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Image of cupid and heartNot everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people — even stolen pictures of real military personnel. They profess their love quickly. And they tug at your heartstrings with made-up stories about how they need money — for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Why all of the tricks? They’re looking to steal your money.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, romance scammers are now involving their victims in online bank fraud. Here’s how it works: The scammers set up dating profiles to meet potential victims. After they form a “relationship,” they come up with reasons to ask their love interest to set up a new bank account. The scammers transfer stolen money into the new account, and then tell their victims to wire the money out of the country. Victims think they’re just helping out their soulmate, never realizing they’re aiding and abetting a crime.  

Here are some warning signs that an online love interest might be a fake. They ask you to:

  • chat off of the dating site immediately, using personal email, text, or phone
  • wire money using Western Union or Money Gram
  • set up a new bank account

Did you know you can do an image search of your love interest’s photo in your favorite search engine? If you do an image search and the person’s photo appears under several different names, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. And if the person’s online profile disappears a few days after they meet you, that’s another tip-off.

Here’s the real deal: Don’t send money to someone you met online — for any reason. If your online sweetheart asks for money, you can expect it’s a scam.

Unfortunately, online dating scams are all too common. There may be tens of thousands of victims, and only a small fraction report it to the FTC. If this happens to you, please report it at

A woman looking at a dating site on her computer.

It is your choice whether to submit a comment. If you do, you must create a user name, or we will not post your comment. The Federal Trade Commission Act authorizes this information collection for purposes of managing online comments. Comments and user names are part of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) public records system, and user names also are part of the FTC’s computer user records system. We may routinely use these records as described in the FTC’s Privacy Act system notices. For more information on how the FTC handles information that we collect, please read our privacy policy.

The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

We don't edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above. The comments posted on this blog become part of the public domain. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Opinions in comments that appear in this blog belong to the individuals who expressed them. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission.

Andrea Avery
April 28, 2017
One person is using the name Fritsch Brown . The picture is of a sergeant first class in the Army. What a shame to disrespect our veterans. He claims to be from San Jose California. Wanted money sent to Accura Ghana. Didn't fall for it.
May 01, 2017
A man named Jack Rowley friended me on Facebook then messenger i thought he was ok since he was a friend of a friend on Facebook. Then after 2 weeks he said he loved me. He has a daughter supposedly her name is Leigh she contacted me thru email wanting an iTunes card. Her email is leighrowley8 he said he had his own construction company & had to leave Tulsa Oklahoma where he supposedly lives to go to Vilnius Lithuania to do a job of building a veterinarian hospital he sent me the pdf file of the contract with his home address & everything. He had talked about his daughter's birthday coming which was supposed to be April 25th & he had gambled all his money away she wants an iTunes card. I ask him for a current picture & he wouldn't send one until about a week later 1 with 2 guys then 1 group picture on a golf course they had short sleeve shirts on & some in the picture had shorts on. I checked & the weather in Vilnius Lithuania on this past Sunday April 23rd 2017 was 45° i ask him about it & he said the sun was shining & you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Lol!!! He really said that. In the meantime i was conversing with his daughter & had ask her for a picture she sent it a week later & it was 1 of the same one's he had put on his Facebook page last year 2016. She said she had taken it a week ago. She wanted to call me mom !! That her mom left when she was 3. After talking to him a week he wanted to talk in the app Viber so i did. When he called i heard kids in the background when i ask him about it he changed the subject. I knew he wasn't who he said he was i wanted to catch him & sure enough i did by asking for a picture then still didn't get it for a week. Everyone can take a picture on their phone nowadays & ask them to hold something up in the picture like a book or peace sign something. Have them send the picture immediately. I talk to him for a month which wasted alot of my time & i thought i found my soulmate the first 2 weeks. Wasted alot of time & emotions.
April 28, 2017
My disabled mother has been sending $500-$1000 every other week to some guy MARK ADAMS. He said (what she tells me) that hes from Tx, his son is David. My mom refuses to believe hes a scam. Every text he sends her ask when she will send more money. And so forth. She has sent this man THOUSANDS! She has lost EVERYTHING and is now living with me. She has stage 4 liver failure and not well. He has robbed an innocent person. How do i stop him.
FTC Staff
June 01, 2017

