You may have heard of the PACT Act, which expands VA benefits and health care for veterans and servicemembers exposed to toxic substances while serving. And while there’s no deadline to apply for these benefits, veterans and their families will get the most out of those benefits if they file a PACT Act claim by August 14. Here’s what to know.
The PACT Act helps veterans get much needed help related to health conditions caused by exposure to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. If you submit your PACT Act application — or your intent to file — by August 14, you could get benefits backdated to August 10, 2022 — when the PACT Act was passed.
But scammers may try to pressure you because of the filing deadline. In fact, only a scammer will say you can only apply for VA benefits with their help. To help you avoid a scam:
- Don’t pay to file. It’s free to apply for any type of veterans’ benefits. Anyone who says otherwise is a scammer. File your PACT Act claim for free online through the VA’s website or in person at a VA Regional Office.
- Don’t pay for help. Scammers may offer to help you file your application for benefits — for a fee or a percentage of the benefits you get. Get free help from an accredited representative.
Go to to learn more. And share this message with someone you know. If you suspect a scam or run into someone who doesn’t tell the whole truth about applying for VA benefits, tell the FTC at
Updated August 11, 2023 to reflect new deadline.
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In reply to I AM A VETERAN OF THE… by Karl Witter
Take it up with your King.
The pact act is another VA SCAM. It's always been apply, get denied. You should follow this closely to see how many apply and how many get denied benefits. This is just a scam for the VA to pretend they are trying to help veterans. I've gotten so many denials, I have given up all hope that the va is actually working for me.
In reply to The pact act is another VA… by Richard Cordell
I talked to a friend yesterday....Aug. 7, 23....and he said he is getting $4,000 a month. He is at 100% disability.
But what is amazing is to me is some illnesses can't ever be detected. The VA just included high blood pressure. I have high blood pressure did I get it from being in Vietnam? If you served in Vietnam you are put in the category of Agent Orange. So does that make me eligible for benefits?
The government wants to give a certain group of people in the country so call reparation. Most of these folks never even served in the military but good old Uncle Sam will bend over backwards to give these folks government money. But to hell with veterans who served.
In reply to I talked to a friend… by Basil
Richard, believe me this is not a scam. All you have to do is be diagnosed with a condition on the PACT Act list and the VA will automatically "presume" that it happened on active duty. I applied and got a 40% increase for sinusitis and rhinitis for being a Gulf War Veteran.
Basil, check to see if high blood pressure is on the list for the time period you served. VA recognizes a lot of presumptive conditions under Agent Orange. You have to look.
In reply to Richard, believe me this is… by DJ
I was on 10% disability because of agent orange heart problem since 2017. My personal cardiologist suggested I apply for an increase, took a bunch of tests with a VA provided doc and they increased it to 30% but only backdated it to May, 2023, not the Aug 2022 like all of the PACT act adds claimed.
In reply to I was on 10% disability… by Hank
That just happened to my husband.......only dated for four months.
In reply to I talked to a friend… by Basil
With Hypertension as a Presumptive condition of Agent Orange, any Veteran that served in an area with known AO exposure (not just Vietnam anymore), and a diagnosis of Hypertension is eligible for compensation. This could be for the hypertension (and/or any presumptive condition) and any secondary conditions related to hypertension. It would be a good idea to call the VA and complete an Intent to File ASAP (BEFORE THE DEADLINE).
In reply to With Hypertension as a… by Alicia B
I was in Gulf War and have hypertension, Ptsd, Thyroid disorder, high blood sugar, high tryglicerides, high cholesterol, and always been told there is no link to gulf war except for the Ptsd. all my research indicates ptsd can cause many of the problems i have but VA thinks otherwise.
In reply to I talked to a friend… by Basil
I disagree. I am a person of the "certain group of people", and I served in the US Army and Navy. My husband and I have worked and supported our family our entire married life, without government assistance, "which was created for the people like you." We both have so many ailments from serving overseas, aboard ship, constant radiation exposure, submarine sailor, until it is not even funny nor considered. The VA has not supported me as if I served honorably and proudly. All of my claims are disapproved one to two days after filing, so please keep it honest and respectable and stop being so judgmental and ugly. I'm glad I didn't serve with you because I served proudly, and I have not been treated as so. THANK YOU!!!
In reply to The pact act is another VA… by Richard Cordell
..simply not true.
In reply to ..simply not true. by Jeffrey Rockett
Orange veteran applying for window Benefits
In reply to The pact act is another VA… by Richard Cordell
Far from a scam‼️ Must have diagnoses. VA has a problem list. Go to an outside Dr or community care & get diagnoses & you will win the presumptive. NEVER GIVE UP. Find a VSO who is smart & cares.
In reply to The pact act is another VA… by Richard Cordell
I hear you, because I am in the same situation. Please don't give up. I concur with a lot you are saying and it is really sad. It's difficult finding someone to assist with the process, but please don't give up. Bless you!!
Need help with benefits of Dental Care. Denied help care although I am a disabled veteran.
53 years ago I went to Vietnam. I have been unable to have children. All fetuses were severely deformed because of drinking the water in Vietnam and bathing in it and ever since my service to my country during the war I have had many many problems. So I took to the VA pill program but after having so many side effects from the pills I stopped and now rely on paying for MJ for my ability to help myself with pain and to stop thinking of how my government deserted the Vietnam Veteran. They left us in pain and without recourse other than to being the CRAZY VIETNAM VETERANS. Yes we are CRAZY with pain and problems because of our service to our country.
What a joke to the veterans filing claims for hypertension and after going through the process, you may get a back pay of between Two or three thousand dollars. To have a veteran’s expectancy to be driven up for some financial relief and then receive such a judgment is simply cruel.