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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

March 20, 2020
I am single mother that can't work not on disability wonder who are getting the checks
March 20, 2020
Please can someone tell us if the pyon SSI or SSDI will we get a check too. It would help us out too. So please just tell us yes or no that's all we want n need to know. Thank you so much An God bless you all
Dodren n't use…
March 20, 2020
I would like to know I'm disabled and can't work and can't draw ssi or any thing how do I get a stimulus check
March 20, 2020
If this does happen and $1000 dollar checks are sent to house hold address. How can I change where i want it sent? If the check is not directed to my name on the check. My father and step mom will not tell me keep it. I do not live with them, but they are scum and let me lose everything and just lie. Please help me out I what I should do. Should I change my current address to my homeless shelter address? Please, this money means everything to someone living check by check and bunkering in a homeless/sober living place. I don’t know what I would do if they did.
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by jw_vaden

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 20, 2020
Will people who get SSI or ssdi or both get a government relief check's too or no. Need answers please!???
March 20, 2020
Will people on SS that don't file taxes receive a stimulis check .
March 20, 2020
It doesn't answer the question at hand does everyone get it including people on SSI or SSD
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Mick317

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 20, 2020
Will people that are on social security get a check and that are on disability
March 20, 2020
I draw my sdi and SSDI due to a nearly fatal truck wreck in 2009.., I am supposed to receive 792 per month..the state of Texas sees fit ti tske , almost 50 percent of mine for child support on My gour kids with my ex-wife I actually only get about 400 a month out of both checks to live in.. forced to live in a constant roommate situation to my situation is very bad one..will wr actually get anything from the d Stimulus..i did not get the one from obama the tex attorney general garnished it. If we do get it...will this money garnished too and all go to my ex like every raise i get too,,??. I can't afford a lawyer to fight back..leagal aid won't touch it..i fear loosing it all to them too..the kids sre all actually grown up and don't even live with her but dhe lives on back due because my payment was about 500 per month and dhe was only getting half that i haf another child after them do the child support got split up and everything above the the amountshe got grom mecwent back fue with intrest attached..i have over 15000 in just intrest alone being paid jt gets bigger every year i will be long Dead before its paid at this i need to forget about getting the help or will they not take it,,??
March 20, 2020
i was wondering if home's who get food stamps that cant get jobs would get this same benefit like everyone else on the money or just people who has jobs and a business?
Carolyn Moore
March 20, 2020
I have not worked in 2 years, and been trying to get SSDI but has not been approved. What does this mean for me. I have tried to find answers online only to find no information for people like me. I do get Food Stamps, would that be a connection to receive help?
March 20, 2020
I was wondering like most who get foodstamps, ssi, ssd, ss and dont make enough to file taxes are we also getting money to help. To me it would be unfair that we are not included, we are suffering and on fixed income, and we all regardless if we file or not should be also included. People that are disabled and low income we are struggling just like everyone else. We cant go out and stock up, as we dont get enough money each month to do so.
Mr. Holland
March 20, 2020
Will disabled vets also receive a check?? Im not 100 percent but i could also use some help to try to prepare to bunker down ... Im out of food and have two therapy pets..????
Jinelee Shafer
March 20, 2020
It seems as if we are not going to get an answer as to whether disabled ssi/ssdi or vets will get stimulus. But i agree with many on this page, so refreshing to see humanity at work
March 20, 2020
I'm on ssi, I hope those on fixed incomes will also, get a stimulus check, anything would help,and is appreciated
March 20, 2020
Thank you! But I too would like to know if disability and ssi recipients will be receiving this much needed stimulus money??!!
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Catherine

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

April 10, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

If I have public assistance in sacto Cali what form do I use to get the check? Do I still get a check?
March 20, 2020
I am retired with SSA as only income. Amount is too small to file income tax. Will I receive the stimulus check given to every American?
March 20, 2020
Things are changing by the minute, we understand, and this is a crisis we've never before had to navigate. Along with the fears and concerns of trying to avoid infection and unknowingly communicating that infection to others, every American is facing tremendous financial uncertainty in the coming months. The stimulus checks will be spent on those things we're going to need to tie us over for a few months until we get a handle on the virus...stocking our pantries so we won't have to go out as frequently, perhaps submitting to the cable companies' monopoly rates now that we should "stay home," possibly buying that washing machine to avoid the public laundromats, hiring someone to go shopping for us or help keep our homes disinfected. But, as expected, it seems the stimulus plan doesn't apply to senior citizens or adults who earned their SSD benefits or veterans who have suffered a serious disability and don't "earn" their income. Let me tell you something- we "earned" our incomes and "paid" dearly for them and to be forgotten, once again, is shameful. We contribute to the economy just as anyone else does and many of us contribute even more so in volunteering our time and helping others because we can. Thanks, again, for forgetting the seniors and disabled veterans. We'll remember every one of you on election day and you'll see how it feels to be another forgotten one.
jeff T
March 20, 2020
I’m not homeless but I was wondering if the homeless will be able to also get a stimulus check also. Let’s be honest everyone is entitled to collect this payment.
March 20, 2020