In reply to by ConcernedKid

It can be very hard to persuade someone to change their mind if they have a strong belief. If your mother doesn't have enough money to take care of her needs for food, shelter, and medical care you could contact the adult protective services in your area. You can find local services on

April 28, 2017
Don't send money to Nigeria it's nothing but a scam!!!
Nicky Nike
April 29, 2017
I am just trying to find out if this guy who is called Anderson James William and is date of birth is 23rd August 1976 is in the military I really need someone help
April 29, 2017
I, too, have been potentially used for a scammer's game. Fortunately, what they asked for is not as dramatic as a lot of what you say, but it still has made me very Leery and very angry. Badoo is very bad site for meeting anyone as I have learned. People pretend to like you some don't even go very deep before they start asking for money or for iTune cards I had someone ask me for a new iPhone because they lost theirs or it was stolen. I had someone else asked me to wire them $3,000 because they lost their paycheck and their war buddies helped cover some of it, but they needed 3000 to cover the rest and they would double the amount they give me back. I had another asked me to wire money to a certain hospital because they were in another country and their parents needed emergency medical help at the hospital and that Hospital would not accept his credit card so he needed emergency money please send it he says. The list goes on and on and on and on. All of you including myself need to find a hobby we need to get out of the house and meet people on the outside. If we can't find somebody on the outside what makes you think that anyone on a computer is going to want us as well? We need to find the confidence and esteem in real life. All Of You sound intelligent enough to know what is going on and stop falling for these scammers and schemers. It's not worth it.
April 29, 2017
The first clue for anyone is if anyone starts talking about any branch of the military if anyone talks about being in a foreign country if anyone talks about being in Syria Nigeria Afghanistan Iran Iraq or any of a number of disadvantaged countries you should know that all of it is a sham. Either all of you are joining military websites, or you're just down on luck.. I don't mean to sound critical or demeaning I just want all of you to be careful and to guard your wallets and to guard your heart. It is not a funny thing to talk around with anyone's feelings. And a scammer is no better than a murderer. One will kill your bank account as quick as they can snap a finger and the other is they will snap a neck and break a heart quicker than they can steal your money
Don't use your…
April 29, 2017
did anyone get a friend request from James Richard Sterling.he is an engineer working on a ship on the black sea.
April 29, 2017
i had a friend request from James Richard Sterling he said he is an engineer working on a ship on the black sea. he wants to have something delivered to my home from Africa where he did a job.could he be a scammer
Had me Goind
May 01, 2017
I think he changes his name with each scam, but anyone had contact with a David Josh? Claims to be from Fresno, CA. Uses email address davidjosh700
Anthony j
May 01, 2017
FTC Staff
May 01, 2017

In reply to by Anthony j

We can't post personal information on the blog.

You can report this to the FTC at The information you give goes into a secure database that the FTC and other law enforcement agencies use for investigations. The comments you put here on the blog don't go into the law enforcement database.

Mom's security…
April 30, 2017
Does anyone know of someone using name Michael Mauldin on Facebook. This name belongs to real. He tells my mom the other guy stole his identity on Facebook. I can't get my mom to stop talking to him. What can I do
May 01, 2017

