Avoiding scams that target immigrants
A scam alert for the Korean community
Payment processor’s sales pitches tricked small business owners
Today, people expect to swipe, dip, tap, enter, and use their credit and debit cards everywhere — including at small businesses, local shops, and neighborhood restaurants.
How To Avoid Immigration Scams and Get Real Help
No new immigration relief yet
You might have seen that the President recently sent a new immigration bill to Congress. What does that mean for you if you’re a non-citizen in the United States?
Notarios are no help with immigration
Now and then, it’s helpful to remind ourselves of things we already know: Nobody legit will ever demand payment with a gift card. Dark chocolate is superior to milk chocolate.
Scammers go after international students’ money
We try to let you know when we learn about new scams, so you can avoid them and warn your friends and family.
Immigration help – watch your step
If you’re looking for immigration help, you might run across what look like government websites – but are actually from companies pretending to be part of the U.S. government.