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New Medicare cards are coming soon. Here’s what you need to know about your new card. Plus, how to avoid related scams.

Starting in April 2018, Medicare will begin mailing new cards to everyone who gets Medicare benefits. Why? To help protect your identity, Medicare is removing Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. Instead, the new cards will have a unique Medicare Number. This will happen automatically. You don’t need to do anything or pay anyone to get your new card.

Medicare will mail your card, at no cost, to the address you have on file with the Social Security Administration. If you need to update your official mailing address, visit your online Social Security account or call 1-800-772-1213. When you get your new card, your Medicare coverage and benefits will stay the same.

If your sister who lives in another state gets her card before you, don’t fret. The cards will be mailed in waves, to various parts of the country, from April 2018 until April 2019. So, your card may arrive at a different time than hers. You can check the rollout schedule to get a better idea when you may be receiving yours.

When you get your new card, be sure to destroy your old card. Don’t just toss it in the trash. Shred it. If you have a separate Medicare Advantage card, keep that because you’ll still need it for treatment.

As the new Medicare cards start being mailed, be on the lookout for Medicare scams. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t pay for your new card. It’s yours for free. If anyone calls and says you need to pay for it, that’s a scam.
  • Don’t give personal information to get your card. If someone calls claiming to be from Medicare, asking for your Social Security number or bank information, that’s a scam. Hang up. Medicare will never ask you to give personal information to get your new number and card.
  • Guard your card. When you get your new card, safeguard it like you would any other health insurance or credit card. While removing the Social Security number cuts down on many types of identity theft, you’ll still want to protect your new card because identity thieves could use it to get medical services.

For more information about changes to your Medicare card go to And if you’re a victim of a scam, report it to the FTC.



March 20, 2018

In reply to by lynnnv

I concur with that statement. We all have our social security numbers with w=every doctor, hospital and etc. Will have to request them to delete and replace them?
March 08, 2018
It's about time. Now how do we get all those doctors and hospitals to purge their records of our old s.s. number? We can't. It is still out there, just waiting to be stolen.
March 08, 2018
HEADS UP! When using the website to change your address, DO NOT put in any characters like a period or number sign - your address change WILL NOT be accepted.
March 08, 2018
Unfortunately hospitals, doctors offices, credit card companies, banks, investment firms, and any other company that you may have an account with still has your SS# on file, as well as the National Credit Reporting Agencies. What happens if their systems are hacked, as the recent case with one of these reporting agencies this past year? I doubt that these companies will purge their records to remove one's SS# from their files.
Scam alert
March 09, 2018
To not use the links on this site. Look up site on social security web site and go from there. Links on this site could be redirected without your knowledges!
March 10, 2018
It is about time.This should have been done 20 years ago, before all this identity steeling. I agree with others too, as everything you get from SS has your SS# on them also. The schedule for new cards is also a joke. Only a few states show April to June, all others show after June 2018. Why does it take a whole year to get some new cards?
Why Bother
March 11, 2018
The deductible is so high, it is easier to simply pay in cash. I noticed that at a major pharmacy my cost for my meds was much less when I didn't use the card. Amazing how that works.
March 18, 2018

In reply to by Why Bother

That's true, but the down side it that you ad NOTHING to your annual out of pocket deductible for the year that you must pay, before the insurance company starts paying everything.
March 13, 2018
I can tell everyone that new Medicare cards with new numbers are pointless because the thieves already have our SS numbers from the old Medicare cards. We will solve the problems if we receive new Medicare cards with new numbers AND change SS numbers. That will thwart the thieves and give law enforcement room to arrest the thieves.
March 15, 2018
Thank you so much for the valuable information you make available to all of us. It is much appreciated!
Major Dad
March 23, 2018
Thanks, you did a great job on implementing this massive change. We all owe you one
March 25, 2018
About time! The private sector was forced to stop using SS#'s for identification years ago. I hope the new cards are not the cheap paper crap like the old ones.
April 06, 2018
Thank you so much
January 04, 2019

In reply to by İrfan8001

dry goods
April 27, 2018
How are the cards mailed out. All at one time or by birthday or by state.
FTC Staff
April 27, 2018

In reply to by dry goods

The cards will be mailed in waves to various parts of the country, from April 2018 until April 2019. You can check the rollout schedule to get a better idea when you may receive your card.