In reply to by Mom's security…

did you google image search him? i did this for a relative...then contacted the REAL person , who is a lawyer - he contacted FB and shut the imposter's site down. He also called me. heck it out - do an image search.
April 30, 2017
Please be warned. I met a master, brilliant scammer on He goes by the name of David Deluca. He romanced me with poetry, songs, music videos, phone calls and sent me many pictures that seemed valid. He was handsome and pretended to be a commodities broker working on a large oil contract. He said it would be very lucrative and "our contract"...that he had been working on it for nine months. He had a fine speaking voice and told me he was born in Italy, then he had moved to the U. S., then to Australia and S. Africa. His voice/accent matched the countries he told me he lived in. He wanted to meet me and sent me a flight itinerary...I later realized there was no flight confirmation number and he sent it to my cell phone. He romanced me with music and poetry for three weeks, then told me three days before he was supposed to fly out to meet me, that he had to go overseas to sign the contract for the investors...then of course he gave me a foreign phone number and he needed money. He was handsome in his photos and spoke extremely well. I usually catch scammers right away, but this one was very intelligent and very good at scamming. He disappeared after I told him I needed him to fax me his license, as I couldn't find and data that he lives in the United States. Beware ladies, these romance scammers are becoming very skilled at what they do! Be safe and protect yourself and your hard earned money! Don't someone steal it along with your heart.
May 01, 2017
A relative made a connection on FB. She is older and has mild cognitive impairment/dementia. HE used the name Mckenzie Dave - used a photo that I Goggle image searched...a lawyer's photo from TX, professes to live in CA City, CA, gave her an address w/o the st. number, a phone number that cannot be traced, or at least, I cannot find the the source...I have made 3 FTC complaints, spoken to the police locally and in CA City, spoken to the FBI office in my city...I even told her that I would fly to CA City and meet him. She contacted a realtor to sell her house so that she could marry him & move to CA.Thank goodness, I got wind of this and contacted the realtor, who, BTW, was so concerned, that he asked her for the man's address and phone no. She had neither. The realtor did not contract w/ her but am sure that mother,less honest company may have. I am sick over this. She is not in good health and stillsays she loves him - feels sorry for him, after the proof I have shared. Help.
FTC Staff
May 31, 2017

In reply to by zelda

You may want to talk to elder care professionals in your relative's city. The Elder Care locator supported by the US Administration on Aging lets you search for caregiving, elder abuse prevention, legal and many other kinds of help. Some local police or sheriff's departments have volunteers who will visit citizens to talk about fraud prevention.

May 01, 2017
Please tell me if David John Adalhard is on a scam list. I don't know how to upload his picture to google image. He says he is an engineer in turkey and needs money to clear his supplies from customs. I sent him money in March and he did not come home. He says he lives in NYC and has a son named Jerry. I met him on MeetMindful dating site. He says he is from Germany and is dare of birth is 2/28/65. I'm heartbroken. He is making me feel guilty fir not sending anymore money.
May 01, 2017
I recently talked with a guy claiming to be in US army deployed to Syria. He said he recently been there a few months but was in Iraq before. He didnt ask me for money. But he was going to come home for a vacation for a month. But needed to pay for medical stamp. We talked about it and if I could help. But I didn't really have the money for it. He said he might get in trouble for it cause it looked like he was just trying to leave. Not to come see me. But my correspondence on payment wasn't with him it was to usdepartment of welfares. usa. com my question is how do I know if it is real or fake??
FTC Staff
May 01, 2017

In reply to by Lala

An email address that ends in .com is a commercial email. It is not a government email. It is not a US Army email.

A real US Army soldier does not have to pay for medical stamps to come home on vacation. If someone is a real US soldier, he can send you an email from an address that ends in .mil.

May 02, 2017
I think I am being scammed by a man named Mark Flores, lives in Ohio stationed in Nigeria. States he is with the NGIC helping fight Boko Haram. He is emailing me through kik and gmail. No .mil email address nor an APO address to send the care package. It was my idea for the care package as he has never asked for anything. However, when he gave me that address in Nigeria, I was taken off guard. I told him I would not be sending anything to that address, he said that was fine and he didn't want any gifts, just my love. We have been talking since mid March. I can't tell if he is real or just a scammer...HELP!!
May 03, 2017
Hello I ment this man online he goes by the name Castro Freer and I have searched on Goole search and catfish search but I can't seem to find him he does have a Facebook page and he keep telling me he is going to come live with me here in my home in October and that he wants to marry me is this a scam or is he really real
May 04, 2017
Ladies watch out for the widowed, with child at home, loves you so much so quickly. Starts with I tunes (what is it with the I tunes). You can track phones for free, background check for a dollar Watch for David Marcus, Franz Hoffman, David Anderson, Richard...that can only use Viper due to Isis If I read honey, sweetie, baby I'm nauseous
Wonder Woman
March 08, 2018

