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Looking to start a new relationship? For some, that may mean meeting a new love interest online. Word to the wise: sometimes it’s best to lead with your head and not your heart.

Millions of Americans use dating sites, social networking sites, and chat rooms to meet people. And many forge successful relationships. But scammers also use these sites to meet potential victims. They create fake profiles to build online relationships, and eventually convince people to send money in the name of love.

The Federal Trade Commission receives thousands of reports each year about romance scammers who create fake online relationships only to steal their victims’ money.

Unfortunately, an online love interest who asks for money is almost certainly a scam artist.

The FTC’s new infographic, developed with the American Bankers Association Foundation, lists common signs of online dating scams and what to do if someone you meet online asks you for money.

Below are some tips to identify a real romance versus a scammer cruising for a target.

Online Dating Scams. Has an online love interest asked you for money? That's a scam. Scammers know millions of people use online dating sites. They are there, too, hiding behind fake profiles. Signs of a scam: Professes love quickly. Claims to be from the U.S., but is overseas for business or military service. Asks for money, and lures you off the dating site. Claims to need money — for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Plans to visit, but can’t because of an emergency. $220 million lost in 2016. $56 million lost in 2012. Reports to the FBI tripled over 5 years (4,476 reports in 2012; 14,546 reports in 2016) What to do: Slow down — and talk to someone you trust. Don’t let a scammer rush you. Never wire money, put money on a gift or cash reload card, or send cash to an online love interest. You won’t get it back. Contact your bank right away if you think you’ve sent money to a scammer. Report your experience to: • The online dating site • Federal Trade Commission: • Federal Bureau of Investigation: Learn more at and

Please share this information with others. Victims may be embarrassed to talk about their experiences, but you can help. A simple phone call, email or text, saying “Look what I just found” and sharing this information may make a difference in someone else’s life.

July 13, 2020

In reply to by BigDaisy

Long story Handsome Soldier & a of lot of money 2 nd Leuentant Frank Paul is Big time scammer! His box, military buy out, travel Cheryl Hite wire address all scammer. Delete quickly
August 06, 2020

In reply to by BigDaisy

Very familiar. I think this is someone I am talking to around the 15th of July
Lucille S.
August 12, 2020

In reply to by BigDaisy

Anyone have any contact with Hans Dorst, Dorst Hans, Louise Stokes, Kenneth Cook? reverse face search found same pics on roughly 10 dating sites, some in Russia, some in USA. The pics appear to really belong to a completely different guy who was identity was lifted from Twitter. This scammer is a "civil engineer" "secret gov contract" "has a house in Houston" and after 5 weeks of schmooze, his mom is dying and his wire transfer didn't go through and he needs 10K to pay the hospital bill....These are only 3 of the names I found him under. I am sure there are more.
March 02, 2021

In reply to by Lucille S.

I have recently been contacted on Hinge by a man named Kenneth Cook. He is a widower. Says he is a civil engineer in New Jersey. He hasn’t requested money but after a week of correspondence he has spoken of love and marriage. He says he’s from Albania, I’ve spoken on the phone and he does have an accent.
March 07, 2021

In reply to by Meglv

The same guy was telling me the same story, then I saw your post and blocked him right away. He was professing love far too quickly. Literally the same details. I reported him to Hinge.
August 18, 2020

In reply to by BigDaisy

Same guy friended me on fb. Says his name is Felix Morrison. Says he is UN Dr in Syria. Isn't funny that all these guys are widows. Says he wants to marry me almost immediately. Must think we are stupid. Just asked me to get him itunes. I was sure he was catfishing but wanted to see what he asked for.
September 12, 2020

In reply to by Nibs

A guy with name Anthony Anderson, 60 y.o, from Washington DC, CEO/Engineer/Business Develeopment Manager of Towerfield Petroleum, widowed (wife passed away 3 years ago), son died of automobile accident, granddaughter Sarah and daughter in law Elaine living 25 minutes away from his home, and a dog Billy. Now he said he's on the rig in Turkey and had problem with custom asking him to pay fee for manufacturing the equipment, but he reached the limit on bank transfer. He used fake photo owned by a DJ in Denmark, also use fake Iron Bank online banking.
Old Fool
May 22, 2021

