If you took up baking during the pandemic, you may have ordered Pyrex bakeware promoted as “American as apple pie.” It turns out, says the FTC, some Pyrex glassware advertised as “proudly made in the USA” was actually made elsewhere. Read on to find out why that’s a problem.
According to the FTC’s complaint, Instant Brands, which owns Pyrex, has claimed that all Pyrex glass products are American-made. But during the pandemic, the company sold Pyrex measuring cups on Amazon that were made in China without clarifying that production had shifted there. While there’s no problem with selling foreign-made products that are clearly marked as such — advertising something as “Made in the USA” when it isn’t is false, misleading, and a clear violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act.
The agency’s proposed settlement order will stop Instant Brands from making further deceptive Made in USA claims and impose a monetary judgment for its past deceptive claims.
It can be hard to tell whether a company is telling the truth about the origin of its products, but keep in mind that in most cases companies can’t label or advertise their products as “Made in the USA” unless they can show that all (or almost all) parts, processing, and labor are of U.S. origin.
Think a company is breaking the rules by making phony “Made in the USA” claims? Tell us about it at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.
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Is it just Pyrex recently made in China, or always, and how can we as consumers tell?
Thank you so very much,
If it says made in America then it really needs to be true! Before I buy anything, I find out where it was made. I, for one, am really tired of things being sold in the USA that were made in China.
In reply to If it says made in America… by Barbara Delarwelle
Same here- 1000%.
If it says made in China (or PRC- People’s Republic of China), I leave it.
Unfortunately, I can’t find a TV made in USA.
In reply to If it says made in America… by Barbara Delarwelle
If the lable says “made in the USA,” and that is false, the company should be sued for false advertising. Fake Pyrex might crack and explode in an oven.
In reply to If it says made in America… by Barbara Delarwelle
We shouldn't have to do this. Everything made these days is cheaply made and do not last.
"It can be hard to tell whether a company is telling the truth about the origin of its products,"
'Difficult' - instead of your use of hard. Stop dumbing down america!
I did a search recently for Pyrex made in the USA and just trusted the information in the search results. Did not buy anything and glad now that I didn’t. Did not see any disclaimers any where about being made in China as an option.
Nicer to have the older Pyrex when they were not made in China.
Thank you so very much. We depend on you!
Yeah,As an American citizen I am really tired of the false advertisement also!! My ex father in law lost his job due to his factory closing and shipping to Mexico and he had ONE YEAR to go for retirement and had to FIND ANOTHER JOB TO START OVER!! I TRY TO BUY AS MANY THINGS AS I CAN THAT ARE MADE IN THE USA,EVERY SINCE THEN!! THAT'S BEEN 34 YEARS AGO!! SO QUIT LYING TO US!!!!
What an insult to the American consumer. This reflects so poorly on the integrity of the manufacturer.
I wish I could find more Americans made items I will be shopping for that from now on ty
It's about time action is being taken for all of the 'false' advertising and inuendos made and the abusers of our proud requirements and demands being identified and financially punished. Besides being 'free' we try and do stand up for HONESTY!!!
Thanks! Very helpful to know!
I do wish that that we would treat our corporate "citizen's" claims of "Made in America" as seriously as we treat a physical person's fraudulent claims of military valor, instead of allowing them to treat the consequences of such misbehavior as a cost of doing business.
Fake patriotism should be a shameful matter.
Thanks for sharing🙏
If it says “Made in the USA,” and is made in China, the company making that claim should pay a severe monetary penalty.
Ironically, Apple pie is British and old style Borosylicate PYREX is universal in Europe and made in France.
So strictly speaking as American as apple pie isn't misleading and made in USA is a good indicator of an inferior product.