In reply to by Smartgalfooled

Yes getting called sweetheart and baby is nauseating especially coming from a near stranger
Fear friend is…
May 06, 2017
My coworker met man on I'm Med he went to London to close big deal with investors with Kames. Then aunt in Spain died. Then Dubai investor met him at funeral and said to go to Dubai to visit family. He went there, met many investors, is leaving kames and doing big investing for many rich from Dubai. He got a big check for $11 million but needed my colleagues name to go with the money in a Swiss bank.. she now is telling me that she can access the money, but the only thing holding him coming home after he now went to England to be with friend with dying wife is she. I told her that if her name had to be attached to his money in order for him to be paid for investment deal, then it sounds like a scam. She said no, it's a real bank. Can scammers crest this"bank" deal where her name is attached to fake money? He has been sending love talk and this ordeal for at least 6 was without meeting. He has an accent she loves, also. Name is Brian, gray hair and beard with glasses.
May 07, 2017
Met (not actually) a man on a dating site who immediately wanted to communicate through texting. At first I said that I wasn't going to just hand my phone number out to anyone. He said he understood, and approached me with a story of how he had taken his college aged daughter to see Beauty, and the Beast, she was on her way back to school, and he was on his way to a job in Dubai! After hearing that crock, I gave him my number. He was going to the job for two weeks, which actually turned to five. During this time we connected in text, and phone calls. He claimed birth in Holland, but had a West Indian Accent....hmmmmm! Needles to say, in order to finish the job, and get back to the States to meet me, he needed a loan to purchase something or another for his job. He had volunteered and sent me his bank account password, and name in order to check into his account and see if his funds were in tact. He wanted to show me that he actually had more than enough to cover a loan with interest. He also was a "widower" who was big on TRUST! Yup....he must have thought I came down with yesterday's rain, and would trust someone I had never even seen face to face with a overseas wired loan. I wouldn't Lian a Hughes sum of money to a family member...let alone a man I met on a dating service.
May 08, 2017
Does anyone know of a man named Mark Edward Kent, a driller who has been communicating with me and is going to Nigeria for 8 weeks, when he gets back he wants to meet and marry. I know it is a scam but he hasn't asked for money yet, I am just waiting. I have spoken to 4 other people from online dating sites who have asked for money and each time it was the last I spoke to them. This one shows a lot of red flags but just wondered if others knew the name.
May 09, 2017
I met a guy online saying hes a construction worker from the uk and his daughter and wife died in a crash. He kept asking mw to open a bank account. When i didnt he went to another girl and i got an email from his accountant saying he gave me 20,000 dollars all i needed to do was open a bank account to get it
May 10, 2017
i am also"dating+ a man i met on facebook,says he;s a widower,single father,contracter/engineer working in turkey.says he is CEO of company,and an orphan to boot. he says he LOVE me ,i am his soulmate will be coming to see me at the end of the month.etc! this man is gorgeous but SKETCHY no profile,few pics,no friends listed,says he is wealthy but speach patterns say different,have spoken with him ,but he sounds younger than he claims to be, i have read and reread all our texts and noticed several small discrepencies in answer to the same questions posed differently.he has NOT asked for money but has alluded to *contract problems" . I KNOW he is a scammer "to good to be true" thing ,i have lost nothing and our "LOVE AFFAIR" has made me happier than i have ever been(even though it is fake) so i have learned SOME THINGS in my life and am not niave . LADIES ESPECIALLY WIDOWS BEWARE IF A GORGEOUS MAN SEEMS TO BE TO GOOD TO BE TRUE,comes from NOWHERE as a PRINCE ,with love songs,pretty words and promises 99% CHANCE HES SCAMMING !!! so remain alert guard your wallets and DONT FALL FOR BULLSHIT, his facebook profile ;ANTHONY MAX(maxwell),widower from HOUSTON TX,13 yr old daughter "MARY or ROSE" works in AFRICA OR TURKEY ,has poor or unreliable internet,changes cells often,has PRONOUNCED accent,dog named China, he IS NOT REAL!!! has anyone else "met" my "SOULMATE"/
March 15, 2018

