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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

April 02, 2020
I wanted to know will I receive any money from the stimulus package because I don't have an income at the moment? I only receive food stamps and I don't file taxes either?
April 02, 2020
What if your last name doesn't currently match your name on file with the Social Security office due to a name change? How will we deposit a stimulus check?
April 02, 2020
I get a retirement annuity from the USPS because I’m retired no social security I’m 61 years old filed taxes last year automatically deposited into my bank account I paid , do I get a stimulus check I get roughly 23,000 yearly
April 02, 2020
I'm disabled and getting SSD. Was divorced Feb 2018 and later same year filed married for taxes with federal going to exes bank and state going to mine and her paying me the difference in cash. I haven't needed to file taxes since. I don't know if my stimulus will go to her account or come to me via the same as my regular monthly benefit. I don't know how to inform the IRS where to send mine and afraid my ex will keep it if sent to her.
struggling dad
April 02, 2020
How is that fair that people that owe tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes, or student loans get there stimulus money but I owe back support and pay my current support every week on time and pay the amount I am required to pay each week towards my back support? This isn't fair one bit! I am out of work due to this, i have a mortgage, vehicle payment plus utilities and they are all going to be late. Unemployment has been filed 2 weeks ago and still have gotten nothing or even an approval. I cant feed my kids that live with me or myself. This is needs to be changed or what is the point of this whole stimulus payment. They are getting there $1200 bucks plus mine? This is SO Wrong!
Don't use your…
April 02, 2020
Do people on SSDI get a check
its not fair
April 02, 2020
Back child support should not be held in this case. I pay my child support on time every week, in full and a portion goes towards my back support! I didnt get any of my tax refund, no she is going to get my stimulus check for me and my kids that live with me because i owe back support? How is that fair? I have ZERO income right now because the state unemployment is taking forever to process and we have no food in the house or the ability to get any!
April 02, 2020
How is it fair that a single father wont get his stimulus because he owes back child support? i pay it every week on time, and pay the back support that I am ordered to, on time. How is it fair that she will get that money plus her own stimulus check? There are people that owe tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes but they are going to get there money. This needs to be addressed and changed. We deserve that money the same as the people that owe back taxes or unpaid student loans they never intend to pay!
April 02, 2020
My 19 year old started his first full time job less than a month ago and has moved out of our state living on his own. Last year he only had a part time job and lived at home. Any idea what sum he might be sent? I’m concerned that they will soon be closing his job site and he doesn’t receive sick pay.
April 02, 2020
My son was just turned down for the 3rd time for SSI. Will he be eligible for stimulas payment?
Angie La.
April 02, 2020
My ex and I have half custody and claim them every other year. 2019 was their year to claim our child, who gets the stimulus check for our child? They won’t give me half of it, so just wondering how that’s being handled? Will it be payable to both parents on behalf of the children?
April 03, 2020
Americans that get L&I pensions will they receive a stimulus check because of the Coronavirus in Washington State.
April 03, 2020
Does child support disqualify you from getting the stimulus loan?
April 02, 2020
Thank you very much . We need to be informed on scammers especially now .
April 02, 2020
What if I’ve been unemployed awaiting as approval will I still receive a chec?
April 02, 2020
I get SSI only and don't get a 1099. Already use direct deposit. Will I get an impact check/deposit?
April 02, 2020
Will the stimulus check be put on my Direct Express card I have with Ssi?
April 02, 2020
I am on social security and SSD I was just wondering do we have to file because I don't file cuz I don't make no money are we still going to get a check even though we don't file income tax
April 02, 2020
At first the government wanted to give $600 to the disabled,aged, or blind. It has since changed to $1200. Next they wanted disabled people to file a form but that has changed too. According to the IRS and Soc. Sec. you will not have to file if you don't usually file one.Check their sites for updates. Homeless people can also get the check but they must make the IRS or Soc.Sec or whatever evolves,aware of their financial data. They must know where to send the checks.
Welfare Recipoent
April 02, 2020
I am a welfare recipient. The only income I had for 2018 and 2019 was welfare. I have not filed taxes for 2018 or 2019 because welfare doesn’t count as income. Will I receive a check? Also can someone claim me as an dependent? Would I still receive the stimulus check then? Thank You!
Any info will …
April 02, 2020
I filed 2018 taxes, but am still going back and forth with the IRS to complete and receive my 2018 taxes. I have received my state for 2018. I can't complete 2019 until last year is taken care of. Will I be able to get a stimulus check? No info about my situation.
April 02, 2020
I have kids on SSI do they received the check
April 02, 2020
Are 100% service connected disabled Veterans eligible to receive a stimulus check and If so, how much will they receive, and will 100% service connected disabled Veterans have to file tax return in order to receive a stimulus check ?
April 02, 2020
I’m 20 and on unemployment from the virus neither of my parents claim me as a dependent am I eligible?
April 02, 2020
I dont have any income. I just get medical card and food stamps. I am trying to get SSI but nothing started yet do I get check
Lindaare they …
April 02, 2020
Are they going to use my Direct Express account for the stimulus check
April 03, 2020
Will people on Social Security or disability be receiving a check for the stimulus package? If so, do you know how much they will receive? If you receive Social Security benefits for retirement, disability or Supplemental Security Income, you are eligible to receive a stimulus check as long as you do not exceed the income limits. “If someone did not file a return for 2018 or 2019, they could still receive a check if they received Social Security retirement or disability benefits in 2019,” Winchester said. On April 1 the Treasury Department and IRS announced, “Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. Instead, payments will be automatically deposited into their bank accounts.” According to the Treasury, “The IRS will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 and Form RRB-1099 to generate $1,200 Economic Impact Payments to Social Security recipients who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019. Recipients will receive these payments as a direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their benefits.”
April 03, 2020
Why won't anybody answer the questions about the stimulus check being deposited into your Direct Express card. Is it or isn't it
April 03, 2020
April 03, 2020
Will I receive a stimulus check while being on food stamps?
April 03, 2020
What states are blocking the stimulus checks from going to back child support and sending them back to the parent who is behind? Also, is it determined by the state the parent who owes the back money is in? Or the state the child support case is in? Thanks so much in advance!!
April 03, 2020
My ex husband owes me $36k in back child support my case is active. Will i get his stimulus check?
April 03, 2020
Why don't I see any replies from the government to ANY of the questions?!?!
April 03, 2020
I am on my sons ssi disability check with his name will I receive a stimulus check? Plus my husband filed head of household and I didnt qualified as a dependent, do I have to fill out my own tax form? I am a caregiver to my husband with cancer and son with heart disease so I dont work.
April 03, 2020
I am 65 now and I started receiving ssi since I was 62. I owe back arrears in child support and My check for $1200.00 towards that. Now here is my question to whoever wants to answer it...I was doing rideshare as an independent contractor to supplement my income and I know I can apply for unemployment in the state of Nevada Will my weekly benefits (Unemployment payments) will be intercepted to pay my back child support arrears?
April 03, 2020
Will my stimulus check come in my direct express card?
April 03, 2020
How do you get your stimulus check if you get . Ssl checks
April 03, 2020
My wife is owed 30k in back child support will she get her ex's stimulus money?
Brian Lee knapp
April 03, 2020
I'm homeless and have no e.mai
April 03, 2020
I owe back child support but I have been making regular payments for over 4 years faithfully. Will I be eligible to receive a stimulus check?