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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

March 30, 2020
Hey FTC the bill was finalized so how about you start answering some of these fine folks questions already!!
March 30, 2020
So do the whole world get them even if you got hired then this virus shutdown a lot of jobs will u still get it
March 30, 2020
How about moms or dads who who rotate the children on their income taxes(one year mom claims them the second year dad does) who will get the check for the children? And then will the parent who got paid have it deducted from 2019 taxes.
MomOf 4
March 30, 2020
Okay so, my husband just got hit with being ordered to pay child support for a child that he’s never met or had anything to do with due to the mother not allowing it and putting a restraining order against him all because they couldn’t make it work to be together for the child. The child just turned 5 in December, yet he has always sent the mother money when she needed it and when we had it along with school clothes and stuff for Christmas and all that. But because it wasn’t on record it doesn’t count. So on March 20th 2020 he was ordered to pay child support starting in May but now he’s got a back pay of 14K as of March 20th 2020. My husband and I have 4 kids (2mine before him and 2 together) and I am currently 33 weeks pregnant. So since he is starting out behind on child support, will they take our full stimulus check meaning the $2,400 for being married and then $500 for each of the 4 kids, or will they just take his $1,200 and leave mine $1,200 and the $500 for each kid? Because he was the only one working and his job has been closed down from all this stuff going on. So if they take the full stimulus check of everything we will be left with nothing and kick out after all this is over because our rent alone is $1,200 a month.
Teresa Burnett
March 30, 2020
I have seen my question 3times with NO response.. I'm on dissability with ful custody of a minor grandchild, with a do I include him on my stimulus check.?
We need answers
March 30, 2020
Is anyone going to answer these questions about those who are on SS or SSDI...there are people out here that depends on those month to month checks. Now with this COVID19 many are affected one way or another. I have family memebers who live off these month to month checks and now they are worried on how they are going to pay their rent, bills, and provide food for themselves and family.
Mary B.
April 20, 2020

In reply to by We need answers

I have no income and no one claims me am I entitled to stimlus check
March 30, 2020
How do I add my direct deposit information instead of receiving a check by mail?
Mom who owes
March 30, 2020
I owe back support for 2 of my kids but also have 2 kids i dont recieve child support for, i am a female that cant pay her bills barely scrapping by for food and cant pay my rent and bills, i need help, are there no resources for people like me? We need help
March 30, 2020
I am 18 years old and filed single on my taxes, and my parents received a child tax credit for me. I work full time and consistently pay taxes, do I qualify for the stimulus check?
Montie Smith
March 30, 2020
I get SS check oh my direct Express card will the $1,200 go on it
March 30, 2020
I’m writing because I have a question. My ex-wife claimed three kids on your taxes this year whereas I’m on Social Security disability and don’t file taxes but I collect Social Security for the five kids because they live with me 75% of the time during the month. How would these get distributed? My ex also is married and has three other kids that should be claiming. Chris
Ex wife
March 30, 2020
We filed married Filing jointly last year. This year we are separated and not yet divorced. My ex husband has an account with the IRS and I don’t. Will he end up getting my benefits along with his? How do I claim mine separately?
March 31, 2020
My husband filed taxes without me being there to sign and documents. Now we are separated due to him beating me up in front of my 14yr old.. we also closed the acct which is the same acct we got our taxes refund direct deposit. Now him and are no longer together due to the domestic violence issue. Will I get our stimulus paper check since the account is closed? I am not working and it dont seem like I am going to start a new job anytime soon due to the Corona virus
Linda Doyle
April 12, 2020

In reply to by Jessi

I'm 68 years old live by myself and I'm on SSI my granddaughter claim me on her taxes will I still receive a stimulus check since I really need it and can't live without it
Shorty red54
March 31, 2020
Does a person not working or filing get a stimlus check
March 31, 2020
My husband and I are both disable and on SSI and disability.Together we make less than 12,000 a year. Our checks go on our direct express cards. I need to know if we'll still receive. A 2,400 sinus check due to the con19virus. And if so when will it go into our direct express accounts? Thank you!
April 03, 2020
If I’m not working ,not receiving no money at all . Do I receive this check they sending out .i don’t do Texas because I don’t work . Thank you
March 31, 2020
Ok so I live on my own e we it’s my husband and son and Ik the stimulus checks say ur not eligible if you can be claimed as a dependent I filed my 2018 tax return but didn’t really make enough to file my 2019 return and also in 2018 I had claimed my son now I let my mom claim me when she did her tax return in 2019 but she hasn’t claimed me for awhile and I’ve been living by myself with my husband and son except I did spend half the 2019 year living at my mom until we cld get our credit up and get an apartment basically I’m wondering if I still don’t qualify for the stimulus check or wld they maybe go back and look at my 2018 return and see if I was actually a dependent or not I’m now 30 I was 29 when she claimed me
March 31, 2020
I’m a single mom of two, I’m disabled but do not receive disability yet , I do receive welfare for my two children, I did file taxes in 2018 but do not live at that address anymore, will I receive a check if so how?
March 31, 2020
i am on ssdi and also i get a small 400 check a month for taking care of my disabled roommate, i did file taxes in 2019, will i get one, or 2 checks
March 31, 2020
Filed married in 2019, our refund went to his checking account. Divorced in December; will my portion of the funds go to his checking account?
March 31, 2020
How soon will people that have direct express cards for ssi and SSD?
Linda Doyle
April 11, 2020