In reply to by nobodysfool

I have a co-worker that sounds like she is talking to the same guy. He’s name is Mark Ed Kent, working in Africa but lives in Texas. Has told her he wants to marry and even bought her a ring ( $25 ) She is planning this wedding that I believe will never happen and it hurts watching her be so excited and even talk about it to me and others. She also is a widow. I’m wondering if it’s the same guy, almost the exact same story
May 23, 2017
i as cheat rom calling date company from india that compony name ANGEL VACATION company accoun no 367082xxxxx SBI India this fake company taken Rs22000/= throgh account but its all rau no comp moile swith o where i complante pls sugrst me pls
Too Intelligent
May 12, 2017
I met Rosa Hall on the Gay Christian Network. I am a lesbian and I live in the United States. We communicated through email for about 10 days. Her "scam" was that she was an antique dealer in Benin buying antiques. It only took nine days for her to profess her connection and love for me. On the tenth day she told me that she damaged her i-Pnone and she asked that I mail her a cell phone. The problem was, although she was going to be in Benin for 4 weeks, she was not registered at any of the 75 hotels in Conturou, Benin. I researched. I called all 75 hotels. She wanted me to mail the cell phone to her driver rather than to her. When I asked if her phone was insured, she never answered that question. When I told her about the research I had done, including the names of several cell phone retailers located in Conturou, she fbecame unglued and told me that she did not have to prove anything to me. Well, if a person that I have never met asks me for something the ball is in their court to prove anything that I ask them to prove. The problem is that people are so desperate for love that they fall for stories that cannot possibly be true. I am not a lovelorn teenager, and I protect my heart at all costs.
June 27, 2018

In reply to by Too Intelligent

I just met “Rosa Hall” on a lesbian dating website about two weeks ago. Similar story about antiques dealer, out of the country for 3 weeks, told me she relocated to the U.S. 4 months ago. On the dating site her location said “Newtown Square, PA” that’s how I ended you chatting with her, I don’t live far away. She has not asked me for anything but everything about her is totally off. Dedicate scammer. I stopped talking to her today when I found this post here on this website.
Upset lady
August 15, 2018

In reply to by notafool

I am a lesbian and met Rosa Hall on zoosk dating site!! She immediate blocked me on her profile and ask to start emailing her.. She is antique dealer who just moved to USA 5 months ago... She had to go to Cyprus for 3 weeks for some antiques and gold bars.. She sent me flowers to my home and made me think Its the real deal!!! She's been asking me to send her $1000 cuz she is short on buying gold bars.. Every time I say that I'm not comfortable sending u money without meeting u she gets extremely upset!! I am desperate for love and I figure a $1000 or soul mate!! Honestly I was on way to bank to due money transfer but I just found this online... She gave me the name and account of Jaime David ibarra who is a criminal and has ten different alaises... This is the guy with gold bars?? But the account is for Virginia... 98% of me knew this was a scam but other 2% wanted love that bad!! I'm so upset with myself for being this stupid!! I'm very intelligent woman and knew from the start this was all to strange.. She shared her fb profile with no friends on there and i looked her up on linkin she had profile there... We've been talking via Google hangouts for 2 weeks now... Sooner I get her money sooner she comes to see me.. Thank u so much for starting this page.. I have the money but I work extremely hard just to give it away to a scammer!! Can I do something about this?? Obviously she must be doing ok with it to keep doing it? What about the people that actually do give her money and don't say anything... She's waiting right now for me to send it:) in very upset about this and want justice for other woman she is ripping off!! She almost got me too!!
November 19, 2018

