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Consumer Alert

Can you spot an investment scam?

Terri Miller
Investment scammers claim you’ll get big returns investing in a hot new money-making “opportunity” — maybe something like cryptocurrency. Some scammers say you’ll likely make a lot of money if you follow their proven system or method. But will you?
Consumer Alert

What to do if your online love interest offers to teach you how to invest your money

Colleen Tressler
No one thinks their online love interest is going to scam them, but scammers are good at what they do. They establish an emotional connection with you so you’re more likely to believe that they’re an expert in cryptocurrency investing, for example. But that online love interest is a scammer. People have lost tens of thousands ― sometimes millions — of dollars to romance scammers.
Consumer Alert

Job scam targeting influencers

Larissa Bungo
Did you get a message from a “brand ambassador manager” for a national company wanting to pay you to promote their products online? It could be a scam…but how will you know?

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