In reply to by Ann

I'm 68 years old and my granddaughter claim me on her taxes but I live by myself I don't live with her will I still receive a check
Linda Doyle
April 20, 2020

In reply to by Linda Doyle

I am 68 years old reside by myself my granddaughter claim me on her taxes back in January. I get SSI and that's it which is less than $10,000 a year I need help desperately I've had two spine surgeries and ankle surgeries in the past year and I don't leave the house unless I go to doctors appointments. I've had to buy take out food for the past month and it left me broke. Plus I also paid all my bills. I don't think it's fair and I want to know who the hell I can talk to him about this are the people receiving checks that make more money than I do why am I going through this I'm stressed out to the Max and sick over the whole thing help I need help desperately
Linda Doyle
April 25, 2020

In reply to by Linda Doyle

I've already told you everything there is to know about myself I'm 68 on SS I live alone and my granddaughter claim me on her taxes back in January. I got two spine surgeries and ankle surgery in the past year I don't go out of the house hardly at all except for go to the doctor's appointments now I'm told I can't get the stimulus check which I don't think is fair because I don't make hardly any money at all as it is who do I turn to there are people out there than make it a lot more money than I am and they're going to get the check I don't think this is fair at all I still haven't received a reply from you people what is going on. Can anyone help me
March 31, 2020
I'd like an answer on why people that aren't or can't work that did not file for income tax still don't get any money we still have to live to what does pandemic also even if it's not the whole check like everybody else we deserve something to try to live through this so why are we getting anything
Don't use your…
March 31, 2020
Are the custodial parent going to get the non custodial parent stimulus check for back pay child support?????
March 31, 2020
I am a 32 year old single stay at home mother of three children, i live with my elderly parents and help take care of them, i do not work except to take care of my children and my parents. I have never worked long enough to make enough money to file taxes, will i receive a check?
March 31, 2020
How will the IRS take into account divorce and separated people since 2018?
March 31, 2020
People who get a disability check and I owe back child support well they get a stimulus check even though they're on disability?
March 31, 2020

In reply to by Teaguelr

Yea u get a stimulus package but child support going to take it
March 31, 2020
Do homeless people get stimulus checks
March 31, 2020
Does college student get checks if they don’t work or use to work? And does it only apply to US citizen n SSC. If not then we have a problem.
Don't use your…
March 31, 2020
I moved last year so will my stimulus check go to my new address?
March 31, 2020
So I’ve had an issue when I filed for 2019 and it was not received so I have to refile. In 2018 I used a bank I had at the time for direct deposit for my tax refund and as of 2020 I have a new bank account and I was just wondering how can I change that information before the stimulus checks are sent out because I won’t receive it if you send it to my old bank account.
April 01, 2020

In reply to by breymas

I have basically the same question. So please let me know what you find out
March 31, 2020
I am a mother of a disabled child. I am not working. She is currently on SSI. We also get food stamps and section 8. Do I qualify for the check? Also where would it go?
March 31, 2020
It is now the 30th. They are saying check three weeks. Still no word in SSDI SSI SSI Disability People want to know. Can you answer that now. Please
Radiostation1 …
April 03, 2020
Being on S.S. will we get a check from the gov. and on S.S.I also for help.
March 31, 2020
I didn't file taxes this year but I did draw last year, And I draw food stamps so will I get this money over this covid 19
March 31, 2020
What if I filed jointly with my husband who owes child support? I am not ordered to pay for any child but my husband owes for his daughter. Will mine, my sons, and my stepsons money get taken as well?
Is it fair?
March 31, 2020
If you owe back child support but are making monthly payments, is it fair to have covid19 stimulus money intercepted?? Non essential workers forced to stay home during mandatory stay at home order does not help situation. Please reconsider.
March 31, 2020
Will I get the stimulus payment on my direct express card if that’s normal way my ssdi is disrupted?