In reply to by Zia

Sounds like my guy. Ben Anthony. Son died in wreck and has a granddaughter. I am not telling how much he got from me. He talked to me like no one ever did. Would send me music videos or poems everyday. I fell fast and hard. All I wanted was him here with me. Now I am broke and homeless. I never thought I would ever fall for anything like this. Don't know what I will do now. I still love him but I know better than to trust him.
Old Fool
May 22, 2021

In reply to by Zia

Sounds like my guy. Ben Anthony or Benson Anderson. Son died in wreck and has a granddaughter. Used Iron Bank and maxed out his number of transfers. I am not telling how much he got from me. He talked to me like no one ever did. Would send me music videos or poems everyday. I fell fast and hard. All I wanted was him here with me. Now I am broke and homeless. I never thought I would ever fall for anything like this. Don't know what I will do now. I still love him but I know better than to trust him. Relationship is over. I have no money.
November 28, 2020

In reply to by Nibs

Must be a lot of those UN doctors in Syria. One is trying to contact me too. Has not asked for money yet but I’m sure that’s coming! I reported and blocked him.
February 21, 2021

In reply to by Sadienbelle

This guy say he’s from United States and work for you in over there in Syria and he goes by the name Bryan Scott from Amarillo Texas
Annie 11
March 18, 2021

In reply to by Nibs

Anyone talking to Daniel Bucky,, a real charmer always crying and depressed,,
Poor Mom
September 02, 2020

In reply to by BigDaisy

Hi A guy from Dallas Texas, contacted me on FB and said he is in love with me. Self Employed, Good Looking, Widower . British Accent, recently he is in Malaysia for a project and he has no access to his bank . He needs money to send to his daughter who is in a hostel in California. Something is fishy. How does your guy looks like
Too Good to be True
December 03, 2020

In reply to by Poor Mom

Hello Poor Mom, I’ve been talking to my guy since September as well. Meet him on FB too. He to is from Dallas Tx. and is a widower. However, he tells me he has a 15 yr old son. A caregiver is watching him while he is offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. He is very good looking with green/hazel eyes. Very sexy looking. Also says he loves me and wants to marry me. Wish we could share pictures and compare.
Mad woman Don'…
December 23, 2020

In reply to by Too Good to be True

I meet a doctor suppose to be in Syria on Facebook then he wanted to go to hangouts to talk. Says he has 14 year boy with nanny at boarding school. Doesn’t have access to his bank account . Wants steam cards to help with internet access. But he lives in Houston Texas he said. His name was Chris DC
January 01, 2021

In reply to by Mad woman Don'…

Met someone online also on Facebook Dating, he's from Houston Texas working in Shanghai China project manager installation of 5G in Shanghai, Has a 10 year old son and his mom only of his family Son and mom have a nanny and son has a driver. Had a problem to his bank account and is asking me to pay $4000 to get materials from Customs. Everything seemed good after many weeks of chatting, he's pressuring me for 8 days now for the money. His name is Fraser Christopher (not real name) yet he sent me ID cards to prove who he was. How dishonest, never sent him money...
January 01, 2021

In reply to by Too Good to be True

Same with me... man told me he's a widower lost his wife, met him on Facebook dating. He says he's from Dallas Tx but bought house in Houston. Fell in love with me short period of time and has asked me and pressuring me for $4000 to pay customs he's in Shanghai China. Makes me feel guilty as I will not give him money, has dual citizenship German and American.
February 15, 2021

In reply to by Too Good to be True

We don’t have hostels in California. The only reason I know what the are is from movies. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, my parents have been here since the 50’s and my grandparents even longer. We have hotels and air bnb’s but the odds of her being in a hostel here are slim to none. Americans aren’t familiar with hostel’s , they aren’t customary here like they are in Europe.
February 17, 2021

In reply to by Too Good to be True

Can't send picture but sounds like the guy my sister is being scammed by. She won't believe it because he said he loves her and wants to marry her. She sent him money on a Steam card. He is having a friend send her a letter then he will tell her what to do with what's inside the letter.
Don't use your…
January 30, 2021

