Have you gotten a collection call about a debt you don’t recognize?
Nobody likes getting debt collection calls. But have you ever gotten one for a debt you already paid — or you know isn’t yours?
Nobody likes getting debt collection calls. But have you ever gotten one for a debt you already paid — or you know isn’t yours?
Have you ever gotten a call about a debt you don’t recognize? Or had a collector harass, threaten, or lie to you?
Back in February, we wrote about Online Trading Academy (OTA), a company that peddled a
Just about a year ago, we told you about a case the FTC brought against a student loan debt re
When you’re having trouble paying your credit card bills, getting a lower interest rate to keep your balance in check could be a game changer.
Especially during this time of crisis, dealing with the death of a loved one is hard. Dealing with a debt collector calling about their debts can make it even harder.
Job losses have traveled hand-in-hand with the Coronavirus. If you’re having trouble paying your bills, you’re not alone. Here are a few things to keep in mind if a debt collector calls.
COVID-19 has thrown the economy into a tailspin. Many people have been laid off, furloughed, or are working fewer hours. And as wages dry up, bills can pile up.
Because of the Coronavirus, many people are facing financial challenges, especi