May 05, 2018
I recieved my new card today strange it doesn't state male or female or that you have to sign it? Just hope it cut down on the scamming!
May 08, 2018
This is stupid bcuz when u call to make appt or pay bill etc. They all u I'm the office for ur SS number n u have to give it or medicare won't pay the bill, u have to. Do the theifs in the office still get ur SS number. So this is stupid the ppl ur supposed to b protected from r still going to get the number.
June 01, 2018
It appears no signature is required for new cards?
Berna J French
June 30, 2018
Why no space on new card for signature? I understand reason to omit SS# but is my signature not required?
Darrell Brinkmann
July 01, 2018
When can I start looking for my new card?
August 07, 2018

In reply to by Darrell Brinkmann

Visit Enter your email address and state of residence, then hit submit.

July 10, 2018
I got my new card and all claims were denied! Codes say Medicare number was incorrect or missing. Is this going to be a problem? I assumed we were to use our new cards when we received them.
July 12, 2018
My daddy already received his new card for a month, but my mom still no sight of it. Should I call for a new replacement card or the roll out time based on age that's why she still waiting?
August 07, 2018

In reply to by skyblueinsf

Visit Enter your mother's email address and state of residence, then hit submit.

Mailing takes time. Your mother’s card may arrive at a different time than her husband’s, friends or neighbors.

July 26, 2018
Got my new card about 3 weeks ago. Few days ago got a second card with a different number. Which one is correct ? Anyone have this issue ?
August 07, 2018

In reply to by John

Try contacting Medicare at this toll-free number: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)

August 07, 2018
The site tells you to destroy your old card. Does that mean to destroy your Social Security Card? Greg
August 13, 2018
Still have NOT received new card. Live in KY. When should it be expected
Don't pbertran…
August 23, 2018
I have still not received my card, should I start working?
October 22, 2018
I will be 65 in October and have not got my Medicare card They are fixing to start taking Medicare out of my widow pinching. An I don’t want part B
FTC Staff
October 22, 2018

In reply to by Jennifer

You can go to to find out about enrolling in Medicare, or you can call 1-800-633-4227.

September 05, 2018
I have still not received the new medicare card. Other relatives and friends receive a couple of months ago or more. I live in Queens New York.
Senior Citizen
October 16, 2018
I received my new Medicare card on Oct. 9, and then received another one on Oct.15 !! Both were exactly the same. That seems like a dangerous mistake. And to make it doubly worse, my husband had the same thing happen: received two identical cards. !!
October 16, 2018
My husband received 2 new cards within a week of each other. Early-ish as we are on the #6 list. I have not received mine. Today I received a call (very E Indian sounding voice)which sounded bogus from Fayette, Alabama asking about the card when I told him I was suspicious he just said "well, you can just hang up." Now what? Someone has my information?
October 17, 2018
I got my new medicare card in the mail. Then, a week or two later, I got a second one. They appear to be identical. Should I be concerned?
October 20, 2018
Why did I receive two new Medicare cards? Yes they are both the same.
December 07, 2018
How do I find out where my new Medicare card is? I keep getting locked out on the site and the list says that AZ has been completed. My wife received hers several weeks ago, same address, same last name, same initials.
January 04, 2019
I am so annoyed at the hospital insurance clerks. They dont understand, or care, if the old medicare(SS#s) insurance numbers are still on file, and not deleted.
candace d. Fryrear
March 14, 2019
Where is card?
March 27, 2019
I received a call today from 1-800-633-4227. They asked if I have received my new medicare card. I said yes. He said they are sending out plastic cards to replace the paper ones. He then asked me if I remember my old medicare # (which is my SSN). I said, yes I remember it. He said tell me what it is. I said no. He said why? I said because you are a scammer. So he hung up. I called medicare. They are NOT changing to plastic cards. And medicare does not call you. So if you see medicare 800 # on your phone, DO NOT ANSWER!