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Videos from the Federal Trade Commission may not feature a cast of celebrity actors, but they’re still entertaining. Produced by the nation’s consumer protection agency, these videos offer practical, useful, and memorable messages that can save you money, time, and aggravation. And they’re free.


We have videos that tell you how to protect your identity, deal with debt collectors, and shop for a used car. Other videos are about how to stay ahead of scammers, such as by signing up for free email updates from the FTC.


And now, for your viewing pleasure... a selection of the FTC’s top releases:


Check out our complete line-up of consumer videos. Share your favorites with family, friends and colleagues. Post our videos on your blog or website. You’ll find embed code in our media center.

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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

We don't edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above. The comments posted on this blog become part of the public domain. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Opinions in comments that appear in this blog belong to the individuals who expressed them. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission.

February 20, 2019
Thank you for the good advice -- Please keep it coming
Kjallen23 you…
February 20, 2019
Appreciate this email letting me know about availability of different videos. Thank you!
February 20, 2019
Thank you for this information. Very useful.
February 20, 2019
This is great. Nice way to warn the young and old alike and keep folks aware of what is going on . Keep them coming and i will keep sharing
February 20, 2019
I was sent a blackmail letter. The sender, who said they'd hacked my site, used my address to send it to me! Because of that, I was unable to forward it to the govt. fraud division.
February 21, 2019
I get your emails several times a week, and I really appreciate the information.
February 25, 2019
There are alot of videos on youtube where victims chat with scammers and play dumb with them ends up where the scammer gets mad when he finds out he is being taken for a ride and the victim is happy he waisted the scammers time.Watching this gives clues as to what todo if you run into a scammer.
November 07, 2019
I want to say thank you for all of this good information I wish I would have known all this information when someone charged. Hospitalal in my name