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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

April 12, 2020
I receive SSI and I have two kids that qualify do I have to fill out the form to get the stimulus for them? Also will I get the $1200 on my direct express card an how will I receive the money of my kids?
fed res joey
April 12, 2020
If I owe federal restitution do I still get the stimulus check?
April 12, 2020
I'm on social security disability and have a 2yr old daughter how will I get money for her if she is not on my case?
April 15, 2020
Will the my stimulus check come to ME ? Or will somebody else be allowed to take it ? I am in a rehab home, who will GENERALLY grab MY money and pretend it is the money I owe them for rent. A direct deposit ? Does the gov't know what banking firm I am connected with ? I have been WITHOUT money for months, since the rehab takes it ALL ! I need to catch up -- a little --- on my bills, NOT have the landlord grab it !
Paul Kelliher
April 12, 2020
I'm currently awaiting an answer on my SSDI claim. Am l eligible for a stimulus check?? And how do l apply?
Barry Frazier…
April 12, 2020
Will stimulus check be put on my Direct Express card.
April 12, 2020
I have to pay taxes every year therefore I do not have direct deposit. Can ANYBODY tell me if I am on the list of being paid last? I am an essential employee at a military installation (contractor) who's company is NOT paying her as I am under quarantine as a high risk patient. The stimulus check would cover what I am not being paid for these 14 days.
April 12, 2020
I owe $200 in back child support. Will they take that out of the stimulus check & give me the rest? Or will they keep the entire check?
April 12, 2020
My son mom just passed and im now primary guardian and i didnt claim him on taxes what do i do
April 12, 2020
I hope that people who is playing child support get a stimulus check
April 12, 2020
I changed banking Institutions in Dec..I filed my taxes last night, with new info, If they already tried putting through last year's tax return, will they retry?
April 12, 2020
Two things. I receive Social Security and I file my taxes (small e-commerce business), including 2018. Will I get my stimulus check via my SS direct deposit route? OR mailed to the address on my 2018 return? Because I no longer even LIVE in the same state as I did when I filed, and that is a bad address. I am rather desperate and confused as to my payment status, please advise
April 12, 2020
Do we get a check or the direct Express
April 12, 2020
Did we get the Coronavirus-related checks yet?
April 12, 2020
What do you do if you don't get a check.
April 12, 2020
I'm in ssi and below the poverty level...i owe back child support due to having so little money ans my medical expenses....will i still receive a stimulus check
April 12, 2020
Will people with tax liens get a stimulus check
April 12, 2020
will stimulus check be put on direct express card from social security?
Dolphus jackson
April 12, 2020
Will i recieve a 1200.00 caronavirous check i am on ssi
April 12, 2020
I am on disability for my kidneys and I receive a check do I get a check?
Brandon C
April 12, 2020
I’m 18 and working and I’ve filed my 2019 taxes but my parents claimed me as a dependent in 2018, so do I still get my stimulus check if they claimed me in 2018 when I was 17?
Bradley 400
April 12, 2020
I'm getting a SSDI check on my dad's social security number and I am also getting SSI check on my social security number will I still get any of the stimulation package money
Gwendolyn henry
April 12, 2020
Hi am 48 On disabilityWill I receive a check to my direct express card from the governmen Thank you
April 12, 2020
My children receive survivors benefits we receive the money on a direct express card will we be eligible for a stimulious payment ? I also receive a ssa 1099 each year for both of my children's benefits. Thank you .
Ronald fortson…
April 12, 2020
I have a direct express card will I re five a stimulus payment on my card
April 13, 2020
Will stimulus check arrive on direct express card.
April 13, 2020
If I'm a representative payee, for my nephew for survior social security which I was for his sister as well since 2016. his sister is now 19 . he only receives it he is 16 will I get the 1200.00 I didn't file taxes since 2017 because of the social security
April 13, 2020
Will I get the stimulus check I draw ssa ssi disability I have the green MasterCard that my benefits are put on will they put my stimulus money on it and i haven't filde tx in almost 20 years do i need to file
Morning 72
April 13, 2020
I’m the payee of a minor child on disability,can I receive a stimulus check?
April 13, 2020
If on ssi do you have to file a simple tax’s from to get check it’s unclear ?
Jerry's Jinx
April 13, 2020
So my 2 children's biological father owes over $50,000 in back child support but is in prison for being an absolute idiot. But, my question is, would he even be considered for a stimulus check and if so would it be confiscated in an attempt to pay up some of the back child support?
Young mother
April 13, 2020
I receive my stimulants check today but it was just for 1200 will they thinned out the money for the children later on or should it have all been together
Gwendolyn henry
April 13, 2020
Hi am 48 On disabilityWill I receive a check to my direct express card from the governmen Thank you
Randy bolafka
April 13, 2020
Will I get stimulas check go on direct express card
April 13, 2020
I believe it is real bad how our government is treating people that owe child support. My son was locked up for 5 years for a crime that he did not comment. I had 3 of his children and his wife had the other 2. I never received any support from the government except Medicaid because his youngest son was a pre baby. When he got of prison he has had a job and child support has been taking money out of his check plus interest. Now he lost his job at no fault of his own, but he still have 3 children he is raising. He will not get a check. I believe that for very American that falls in this situation should contact our government. He is not a beat no good dad, I did not have money to afford a good lawyer so he pulled his 5 years of his term and trying to straighten out his live. I feel sorry for him.
Sylvia Gene Ph…
April 13, 2020
What do I do if my spouse passed away on February 18,2020 , what happens in this case
April 14, 2020
It says I will get my money Wednesday and it's only 1200 I have a son who I claim every year where is the $500 for him??who do I talk to about that???
Charlene Haynes
April 13, 2020
Will the United Postal service forward checks to people that have moved and only summit a change of address with the post office.
April 13, 2020
I get supplemental security income do I need to fill out the non filers information or will the 1200 go on my DirectExpress card?
Don't robert s…
April 13, 2020
I have asked you if I have to find a fill out some kind of a special form I make $12,000 a year I've been on disability for 30 years do I have to fill out some kind of a special form you guys are confusing me it's either a yes or a no tell me please if so what form I don't know how you can screw things up like you have done
FTC Staff
April 15, 2020

In reply to by Don't robert s…

If you get Social Security, Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Railroad Retirement benefits, you will get a payment automatically from the IRS.

Terra Lynn
April 13, 2020
My mother is on SSI an was wondering if she is going to get the check as well? She has been on ssi for a few years .
Robert Sabbe
April 13, 2020
I have been on Social Security disability for 30 years I make less than $12,000 a year do I have to fill out some kind of a form to get my stimulus check yes or no
April 13, 2020
When we receive stimulus money DO we have to PAY this money back to government?
Harry a allen
April 13, 2020
What about those who get mental health disability and are homeless do we qualify and if so when will it come can anyone answer that for me
Harry s allen
April 13, 2020
I get direct deposit please let me know through text
April 13, 2020
I carry my daughter who is 43 on my taxes. Can she get a stimulus check
April 13, 2020
Regarding the stimulus check. Where can I find information for a disability recipient, that filed a joint tax return last year? For example. Will they send our checks together or will the disability recipient get theirs separately? How does the child allowance work payment wise? Whom would receive it if they split our checks up? We got our tax check in paper form at the tax office last year. But the disability recipient has direct deposit. My son filed for the first time last year and already got his stimulus check deposited. So I became curious, sorry for all the questions. Thank you. Hope everyone is safe and well.