Scammers and dishonest businesses target people in every community, including in Native American communities. The information and free resources on this page will help you learn — and teach others — how to spot, avoid, and report frauds, scams, and bad business practices.
Below you'll find information on some common scams that impact Native American communities. To see the top frauds reported to the Federal Trade Commission in your area, go to
Avoiding and Reporting Scams
- How To Avoid a Scam – Recognizing these common signs of a scam could help you avoid one.
- What To Do If You Were Scammed – Find out steps you can take if you were scammed.
- Report Fraud, Scams, and Bad Business Practices – Your report could help the FTC stop scammers.
Free Resources to Share
You can help people learn about scams — whether you’re chatting with friends and family, sharing info on a social networking site, or taking resources to your local library. It’s easy to use and share these free resources from the FTC.
- Order free publications from the FTC
- Money Matters offers information on how to tackle common money issues head-on, as well as how to spot, avoid, and report frauds and scams that can affect your financial well-being. Money Matters also has related presentations you can use to teach others.
- has basic information on Managing Your Money; Credit, Loans and Debt; and Scams and Identity Theft; as well as a Toolbox with related lesson plans, worksheets and presentations, videos, and more.
- Get and share the latest updates on scams, frauds, and bad business practices