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The three national credit reporting agencies — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — have permanently extended a program that lets you check your credit report at each of the agencies once a week for free.

Visit to request free copies of your credit reports. Other sites may charge you or be fraudulent sites set up to steal your personal information.

By law, everyone is entitled to one free credit report every twelve months from each of the three credit reporting agencies. In 2020, soon after the COVID-19 pandemic upended the finances of millions of people, the three agencies announced they would temporarily make free reports available every week. The program was extended twice and is now permanent.

Why check your credit report? Your report shows things like how many credit cards and loans you have, whether you pay your bills on time, and whether any debts have been turned over to collections. Creditors, insurers, some employers, and other businesses use it to decide if they want to do business with you — and the terms they’ll offer you.

Mistakes, like accounts or bankruptcies that aren’t yours, can hurt your credit, increase how much you’ll have to pay to borrow money, and even derail your chances of getting a loan, insurance, a rental home, or a job. Mistakes can result from errors by businesses that report credit information to credit reporting agencies. They also can be a sign of identity theft. The sooner you spot a mistake, the sooner you can dispute the error or — if it results from identity theft — report it at

To learn more about why your credit matters, read Understanding Your Credit.

Updated October 13, 2023 to reflect the permanent extension of free weekly credit reports. Updated September 23, 2022 to reflect the extension of weekly free credit reports through December 2023. Updated May 2, 2022 to reflect the extension of weekly free credit reports through December 2022. This Consumer Alert was originally posted on March 16, 2021.

May 19, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

This link is just a list of "Frequently Asked Questions". Even though this is minimally helpful, I am surprised and grateful for your reply.
May 19, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

We are not comfortable putting the required identifying information in the mail and then trusting Equafax to shred it when they're done with it. There has to be a better way. For now we'll just put off getting our credit report from them. We may have to accept that Equafax is not run properly, but we don't have to approve of it.
October 02, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

FTC has been made aware for several years that Equifax is refusing to allow credit reports to be viewable online through and should be the entity following through with Equifax instead of giving pat responses to contact Equifax who will continues to force consumers to put their sensitive information in paper form to send through the mail for humans to process at a company known to have had a privacy breach in the past--especially when it is a known fact that there are issues with the postal service. It is the function and duty of the FTC to act on issues that effect a class of citizens like those affected by this known issue. Quit passing off on the matter and take the time to use the power of the government to get this fixed. There's a pandemic right now and you shouldn't be allowing Equifax to make customers at risk when the option to stay at home is possible.
James Gray
May 18, 2020
Credit report
May 18, 2020
Transunion somehow attaches so called Credit Karma to the FREE annual credit report if you request the score and Credit Karma without shame charges a monthly fee of $28.00.Itis impossible tocancel- there are no links, the phone number is not answered. Does anyone knowwhat to do?
FTC Staff
May 19, 2020

In reply to by Sarah

TransUnion offers free weekly credit reports through

TransUnion also offers a separate, paid product that includes your report, your score, and other credit monitoring services. If you bought a paid product from TransUnion or Credit Karma, you have to contact them directly to cancel the product. 

May 18, 2020
The credit agencies promote guarding against debt and pay down debt but within online reports they advertise high interest credit cards, trashy car loan offers and predatory loan companies with interest rates designed to sack you. Why doesn’t the FTC use their powers and charge the credit bureaus with misleading advertising?
May 20, 2020
Will pulling the reports weekly have a count against my credit score? Will it cause it to go down?
May 19, 2020
Will requesting a report lower my credit score?
May 22, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

Filled out all the questions, ie: SSN, DOB, ADDRESS, ETC. ETC. and after giving all this ~ I get a response that I cannot get a response on line and must mail info in for an answer. THAT'S NOT going to happen however thanks to the FTC May 18, 2020 message, ALL my personal info is out there somewhere!!
March 16, 2021

In reply to by RICHARD

I just tried now requesting. When I got there I click for all three but only one highlighted which is the last one on the list which is Equifax. I filled up my personal information but told me the same thing that I have to request through the mail. Then I tried to request Experian & it tells me the same thing. It is useless to ask Transunion cause I have a feeling it will tell me the same thing. Richard, I feel the same that my personal information is somewhere online now this is getting me to be very concerned.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
Im one of the lucky ppl who got hacked so I put a hold or freeze on my credit Can I still get a report free? You should mention they dont include your credit score on those reports, that cost money.
Conned Sumer
May 22, 2020
I read here and in other sources that everyone can receive a free CR weekly from each of the three major CRA’s. I went to the website and submitted the form for free weekly reports. Just receive a letter from TransUnion that since I have already received my free annual report I am ineligible for for a free weekly report and must pay $11.50. It appears that TransUnion may have reconsidered their position on free weekly reports for everyone.
FTC Staff
May 29, 2020

In reply to by Conned Sumer

You are still entitled to free weekly credit reports from three credit reporting agencies. Make sure you click on the button that refers to COVID-19 and free weekly online reports when you go to 

You could call or email TransUnion and ask to have that fee waived, because they made a mistake by charging you for the report.