In reply to by jeff T

I agree with you and people in my family have not been able to find work for over 2 years and it is a hardship for everyone. They should also come up with a way to have a list of people who need the check and also from that list get them work when it is all said and done. By not working we are almost homeless so I feel you.
ReedyDon't use…
March 20, 2020
Will those on disability receive a corona virus check
March 20, 2020
Hi, question now that Calif is on lockdown we all need to stay home. Im on SSI and this has broken me..I need to stock up.. Is this true on this money. How do I get it, is there a form this is scary,,confusing,, and every grocery stores selves are empty.. It's not were your allowed to get two bottle water only,,I'm battling cancer and I'm following the stay inside, home,, but,,I have nothing,,, I'm low on food, water,,etc,, so,, please help me to know how to get this money are so I even get it being I get an SSI check monthly?
March 20, 2020
Alot of us are wondering would this program qualify for people receiving SSI , SSDi ,ssd? Do we have to file taxes in past to receive the stimulus check. If so would we still receive stimulus check if someone claims us in their taxes. People on social security dont make enough to file taxes but would really need help with stimulus check to get by these hard times please reply cause I know I'm not only one wants to know thank you God bless
March 20, 2020
So why did the news announce that if you have little money you will get help but if you have lots of money you won’t? What will be the basis of determination? AND will they take legal status in this country into account? VERY CONFUSING
Cubs punk
March 20, 2020
Will SSI and disabled Americans be getting a stimulus check from the government????
March 20, 2020
Is people wit disability getting the 1000 checks an homeless people it be a blessing because i barley make it with my income know ty
March 20, 2020
Will the people on Social Security disability receive a stimulant check??
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Maky

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 20, 2020
I like to know if ppl ss SSI getting the stimulus check we are effect by this to everyone is not just working ppl
March 20, 2020
So what if people don't even have direct deposit and what if they didn't even apply for tax's people should be able to send there names and these kid name just because of that... because u wouldn't know I didn't file for tax's and I don't got direct deposit that's what u have to think about
March 20, 2020
I hope the people that's on disability will receive it also my aunt is on it and she had to stack up on food and now it's gone it won't be fair
March 20, 2020
I got out of prison going on three months ago. I have been working to pay my fees and support myself. Now that all this is going on I will not be able to afford even a meal. Will I be able to receive a stimulus check, so that I can be able to eat, pay my rent and bills, and take care of my fees to remain free.
Dale l
March 20, 2020
when will we get the check
March 20, 2020
Will ssd people receive the stimulus checks as well?
March 20, 2020
Under senator McConnell plan my family of 6 would get nothing because they are using 2018 tax records I provide 24 hour care for my disable son and started started a job in Dec. 2018 where I get paid to care for him.
March 20, 2020
Will Senior and Veterans get 2020 stemus checks
March 20, 2020
I have 2 kids and adopted nother child I have been working sence Jan 1st 2019 so I have no tax returns in 2018 how is it fear I wont get check when I working now its affecting me now...but I wont get money cause I didnt work in 2018
March 20, 2020
We the disabled have had to be out of pocket more than ever and we need stimulus relief also but I'm not hearing us mentioned. Some of these families Just received 10 thousand dollars in refunds, we are struggling barely getting by we need help too
March 20, 2020
I receive Social Security disability but I don't make enough to have to fill out taxes so since I do not fill out taxes will I still get the stimulus check
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Cheryl777

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 20, 2020
I was forced out of work and found out i will receive less than 500$ in unemployment a MONTH you talk about a stimulus check but those that make more money and still working will get more. REALLY, I'm the one hurting and the realization that I wont even make enough to pay my house payment let alone car notes, power, or food is depressing. Why is this money not going to the ones that is struggling the most?
March 20, 2020
Will people on ssi receive a stimulus check?
eagles fly
March 20, 2020
will people who are getting social security be getting a check as well?
March 20, 2020
Can someone tell me how to apply for the funds?
April 13, 2020

In reply to by RC

Been in treatment program an d doing side cash jobs when available..undertable..not filed in 10 years..what to my girlfriend and DOGS..NOW NO WORK..PLEASE HELPS..