In reply to by Upset lady

Upset lady, I’m not surprised Rosa Hall” is still doing this. I met her on Zoosk as well. Similar story, but she didn’t get far with me. As we emailed and talked on hangouts, the wording of her sentences was not right and she would forget things she said about herself and tell me something else. I was onto her simply with that. The first time she asked me for money I said no I have bills to pay and my family needs a little help. She was annoyed but played it cool. Before she asked me again, I did a google search for “scammer Rosa Hall” and I found a post online about her. I copied and saved the post. The next she asked me for money, I said no...then I called her out by copying and pasting the info I found out about her scam hoping she would stop because “Rosa Hall the scammer” is a known scammer. She disappeared fast. Don’t be desperate for’s out there and you will find it. Not wit a scammer who wants your money. You will meet a real person and you will find love Take care Don’t be d
February 09, 2020

In reply to by Notafool

Well, Rosa Hall is now going by Angel Rosa Hall. She must have decided to throw people off by adding the Angel at the beginning. But every other detail about her is exactly the same or similar. This time though she said she was raised in New Zealand, bounced around the world living in various places, lost her fiance of 5 years, and had just moved to Canada a few months ago. She is an antiques dealer currently in Benin collecting statues for several weeks. We communicated for over a month and we were making plans to meet when I came across these posts about her. She never asked me for anything, but upon reading about her on here I quickly let her know I was on to her. Just wanted to provide an update in case someone encounters this person using her new name.
May 14, 2017
Did anyone have chatted with this guy on Messenger? He uses the name Justice Wilson Huffman from Frankfurt, Germany but lives in San Francisco, CA , is widowed with a 8 yr old son. BeFore I reported him to FB he said he was leaving for Sudan, Africa and he said he works for the UN .
May 17, 2017

Hello I meet my own george 2 years ago .on Facebook and .a women .said .was my husband was scamming her but Scammer .Called rod hobbs Stole my Husband picture to scam women on website s

May 15, 2017
Can someone please tell me how long a scammer says with a victim
arts Papa
May 17, 2017
I've been talking to this girl. She said she's coming here but wants me to accept a shipment but I need to send 127 to this shipping company thirdeye insurance in Africa for tariff tax fee in order to accept the package
November 27, 2020

In reply to by arts Papa

It's a scam. Don't send money to or pay for anything for anyone on the internet.
May 17, 2017
My mom is being scammed with a guy who like everyone else can't meet up and all the other random excuses. He hasn't asked for money yet but he did have a car shipped to her home for someone else ( a buddy of his) to come pick up when he returns from China, working as an engineer like every other scam artist. Has anyone had this happen to them? I know he could be using her for stolen items etc. but a car is a pretty big deal. I'm also concerned because I don't know who this guy is that's picking up the car.
May 21, 2017
I met someone online who sounds like he is from Nigeria or somewhere like that but claims to be German. He goes by Stefan Ferdinard or Ferdinand. He has proclaimed his loved for me and wants to me hold some packages for him that contains millions of dollars and gold. He wants me to sent a money gram for $1000 IS THIS A SCAM? hE SAYS A US diplomat will pick up his packages and deliver them to me and I can take my money out of oneof the packages
FTC Staff
May 22, 2017

In reply to by Supermom

You met someone online, and he wants you to send him $1,000. That sounds like a scam. If you send your money, you're probably going to lose it, and you won't get anything back.

May 22, 2017
For some reason I am a beacon for these low lifes. Most claim to be in the military and it amazes me how low they can stoop. They look for someone to open a bank account, send them money and lately they want Itune gift cards or bitcoins. Thankfully I can tell the signs right away. Please if any of you have a scammer and they claim they are in the military and can't use the phone and/or internet they are lying to you.If they can't cam leave them.For some strange reason their laptop doesn't have a working cam nor their phones.That is a big red flag.Be safe people and don't send them your hard earned money