Scammy PPE sellers exploit COVID-19 fears
Last month, the FTC filed its first case against an online seller that failed to ship next-da
Volkswagen repays $9.5 billion to car owners and lessees
You might remember that, back in 2016, the FTC sued and then settled with Volkswagen and Porsche over t
Online seller failed to ship next-day PPE as promised
Facemasks and other types of personal protective equipment (PPE) have been in high demand since the COVID pandemic began. Many people have flocked to online retailers to place orders.
Getting stimulus checks from car dealerships? Nope.
During these difficult economic times, scammers will do almost anything to try to get your money.
More FTC warnings about scam Coronavirus treatments
The FTC continues to seek out and warn sellers who peddle so-called Coronavirus treatments with no proof they work.
FTC warns 45 more sellers of scam Coronavirus treatments
Every day we are reading about researchers studying potential ways to prevent, treat or cure COVID-19.
FTC sends COVID-related warnings to MLM companies
A business opportunity that promises you can work from home, earn lots of money, and enjoy a lavish lifestyle?
Isoprex misleads seniors
“Isoprex Slashes Pain in 5 Days – Naturally!” “Walking without a Cane!” “Clinically Proven!” “Relieves painful swelling in 100% of even the worst cases.” These claims are false or misleading, accor