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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

March 22, 2020
I would be considered "tax-exempt" and not qualify because I was fired before my last tax return? even though I had a job and paid more taxes before that?
March 22, 2020
Where does the government get the individual's name and address to send the check?
March 30, 2020

In reply to by Andy

My stepdaughter got divorced and has been unemployed for 5 years she moved back with us and I have claimed her as a dependent the last 2 years is she eligible for the government stimulus check
March 22, 2020
Thank you for letting us know what is going on and who to keep an eye out for!!
March 22, 2020
I wont to know is ssi and people on food stamps getting the stimulus check
FTC Staff
March 23, 2020

In reply to by Benmullins357

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 22, 2020
If u have 0 income will u get a check? I have no income and was wondering
March 27, 2020

In reply to by Tammy_6710

I dont have income at all but i get food stamps i get the check ?
March 31, 2020

In reply to by Tammy_6710

Every american is getting a stimulus check just to the rich you have no income so you are definitely getting one
March 22, 2020
If me and my daughter is on SSI and my ex-husband well we're legally separated file taxes on her and me we will we still get the stimulus check through SSI cards
March 22, 2020
my wife is 78 years old and I am 81 years old do we both get a $1,000.00 dollars check or only one get it ?
March 22, 2020
How will they know where to mail our checks?
March 22, 2020
I understand you cannot confirm IF there will be a 2020 stimulus check much less how much it might be. Can you confirm *IF* a stimulus check eventually gets planned, approved and ready to be sent out, if people on SSDI will be *excluded* for any reason or have people on SSDI been excluded in the past stimulus packages?
March 26, 2020

In reply to by Riismail

I did not file 2018 tax return, i dont have income since 2010 ,my adress change and dont have direct deposit with the IRS how do i receive stimulus and if i still get it .
March 22, 2020
How will they know where to send your check? Address and or bank account info?
March 22, 2020
If you didnt file a tax return for 2018 or 2019 will i still be eligible?
D scott
March 26, 2020

In reply to by Keith

That's a good question...I wish someone would answer it.
March 22, 2020
If I don't get a check who do I call?
March 22, 2020
What about all the full time RVers? I don't get any government assistance, not even social security, I structured my life savings so I'm below poverty but will have $ coming in until I'm 92. I sure could use a new generator!
FTC Staff
March 23, 2020

In reply to by Punababe808

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 22, 2020
How will the government know where to send checks if a person has moved?
Luciano Lopez
March 26, 2020

In reply to by Lsulli87

I just got a new home my wife and three daughters and filed income old adress how will they kno to send to my new adress
Father's of kids
March 22, 2020
I'm a single parent and pay child support, and unable to work do to health issues under doctor care do the people in my group qualify for the check
March 22, 2020
Hey dose every one get a check thats living on the ask an other disabilty checks
March 22, 2020
I am a laborer and I don’t file taxes am I eligible for stimulus check ?
March 22, 2020
How do I apply for stimulus if I don't have a physical address? But I get my mail at my mothers address.
April 10, 2020
Well we get a extra check for this con.virus if we are both me and my husband are on ssi also
March 22, 2020
Nobody knows if you will get a check yet....Got to wait for them to vote on a stimulus bill, but the democrats are proposing people on SSI, SS and SSDI to get an additional $200 per month through 2021, but it's up in the air until they work it out.
March 22, 2020
Will the stilumate check will it on ours April 1 2020
FTC Staff
March 23, 2020

In reply to by Hollywood

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 23, 2020
Would the homeless be getting a stimulus check ?
Doreen Caputo
March 25, 2020

In reply to by MrsStokes95

I know I'm homeless and disabled and I've had to shell out more money in response to the COVID and constraints on society. Even if it was half say 500-600 it would help
Don't use your…
March 23, 2020
I ssd will we get a stimulus check.
March 23, 2020
I was married and filed a 2018 tax return jointly but now I’m divorced will I get a stimulus cgeck
March 25, 2020

In reply to by pp

Following, I'm legally separated now in a different state and almost divorced.
March 25, 2020

In reply to by pp

I have the same question as well. Married in 2018 filing jointly but now divorced and I haven't filed 2019 taxes yet. Will I receive a check or will my ex? We have a child also, who will get that money?
March 23, 2020
They, didn't say if the people that's on social security disability were getting a check or not. I feel ever person in American should receive one
March 23, 2020
I have absolutely no income coming in are we going to see these Surplus checks or not I'm facing eviction and with this pandemic I'm an out-of-work server I would truly like to know if I'm going to get any kind of help
Doreen Caputo
March 25, 2020

In reply to by Julia7

From what it sounds like there would be a separate pot of cash that you would have to apply for. But don't quote me. I am pretty sure that they are basing this almost entirely on those who filed taxes last year. Idk. That what it looks like
March 23, 2020
Hi I haven't filed taxes for 3 years mostly because of medical reasons I am trying to work this out with IRS however this is taking some time I guess my question is will I be getting a check to or am I not going to get it because I have not filed taxes for 3 years. Thank you
brian j schaar
March 23, 2020
? will i get a Stimulus Check Social Security review is pending Why judge Never update my medical records. I have no money at all .. Social Security has suspended the following workloads until further notice: We will not start or complete any current medical continuing disability reviews. If you have a medical continuing disability review pending, please do not request medical information from your doctors at this time. We will follow up with you for any medical evidence once the COVID-19 public health emergency subsides. Where possible, we are suspending our process
March 23, 2020
Will permanent resident receive the check as well?
March 23, 2020
Will working, dependent college students over 18 receive a 2020 stimulus check?
March 23, 2020
As a disabled veteran and single mother of 3 who receives no other state benefits I'd like know if we'll recieve any additional benefits during this crisis.
FTC Staff
March 23, 2020

In reply to by CMF

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

Mrs.Brittney l…
March 23, 2020
I cant work and was forced to go on public assistance until my SSI claim goes thru will i receive a stimulus check,i am among the poorest in the country,with only having $16 to pay for everything after my rent is paid..DSS barely gives you anything to live off of..with a total of $366/mo. And $194 in foodstamps.