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The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads

Dishonest advertisers make bogus claims about their weight loss products. Learn to spot and avoid bogus health claims.
Consumer Alert

Don’t be CBDeceived by junk science

Lisa Lake

If you’ve explored alternative treatments for medical conditions, you’ve probably noticed that CBD products are pretty popular.

Consumer Alert

Health product claims and false guarantees

Lisa Lake

If you’re looking for help with chronic pain, you might come across over-the-counter devices promising powerful, drug-free relief.

Consumer Alert

CBD, COVID-19 and cancer: The unfounded facts

Lisa Lake

The COVID-19 pandemic creates the perfect storm of hopes and fears that dishonest business try to exploit with fake promises of protection and healing.

Consumer Alert

Sprays and pills that cure it all? Not true.

Rosario Méndez

Marketers try to sell us things like sprays and pills that supposedly cure it all, help us lose weight, get rid of wrinkles, and more.