my taxes and now they take this. Not fair to us who have other kids on top of that I'm a single father and my job stopped running and we don't get paid
March 27, 2020
I’m 18 and have been doing taxes since 2017 but my mom has to claim me because I don’t make enough to claim myself independent will I not get anything at all from this ??
March 27, 2020
I took custody of my cousins child in August 2019 my cousin claimed her for 2019 tax return. The child also gets SSDI sent to me. Will my cousin get the stimulus check for her even though I have had custody since August 2019?
March 27, 2020
All people make money or they wouldn't make it. Even the pan handler there's no ppl out and about so even their income is being affected. I think if you have a social security you should get some aid although and don't get mad but I would give everyone 500$ and you submit your bills and let the government pay them. Break it down to salvation armies united way etc...
sil sfstreak
March 27, 2020
i’m an american citizen living in canada will i get a stimulus check i’m also on SSD
March 27, 2020
Will I be eligible to receive the supplement check if I file taxes with my husband , he doesnt have a social security. Son and I do .
March 27, 2020
It's completely unfair and wrong for those of us who receive SSI for total Disability, but SSDI is. My mother is on SOCIAL SECURITY & 76,worked hard her whole life as soon as she was old enough to work. She gets less than I do on SSI & people I know on SSDI receive almost twice of what I receive, yet they are getting a raise and SSI isn't. Sounds fishy to me and Predudical!
single mom
March 27, 2020
My ex and I got divorced January of 2020. We filed 2019 married jointly and we have a daughter together. I claim her every year after this. He is an absent father and I am the custodial parent. The direct deposit from the tax return was set up to go into his bank account and we had a court order that he had to send me a specific amount from the return. Does this mean he will get the money for himself, me, and our daughter even though we are no longer married and I’m a struggling single mother taking care of our child alone?
March 27, 2020
If I am temporarily disability from job, can I still get a stimulus check?
March 27, 2020
My family and I are on SSI will we get 1000 because we are sick it will help us get food and pay our rent and get stuff clean our house and we got directexpress will it go on there