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Consumer Alert

Netflix phishing scam: Don’t take the bait

Colleen Tressler

Phishing is when someone uses fake emails or texts to get you to share valuable personal information – like account numbers, Social Security numbers, or your login IDs and passwords.

Consumer Alert

Random text message? No real prize is waiting for you

Cristina Miranda

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Don’t reply to — or click on — a link for a random text message you see on your phone saying that you’ve won a prize, gift card or an expensive electro


Kids and Mobile Phones

What age is appropriate for a kid to have a mobile phone? That's something for you and your family to decide.


Kids: Texting and Sexting

Any kid with a cell phone probably uses it to send and receive text messages and images. It's similar to using email or instant messaging and most of the same etiquette and safety rules apply.