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Consumer Alert

What to know about the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey

Gema de las Heras
Getting a call, letter, or a visit about the American Community Survey (ACS) — when so many scammers are trying to trick you into sharing personal information — might make you think twice. And it’s good to think twice. But the ACS is a legitimate survey to collect information used to make decisions about how federal funding is spent in your community. Want to know more? Read on.
Consumer Alert

How to spot, avoid, and report weather-related scams

Colleen Tressler
From the relentless series of powerful storms that have battered California to the dozens of tornadoes that swept across six states, including Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky, 2023 is off to a devastating start. Whether you’re getting back on your feet or looking for ways to help people in hard-hit areas, learn how scammers operate — and how to avoid them.
Consumer Alert

How to save money on utilities this winter and avoid scams

Colleen Tressler
When temperatures drop, it often costs more to stay comfortable in your home — and scammers know that. This alert is the first in a series to help you get your home ready for winter, save money, and avoid fraud.