May 23, 2020
Except they are not doing it. It's hit and miss from week to week. Sometimes they do it. Sometimes they don't. I follow up and call if they deny it, and sometimes I get a paper copy, sometimes I don't.
May 29, 2020
I am still waiting for the report
Frustrated in Tulsa
May 29, 2020
I requested my credit report by phone from Equifax on April 17 and still haven't received it. I wasn't about to mail all the personal identity information they asked for if I wanted to request the credit report by mail. It's somewhat comforting to hear that other people are also having so many problems.
September 19, 2020

In reply to by Frustrated in Tulsa

you normally get it within 10 days. if not call them again as the computer may have miss heard your reply and the info is wrong looking for your report. I have never had any issues mailing in what they required.
Agent Smith
June 13, 2020
"We are not able to deliver your free Equifax Annual Credit Report online." Going on for years. Shady credit bureau.
June 16, 2020
the credit bureaus are forcing us to request our report my mail, and want copies of I.D. Social Security Card,and proof of address.Snail Mail is not safe to send this information to them. they are making it hard for us to get free reports online which would cost them nothing. They know most people will not send this by mail thus they don't get paid and we get no free report. SCAMMERS
June 19, 2020
The "Annual Credit"wouldn't allow me to pull an annual report and I have NO Idea WHY! I haven't pulled a report from the site for about 5 years. It's very hard to keep your Credit Score up to date when you CAN'T get a report so I had to pay which isn't far at all but this the way of the World.
July 06, 2020
My first credit report
July 30, 2020
I'm getting charged Monthly 21.00 by Experian and I have not signed up for any program. Not only that I can't get a hold of them. I'm blocked some how. Money started to be withdrawn when I applied for mortgage
August 10, 2020
Equifax never allows me to order my annual report online any more. They always ask me to mail in documents. This has happened in 2017, 2018, 2019, and now 2020. Transunion and Experian don't require mail-in documents, and I've been able to get both of those in all 4 of these years without issue. Frustrating.
September 11, 2020
Every year I request my free credit reports from the three reporting agencies and every year I get a message from Equifax that they can't deliver the report online. They want to mail it to me after I provide them with additional information like a copy of my driver's license, which I refuse to do. I don't know why they're like this. Thankfully, Transunion and Experian don't do this and from their reports I feel confident that there are no problems with my credit reports.
September 14, 2020
I tried to get reports from Experian and Equifax but both said it is not available right now. Weekly reports are no good if you can't get a report
September 23, 2020
I was able to get my online credit reports from Experian and Trans Union via Annual Credit report. My concern is that Equifax asked some verification questions, I answered correctly ,but it locked me out and I was concerned as to why this happened. Why did it not recognise the correct answers? Thanks
September 27, 2020
The credit bureaus are still charging for your reports.
John L
September 29, 2020
I was unsuccessful with Experian via your website or theirs directly. They just stated they were unable to identify me. No problem with the other two agencies. Furthermore, the phone number that Experian provided only gave an option to submit an alert request or report fraud. Neither applied and no other options were available including an agent. It simply hung up on me from there. Their website's contact number for consumer issues basically led me down the same path. I was never able to speak with an agent to resolve the issue. It remains unresolved with Experian.
October 03, 2020
I tried getting Free Annual Credit Report from Tried twice with EQUIFAX and both times it said " Cannot generate online report " and asked to send details by mail which is too much hassel . Even at Equifax website -myequifax had issues and keeps showing error in SSN field even though there was none. Other two agencies worked perfectly fine at Anyone else facing this issue with Equifax?
November 04, 2020
I used free annual report & sent it in.Beginning Oct. Transunion said I already got my free annual report... NOT ON WEEKLY Check.
November 16, 2020
You can NOT get a free report from TransUnion. Their website clearly states “ You MAY be eligible for a reduced or free credit report” and pushes you to another unknown website. The TransUnion site clearly indicates purchase is required (below is a direct copy from TransUnion’s website): Convenient Online Services TransUnion Credit Report Purchase your TransUnion Credit Report Online
Changes Needed
December 15, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

