Most of the time, if you send money to a scammer with a wire transfer, you don’t get money back. But if you paid a scammer through MoneyGram and filed a refund claim with Gilardi & Co., watch your mailbox. Refund checks worth over $115 million are on the way to almost 39,000 people whose claims were approved.
The refunds are distributing money from MoneyGram’s $125 million settlement with the FTC in 2018. In that case, the FTC and US Department of Justice charged that MoneyGram failed to meet agreements to crack down on consumer fraud involving money transfers. In 2021, people who paid scammers through MoneyGram between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2017, were eligible to file claims with Gilardi & Co., which is the claims administrator for the settlement. Gilardi & Co. is now sending checks to every person whose claim was approved.
The checks will say USPIS MoneyGram Remission Administrator and are drawn on Huntington National Bank. If someone says they can get you a refund if you pay them or give account information, that’s a scam. Don’t give money or information to anyone who promises to get you a refund. Read more about the case and these refunds at And if you filed a claim but don’t get a check, or if you have other questions about the refund process, contact Gilardi & Co. at
If you think you paid a scammer, contact the wire transfer company. Tell them it was a fraudulent transfer. Ask them to reverse the wire transfer and give you your money back. Learn what else to do if you were scammed, and please report what you see to the FTC at
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I never got word or knew I could file a claim nut back in 2019 I did send mo ey thru moneygrak to scammers. Why wasn't I notified to do this. I filed complaint with ftic back 2 or 3 years ago. I am upset
In reply to I never got word or knew I… by Carol Hull
I was scammed in 2016 and I never recieved any information about a class action suit to recover the money that I was scammed out of.
In reply to I was scammed in 2016 and I… by Gabriel Johnston
Oh well! Lawsuits over & paid out now
In reply to I never got word or knew I… by Carol Hull
I paid a scammer a few years ago, because he tricked me to pay him. How can I prove that I sent money through scam and get my money back.
In reply to I paid a scammer a few years… by Thomas Nguyen
I have lost every thing, I can’t do any thing and I’m not computer savvy , my account has been used, and closed , All my financial information is being used and I don’t have any resources at all, I’m financially and mentally drained, the bank has taken all my money I had left befor they closed account. I still had two thousand fifty dollars or so in savings that had no hold on it. I tryed to get that from bank I called, they told me to contact some atterney in florida, that the money was with drawn or given to the atterney. The atterney won’t return my call. It was a love scam and I don’t understand any of this. I am disabled and helpless. Sincerely, alondra
In reply to I have lost every thing, I… by Alondra salin
Report the scam to the FTC online at Or call 1-877-FTC-HELP to talk to a live operator.
In reply to I never got word or knew I… by Carol Hull
I received a claim form in the mail in 2020 with a claim number and Pin number . The form had to be filed out by June 21,2921 . Either sent back in by mail or you could go online and fill the form with your claim number . I went online and filled mine . I still have the original paper claim form today . I just received a full refund check on Feb.18,2023 . I’m so happy to get my money back
Hello my name is William Randolph I was just reading the 115 million goes to MoneyGram users who were scammed well I had did services for the FTC back in 2013 and they helped me in an order for me to be able to go forward and not regulate this fictitious information up here please respond to me back so I can get more information regarding what you do know or you don't know cuz I have received the check as well as it before and what's this check authorized from postal inspection division and did any of these victims who say that their victims of the scam where they linked to a military as well cuz I'm a consumer service evaluator for the ftc with my unpaid voluntary commission to them I would like to know I can't give you much information so that you don't go back and try to fix up the mistake of this transmission but let's do Fair securities and exchange I send you this and you send back to me the Court's minutes regarding this award
Did the checks get mailed out yet?
In reply to Did the checks get mailed… by Emma
I have not received check reimbursement yet. I am wondering the same thing.
In reply to Did the checks get mailed… by Emma
Yes, I received my check last week.
Did the checks get mailed out yet?
Isn't it a legal scam to sue a money transfer company for sending funds they were told to send, and could have been accused of discrimination if they didn't?
I received a letter today 02/17/2023 with a check explaining all this same information but the letter dated 02/23/2023, honestly this makes me concerned. The check info is the same that's listed on this website but I'm afraid to cash it. If someone could just explain why its predated to a week later I would appreciate it.
My check for $23,668 arrived today, Feb 18, 2023. I had long forgotten that I even filed a claim for it! Obviously, I will wait to see if my bank clears the deposit before I even THINK about spending any of that money.
In reply to My check for $23,668 arrived… by Paul Rauterberg
I received my check on Feb.18,2023 also . Waiting to make sure it clears the bank also . I so happy to get my money back
Have the checks been mailed out yet?
I was horrified when I was scammed. I thank you for my refund I just received Feb.18 2023. I feel very lucky to get my money back
I received my claim from back in 2020. It had a claim number and PIN number . I choose to go online and filled the form instead of mailing . I still have the original claim form today because I completed online. I am so excited that I received all my money back . I was shocked on feb.18 2023 I received a check after years have past .
Thank you so much
Does this money, need to be reported to the IRS?
BofA has put a hold on this check saying possible not enough funds possible fraud check, some how banks need to be aware that money is available I’ve been on check hold 5 days and possible may be cleared March 2 2023 this is totally unacceptable BOFA is the fraud
John Empting
BofA is putting checks on hold for 7 days to verify funds someone needs to notify bank the checks are good !!!!
Where have y’all cashed the checks nobody will accept them? Are they even real?
In reply to Where have y’all cashed the… by Tttt
I have mine I am trying to find out if its a real check. Does anyone know
In reply to I have mine I am trying to… by Barbara Cox
Yes, the refund checks are real and I cashed mine last week.
In reply to I have mine I am trying to… by Barbara Cox
I have mine and I am having trouble getting it cashed. Does anyone have this problem? And has anyone solved it? Please help!!!!
In reply to I have mine and I am having… by Monica
I received a check on February 17th, 2023 for $23,970 (TDbank) put a hold on the check for 10 days. As of March 17th, 2023 still holding the check claiming the check may be fraudulent, refusing to release the funds. I hope this matter to be resolved shortly.
Why only in case of WU remission even transfers outside of the US were eligible whereas in case of Moneygram remission , it was decided to only offer compensation to only transfers made from inside of the US and interestingly the claims admin has been the same ( Gilardi)
Refer to
Will it in future be extended to non US transferred too?
We lost huge amounts both via WU and moneygram
Extending moneygram remission to also cover even the non US based transfer as in case of WU remission will greatly help us to tide over the bad monetary situation
I need my money back