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Consumer Alert

Did someone tell you to move or transfer your money? It could be a scam

Alvaro Puig
Many impersonation schemes start with a call about a routine problem, like suspicious activity in your Amazon account. But in a new twist, the story quickly takes a more serious turn when you’re told someone is using your information to commit crimes and all your money is at risk.
Consumer Alert

Tracking the first winter storms of the year? So are scammers

Gema de las Heras
With all eyes on the severe weather moving around the country, scammers are paying attention, too. And they’re likely following the path of the storms to target the people affected. So, how do you protect yourself against weather-related scams?
Consumer Alert

Keep scammers away as you deal with East Coast storm damage

Gema de las Heras
Experience tells us that scammers will follow the record-setting winds, rainfall, and storm surge that have left thousands of East Coast residents, from Florida to Maine, under water or without power. As the waters recede, scammers will try to take advantage of people doing their best to recover, trying to steal money and personal information. So how do you protect yourself and those around you?
Consumer Alert

Recovering after tornados in Tennessee? Spot the scams

Gema de las Heras
As residents in Tennessee and other southern states begin to assess the damage caused by deadly tornados and severe weather over the weekend, we know the question is not if but when scammers will show up. Whether you’re a homeowner, a tenant, or a business, scammers will try to take advantage while you’re focused on cleaning up and fixing the damage.
Consumer Alert

Veterans and scams

Carol Kando-Pineda
As we approach Veterans Day, we thank our veterans for their service and sacrifice. But not everyone has a vet’s best interests in mind. Whether you left the service decades ago or you’re planning your transition to civilian life, scammers will try to get you to send money or share personal information. Scammers also want to get their hands on the valuable benefits you earned through military service. What are some ways to know you’re dealing with a scammer?
Consumer Alert

Children’s Health Insurance Program: Spot the scam

Marissa Hopkins
Finding and keeping health insurance for your family can be stressful and expensive. During the pandemic, your state’s Medicaid Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) might have helped — but with the end of the pandemic, states may be reaching out to update your family Medicaid enrollments. Except scammers might try to get to you first. So how can you spot them?
Consumer Alert

After Atlantic storm Lee, send scammers packing

Gema de las Heras
Atlantic storm Lee brought near-hurricane strength winds and torrential rains to many New England residents — many already affected by wildfires and severe flooding this summer. When you’re doing your best to recover from the destruction caused by back-to-back natural disasters, the words “I can help” may sound like music to your ears. And that’s exactly what scammers count on to try to steal your money or personal information. So how do you weed out the scammers and get real help?