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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

March 19, 2020
What if you just recently moved. Will they forward the check to your new address? They IRS website says it takes up to 6 weeks to update an address by mail and you can’t do it over the phone.
Aaron 70374
March 19, 2020
Will military disappointed and SSI get a stimulus check. Haven't been able to find out.
FTC Staff
March 23, 2020

In reply to by Aaron 70374

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 19, 2020
I can't wait to get my check and run to the bank with 1000s of other people so we can all get infected there!
March 19, 2020
What if you don't have a checking account how will they know where to send your check
March 19, 2020
I feel if stimulus are being based on who filed taxes for 2019 would be unfair since the dateline was originally april 15th but was given a 90 day extension that means a lot of folks won't be filing until the later date which means folks cant expect to receive the stimulus check. It should be based on veterans first 2. Senior citizens next '& 3. Folks who lived on fixed incomes these are thr folks i feel need it the most & should come first. But whichever way its done some would cry foul. To be honest the homeless needs it more than anyone but how do you pay folks with no address & most probably dont even have identification. The government shouldnt make claims like this until a plan is set. The money probably will be approved by congress but it hasnt. To say most folks will have stimulus checks in 2 weeks sounds a little far fetched. And this is an election year.
Mike Rembis
March 19, 2020
Some people are asking, rightfully so, if homeless Americans will be given a $1000 stimulus check. If so, how will they cash it without proper identification, and what will you do to ensure that banks or check cashing institutions do not charge fees for cashing checks?
March 19, 2020
It's good to know we can have access to the correct information. Thank you.
March 19, 2020
People on disability or fixed income ,,,,,do we get a check to help out also I can't get out and make ends meet since no one is wanting help from anyone
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Rhite

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

Cowboys2020't …
March 19, 2020
How will u know when an how these checks are coming?? Can u have them directly deposited,so there not stolen out ur mailbox??
March 19, 2020
If and when the money gets approved I believe checks would be the safest option as personally my husband and I closed out our bank account that had our taxes put into it as someone hacked into it so unless we have the option to submit our new bank account info checks would be the safest option and I’m sure there are many people in the same boat bank accounts close all the time
March 19, 2020
I would rather have a check because I usually have a negative bank account because times are hard right now
March 19, 2020
will the check only be given to the people that get laid off? or will it help those of us that are struggling to find food and basic human needs?
March 19, 2020
Will ppl who haven't bn able to work nor did income tax still qualify for this or is it only for the 1s who work & have an income coming in
March 19, 2020
What about social security recipient s I get it but still work part time to survive now home due to high risk status
March 19, 2020
Will people that get disability check get the stimulus check. That barely covers bills. Theres nothing left to buy extra water or paper towels or anything extra to have on hand.
March 19, 2020
Who is entitled to this... just ppl who work, or have an income coming in or is it everyone one in general even if they don't work
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Tracy1

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

Don't use your…
March 19, 2020
Will people who receive SSI get a check?
March 19, 2020
Will questions be answered on here? Thanks.
March 19, 2020
Will ppl on ssd get the 1000
March 19, 2020
I'm on SSDI and wife is on SSI. Will we get the check too? Please let me know. Thank you. God bless you.
March 19, 2020
Will people receiving SSI or disability eligible too?
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Longstrangetrip

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 19, 2020
Will those who have automated banking receive checks in account. Also if you worked at some point and have not worked in years because of mental problems but collect no government checks will they get the stimulus.
March 19, 2020
So if these stimulasnpaymentd do come through,who gets them? By this i mean for people like myself who are court ordered to let "the other parent" claim children every other year yet, "the other parent" pays no support and helps in no way expecially financially. So does that mean they end up with atimulas checks bevause they claimed children they dont help gake care of and us parents who actually take care of these children all year long on our own suffer?? Hopefully thats not the case..
March 21, 2020

In reply to by Momhasquestion…

I am in the same boat and would like to know this as well if they decide to pass this? I don’t feel it’s fair that the other party gets more free money and has no obligations throughout the year especially during this economically hard times for my children.
March 19, 2020
My only source of income is my S/S check and Uber driver that is at a halt right now. I live with parents who are both in their mi 80s and in that danger zone do to existing health conditions. I am 66 and in that same category with COPD, have heart conditions along with pre-diabetes. Fear driving for Uber right now and really need the income. Can't afford to risk myself or bringing home a virus to parents right now. We really can't make it around here without my Uber. What options are out there? Thanks, Mike
March 19, 2020
is everyone included ie.. retirees, those on disability? veterans?
Juliette S
March 19, 2020
I am retired due to illness and do not file taxes or receive any income, will I receive a check? Also, how will people who do not have bank accounts or valid i.d (my non-drivers license expired over a year ago cash their checks? To further add to this list, how are the checks obtained if people are hunkering down with relatives in another state?
March 20, 2020
Nobody answered the question people on ssdi, ssi, get a check? Do anyone know? I don't think so.
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Play

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

Debi Hambright
March 19, 2020
If I am getting disability check monthly will I still recieve it
March 19, 2020
How do they know where to send the check? And what about parents who have shared custody how do they know who the kids money goes too?
March 19, 2020
Will our elderly on Social Security receive these checks too? They too are struggling in this virus time. My parents need this help.
March 19, 2020
I don't know, but I think people should realize these checks are not for people in need. They are to get the economy back up and running. Thus if you are an adult in the IRS tax base, even if you don't pay taxes you can be in their base as a person who doesn't pay taxes, then you should get a check if you make under the minimum. What your needs are is not a determining factor. It's just being an alive citizen in the IRS Tax base.
March 19, 2020
I pray that those on SSI get a relief check. My son is disabled and doesn't get that much a month. We need things we cannot afford. When they said every American they should really mean EVERY American. We struggle every month. We should be included.
March 19, 2020
When they say Adults that means 18 years or older right?
Tina Carter
March 19, 2020
Are people that are on social security and ssi Going to get it the 1,000 payment
March 19, 2020
Will people on disability/social security receive a check too?
Janeen S
March 19, 2020
I am employed due to accident over a year how does it affect me I have zero income and savings is gone
March 19, 2020
I am on SSI disability and was also wondering if I will get a check this has really been a toll on all of us..and really would like to know
March 19, 2020
i filed taxes 2018 but not 2019 (could not work from bad injury and had to go on government assistance). would i not get check then? i seen as ineligible? i need check too to pay bills as i work part time now and will file taxes this year. i do best i can. shattered areas in my pelvis, cocyx, vital organs damaged.....i really try.
March 19, 2020
will those of us on SSI receive a stimulus check
March 19, 2020
Will I resive too the check receiving Ssi
March 19, 2020
I'm a single parent on disability but I cannot file and get a tax refund. Will me and my 15 yr old daughter get a stimulus check? We really struggle to make ends meet on my small amount of disability.
March 19, 2020
Single Parents with kids in household should be counted as 2 adults for payment.
March 19, 2020
How do you know if you are going to be getting this check? Is there some kind of application we have to fill? Or is it automatic based on our income?
March 19, 2020
Will SSDI Recipients Receive The Stimulus Money?