In reply to by BigDaisy

Was his name David Alex from Canada?
Ms P
October 13, 2021

In reply to by Don't use your…

I am talking to a fella who goes by the name Alexander Lamadine. He is from Calgary Canada. He supposedly has a sister who is a drug addict, a nephew and a Neice. He is currently a contractor in North Korea and is in need of money so he can leave the country. He is ( Supposedly) very wealthy but cannot access his account due to restrictions made by the bank on Korea. So he is asking for $10,500 to pay the workers in Korea. The country won’t allow him to leave unless he pay at least 60% of what he owes his employees.
miss taken
October 24, 2021

In reply to by Ms P

Sounds like a similar story here, in the UK. wife died, child died, sister recently died. has a drug addict neice and cares for a grand neice. I want so badly to believe he's not a scammer and is a real person but these stories are all so similar!
February 21, 2021

In reply to by BigDaisy

Hi that sounds like the same guy that has been calling me we met on TickTock and he’s a doctor from you in he’s from United States but he said he’s out there working and he try to get me to send him money for a package so he can his contents to me We he met me oh man and wanted me to have him and his son in my life I want to get married and settle down and he put money in my prepaid account and asked me to send it back to him
December 06, 2020

In reply to by Conspiracy lad…

I got one from denmark working in sweden...says has house in nc..sent him 600.00 i am.done..
Shook in NC
December 17, 2020

In reply to by Conspiracy lad…

Oh boy...our stories are not exactly the same but the guy I'm talking to uses the last name Ambrose. Hopefully you see this and get in touch ASAP. I have several pics from him. I'm so sorry this happened to you. No one deserves to have their heart or wallets tampered with in this way.
just great
May 25, 2021

In reply to by tired lady

sounds like the guy who just scammed me. From Norway. Local business.
miss taken
October 24, 2021

In reply to by just great

mine is from norway as well, very handsome. but his accent is different. I find it strange his accent is not more Americanized having lived in Miami for over 30 years. It's a combo UK english, with possibly some norweigian accent or and jamaican or afrikaans. The pictures being used may have been stolen from somewhere but I cant be sure.
Isherealor not
June 08, 2020

In reply to by effiejune

I am talking to a man named Gavin Michael. Met him on words with friends2. Now we are on hangouts. Said hes been divorced 6 years and has a 12 yo son. Living in Los Angeles. Self employed petro chemical engineer who left for Turkey on a contract. First his equipment being shipped from China was to go to Ankara, but was rerouted past Cyprus. Cyprus customs wanted 50,000 to release equipment. Now the equipment is broken down and wants 170,000 to repair and get machine back so can finish 1st phase to collect 40% of contract money. Says he will come back to the states to get his money and meet me for a happy everlasting life together. Plans to hire a foreman to run the rest of the job. Says cannot take pictures.
June 21, 2020

In reply to by Isherealor not

I met Mark Avey Ragan. Claims he has a house in austin. Hangout phone call getting to know him, his wife dies 3 1/2 years ago and his 13 year old son is in boarding school in Germany. Staes he has a contract with UN as architect. When I asked him about Austin, he know nothing about it. And asked me for a gift card. Amazon or steam. What on earth makes people want to hurt others?! I just dont get it.
November 24, 2020

In reply to by Mpk

The man contacting me on Facebook says he is a contractor on a Marine drilling rig. Claims to be from Austin, TX. He is white, claims to be 63 yrs. old. Handsome man. Has white mustache and a white goatee. Claims to have a 14 year old son. Sound familiar to anyone?
December 02, 2020

In reply to by Smilingbarb52

I have a similar guy named Baldwin Jäger. Anyone knows him?
April 04, 2021

In reply to by Smilingbarb52

I just got done W guy supposedly working on oil rig in Gulf of Mexico. Says he’s private contractor has run out of money2 pay4 repairs. Can’t get into his savings acct because no good WiFi connection in the ocean. Supposed2 B living in Madison,WI, wife died of Breast Cancer, had son Going2 college in New York. I wasn’t even ready2 date then found myself I n FB dating site one night&started it. I’m out almost $2,000. I was vulnerable because lost my mom end of Nov.2020, just lost my best friend a week ago. He knows all this. I feel so hurt&so Stupid
November 14, 2021