I went through the ACR/Annual Credit Report portal the FTC advises yet the FTC seems unaware that all three reporting agencies make it difficult, if not impossible, to access online report information without pushing membership that charges a fee. Forget trying to find out your score. The number at ACR/Experian website, 855-414-6047, is invalid because it kept disconnecting after a female automated voice asks for your SSN. So, now I fear my SSN is compromised. However, Equifax is the worst via ACR portal because only one question of many fit my identity and the site would not allow online entry but claimed it would mail report in 15 days. Not true! I’ve since contacted Equifax at number given by FTC, 800-685-1111, and a person with an accent from a far away country said no request for a mailed report was on record. I have trusted this person to mail the credit report, place a freeze as well as a fraud alert and to block/opt-out of promotional files they sell to data brokers. Please will some government agency get on this extremely unsafe, frustratingly corrupt way by which we all suffer in order to see, dispute, make changes to our credit reports. Also, why has credit reporting company information become outsourced to phone operators in foreign countries? It makes no sense.
November 23, 2020
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE EXTEND THIS INDEFINIETLY. This has been a godsend, not just during COVID, but all consumers should have the right to pull their credit report free every 7 days. We are the product, and it is incredible that we can't even see what creditors more than once a year see unless we pay money!!
upset client
November 27, 2020
Experian is the easiest to get in and check your report. Equifax and Transunion are extremely DIFFICULT to get in. It keeps asking for new password and does not updates it. There is no email contact so you can tell them what is the problem. It should NOT be that way.
December 04, 2020
I had a similar problem with Equifax on where the Equifax option would not provide a printable or downloadable report of my credit. I had no problems obtaining Experian and TransUnion reports from the site. I can see my Equifax credit report on account, but it is not a user-friendly document that can be printed or download. When I called Equifax customer service they said they had no way to fix issues on, and they offered to sell me a printable on-line copy of my "free" credit report for $12.95. I said no thank you and requested that they just put my free copy in the paper mail. Equifax's response at least gives the appearance that Equifax may be purposely not fixing their cyber issues on as a way to sell people their free annual credit reports.
December 16, 2020
I am suspicious about the fact that Experian has suddenly changed my middle name. Hopefully I will have access to a Public Library computer soon to correct this and other mistakes. No excuse from them is acceptable because Chase reports to them regularly and updates my data often, with my correct name. It’s part of my “Credit Journey” page. The page is “powered by Experian”.
January 02, 2021
Will the report I pull today reflect updates/changes in a month? Example: I look at my credit report today for free. In 30 days, I go to a lender for a bank loan. When I log back on will that report show any changes that occurred since I pulled the report 30 days ago or the report will be 30 days old?
January 04, 2021
How can I access all three of my credit scores? I don't need the reports as I have already addressed the issues I had and am now just wanting to see what my scores are for purposes of a mortgage approval. Thank you!
January 07, 2021
Transunion will not allow me to see my score with a credit card number. Equifax says online viewing of my score is not available. And Experian said "site not available" when I tried to use the link provided here"". It was easy to get my report directly from Experian, but I am still unable to get anything directly from Equifax or Transunion.
American Citizen
January 09, 2021
The Free Annual Credit Report idea is a great thing (in theory). Each year, I attempt to use this great resource, and each year I am frustrated with the results. Some years, I get 2 of the 3. Some years, I am lucky enough to get all three and some years, I end up without getting any. I just tried again and I was only able to get one. For being Congressionally mandated, this program sure isn't working the way Congress intended it to. Whoever is running the website needs to be replaced by someone who can actually make it work the way the law intended for it to work!
Don't use your…
January 10, 2021
I need reports credit my wife for showing up to buy home
Tony S
January 11, 2021
Sorry, but Equifax won't send it via e-mail and requires that you fill out a form asking for EVERY piece of personal information imaginable to be SNAIL MAILED back to them so that when it gets lost in the mail, whoever helped it to get "lost" will have everything they need to steal your identity. TransUnion, on the other hand, has a link for you to click that ... brings you right back here to fill out the request form again. Which takes you to their website with the link that ... brings you right back here again. I appreciate that you are trying to help us consumers, but apparently the credit reporting companies don't care to cooperate.
January 21, 2021
At what date will the credit reporting agencies cease to provide the free weekly updated credit reports? Also, is there any push to extend that current date out further or make the free weekly updates permanent?