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Consumer Alert

Top scams of 2024

BCP Staff
Did you or someone you know report a scam to the FTC in 2024? Thank you! Those reports help the FTC bring enforcement cases and educate people about scams. Let’s jump into the top 2024 scams.
Consumer Alert

Stay ahead of scammers in 2025

Gema de las Heras
With scammers targeting our entire life savings with their schemes, we all need to be alert and know how to detect their latest tricks. Something as simple as talking about scams you know about is a great way to help you and your community stay protected. And being part of this solution doesn’t require training or a lot of time!
Consumer Alert

Getting a pet? Avoid scams

Andrew Rayo
During the holidays, adding a dog, cat, or other adorable animal to the family is top of mind for many, and scammers know it. While there are lots of fur babies waiting for their forever home, scammers try to take advantage of the situation by posting fake ads for pets — all designed to take your money and leave you in the doghouse. Here’s what to know.
Consumer Alert

Don’t let scammers get in the way of your holiday shopping

Gema de las Heras
As the holiday season approaches, it seems like there are more and more fake shopping sites. The ads on social media show expensive products like electric scooters, designer bags, and other popular toys and gifts at unbelievably low prices. Many of these bogus sites use photos and logos the scammers steal from legitimate businesses, but they won’t send you authentic products. If you’re wondering how to avoid these phony offers, there are a few ways to help you detect them.
Consumer Alert

FTC says Invitation Homes was anything but inviting

Larissa Bungo
What if you thought you’d agreed to a rent you could afford and then learned you had to pay an additional $1,740 in fees during your lease term? You’d probably feel deceived. That’s what the FTC says Invitation Homes did to its residents and people looking for housing. And that’s why Invitation Homes, one of the largest single-family home landlords in the country, will be refunding $48 million to residents and changing its practices.
Consumer Alert

Home title lock insurance? Not a lock at all

Larissa Bungo
If you’ve seen ads for home title lock insurance, they might have you worried. After all, the ads say thieves can steal the title to your home. But then the ads tell you to buy title lock insurance to supposedly prevent home title theft. Stop. Take a breath. It’s just a ploy to scare you.
Consumer Alert

How to avoid getting burned by solar or clean energy scams

Larissa Bungo
When temperatures rise, utility costs do, too. While reputable companies can help you save money with clean or solar energy improvements, scammers offer more than they can deliver. The scams vary, but here’s the gist: someone claiming to be with the government or your utility company promises big savings on your utility bills from solar energy or other home improvements designed to increase energy efficiency. If you agree to the scammer’s offer, it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars.
Consumer Alert

Protect yourself from scams as you recover from Hurricane Beryl

Gema de las Heras
If you live in the path of Hurricane Beryl as it moved through Texas, recovering is your number one priority right now. Unfortunately, scammers take advantage of situations like these to strike. Here's some information to help you spot and avoid the scams as you do your best to recover.
Consumer Alert

What issues do renters face?

Anna Burns
When you want to know what’s happening in housing, you go to the experts. That’s why the FTC joined renters, renters’ advocates, and researchers in Atlanta to hear about issues affecting renters. They told us that the rise of institutional investors and corporate landlords since the financial crisis has contributed to rising rents, hidden junk fees, issues with online portals, and predatory lease-to-own schemes. Here are some takeaways from housing advocates and renters.