In reply to by Smilingbarb52

Met someone sounds familiar on FB -- James Hinton. Claims to be from Pittsburgh, originally from Ireland, marine engineer on off-shore rig in "Mexico" -- slipped up saying rig is now off-shore in "Texas" .. widow of 3 years, 15 yr old son in Miami boarding school, no other relatives .. wants $500 on an American Express card. Aint happening! His FB info says he is 65 yrs old, but photo looks like he may be in early 40's . . . had to leave FB for "hangouts" .. whatever . . . . .
June 28, 2020

In reply to by Isherealor not

Do you have any photos of him to describe him? All of these latest scammers sounds like one in the same with some facts repeated to us women
July 07, 2020

In reply to by Isherealor not

Don’t trust him. I have similar one, his equipment got held up by customs. Met on Words with Friends. Self employed, widowed 5 yrs, 12 yr old son, engineer got a contract. His equipment needs to be transferred from Custom seaport to oil rig. I told him he drew a dud this time, I don’t have money, bet on the wrong horse when he chose who to chat with.
July 08, 2020

In reply to by Isherealor not

I also met someone who is in turkey and needs money to repair machines. He is project manager at a construction site in Ankara. goes by the name Daren Marc miller Walsh. Can we exchange photos?
July 16, 2020

In reply to by notreal

Same story, same location, same company, different name. Pictures galore of a handsome man. Found the pics online he stole from Instagram and used. Would be happy to exchange photos. Just do not know how to do it
July 27, 2020

In reply to by Frizout

I think if we share pics that's a great thing.. maybe admin on here can advise on best way of doing this
Have A Heart
August 16, 2020

In reply to by Harriett

I agree. This would be extremely helpful to victims and potential victims and criminal investigators.
September 10, 2020

In reply to by Harriett

The guy I've been talking to is call Byron John Smith saying he needs Google cards. Has also said equipment stuck overseas. Says he has a son called Mark who is Ten & lives with his mum in Ireland. Say's he loves me
September 11, 2020

In reply to by Frizout

I met a man on Tinder named Richard Henderson. He said equipment broke down in the same location. Could I see a picture of him? We’ve been talking almost 3 months and just asked for money.
May 20, 2021

In reply to by Sunshine

I too been chatting with a guy called Richard and it’s been 3months now without asking for money from me yet today I was shocked that he asked me to send him £500 and if I don’t have I must borrow the money..I just told him I cannot help you and he has gone quiet now..meaning his love advancements were just fake and says has 2kids, and he is divorced.l and lives in UK. I have spoken to him via WhatsApp videos and he is 48yrs old.he met me on Fb and asked to chat on WhatsApp..after reading your comments and experience Iam done with him...these pipo are becoming devilish
July 07, 2021

In reply to by Chichiby

I started chatting with a Richard Baldwin in early April. He said he lived in L.A. then went to Dubai . No request for money until 2 weeks ago. Said he was in an accident and they arrested him. Now wants me to send 12,800 for bail. Disappointing but I am sure he is a scammer now. His playbook is just different from the one I fell for before I was aware of romance scammers.
Hurt but caught on
October 30, 2020

In reply to by notreal

Hi does your guy have a beard? Sounds familiar project stuck due to machinery broke asking for money to help out. Caught on. He uses voice over never answers phone. These guys know what they are doing different names, different phone numbers I put the pieces together. Were done ladies he careful, they are charming. I almost fell. They make u feel guilty if you don't send money
April 02, 2021

In reply to by Hurt but caught on

Bald head with a Beard ? Mine says he is in Africa working for WHO building Covid hospitals
June 15, 2021

In reply to by notreal

Do you have photos can you send me his photos. Cause am talking with someone who is from Malaysia a cintruction engineer. Trying to buy a machine to finish his contract so thst ge can go back here in America. I did not give him money . Thank you for all the story that you had shared.