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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

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March 24, 2020
I know neither the House or Senate Stimulas package hasn't passed yet. And I know people on Disability are to get it from what I understand. But please, would like to know if people that can't work, who aren't on disability, but have filed for disability, are they or aren't they eligible for the Stimulas check when/if it passes. I've been through the whole process up to an adjudication review, got denied, have defiled and been refused my first time getting ready to file an appeal. Will/should I be eligible? Or is there someone I could contact, or are people in my situation not even under consideration Hopefully, may get some help, but not relying on it.
March 24, 2020
A lot of people on Social Security and Social Security Disability are not required to file a tax return. Will those who receive the stimulus check be determined solely by who files tax returns? That cuts out a great many people.
FTC Staff
March 24, 2020

In reply to by mare

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 24, 2020
Will commercial shrimpers get a check?
March 24, 2020
I get ssi/ssd, my money is deposited to my direct express debt card, if I get the stimulus money will they put it on my debt card or will I have to have a bank account, since the irs is in control of sending out the money
March 24, 2020
I pray that they will give us all one we are all in this together I am disabled as well as many others and poor I pray that they will bless us all everyone please stay safe
March 24, 2020
The first is coming around the corner and we have bills to pay most of our landlords don't want to hear this nonsense the government needs to send each adult 1800 + 750child I need to approve emergency food stamps for everyone for the next 3 months the government causes epidemic with these experiments and now we're paying the price that's not fair not for me or my children. Why are you trying to pay these big businesses airports and hotels who have laid off everyone no one is working all this money to pay who there are no employees the people need this money we are in desperate need for a hundreds and thousands of people dying because of experiments that you caused. I'm in fear of my life to even go outside or even let my children outside this is not fair and this is not right.
March 24, 2020
What about disabled veterans who only get money from the va pension
March 24, 2020
If I'm still working will I be a part of the stimulus package
April 23, 2020
Will the homeless be able to receive a check as well ?
March 24, 2020
What if our address is different than when we last received an income tax check?
March 24, 2020
What about the people, like me that wasn't able to join the workforce until early 2019. I filed my taxes this year. Will I qualify for the stimulas check. A lot of people were able to find work last year and finally went back to work???
Mr. Murphy
March 24, 2020
What about the people who earned money and weren't required to file that your are they getting a check?
Kimberly Lewis
March 24, 2020
What if you don't have a bank account for direct deposit. Will we get A check
March 24, 2020
What’s with our government basing stimulus checks on income that was previously earned? Sure we made over $150k in sales commissions last year. Now we make $000,000. We still have bills like everyone else only now we cannot contribute 38% of our income to pay everyone else a stimulus check.
March 24, 2020
Will people who's only source of income is SSDI receive a stimulus check?
March 24, 2020
I will not get into the nightmare of living on disabilty, something I couldn't fathom after graduating college. I have to accept the fact I simply cannot work. Right now, the 'why' doesn't matter. I read about someone who was able to make it on 60$ a week for a month! in NYC. Congratulations, now try doing it every month for the next 15 years. I then went to the store for beverages because I can only buy what I need at the moment; nothing that I might need 2 weeks from now. At the store, I was immediately struck how marginalized the poor have become in the U.S.. Never, have I seen as many people in wheelchairs except a disabilities support group. People dressed in their best rags (including myself), people off the street wandering around with carts. People forced to ignore the 'stay at home' rule because we cannot shop in bulk. I came home and began reading what I already suspected about the disabled and others on S.S not being included as 'people in need of the emergency money'. Believe me, I understand how hard it is for people to lose income due to uncontrollable missed work or job loss . I've been through it. However, it was far easier knowing that I would still be able to make money when things normalized. The checks do need to be sent to EVERYONE making under 6 figures including those who can't work and live on a fixed income. My hope is that in sharing this personal account along with others will send a message that the population of poor have being given inadequate attention now and before Covid-19. Everyone should try living on 60$ a week for an extended period of time.
March 24, 2020
I only draw 10'776 in society a year and have a daughter and granddaughter liveing with me and my daughter is out of work will I be eligible to draw the government check
March 24, 2020
I'm on SSDI. I haven't filed taxes since 2014 when i become disabled. My wife still works and files taxez however we now are separated and live in different states. Married couples get $2,400. My question is will she get my portion of it or will i get my own check?
March 24, 2020
My opinion is people that are on social security or disability and other government AIDS won't get stimulus check because the government to look at it like that's guaranteed money every month so what the president doesn't realize has a very good example I went grocery shopping the other day I spent $60 on groceries the problem is I had to buy what they had because there wasn't much left on the Shelf I normally can get double when I got that day on $60 people are hoarding and over buying and not thinking about other people so that makes it hard for people on low income they had to buy hire price items which makes them run out of money quicker so when it comes to rent time people like me on fixed income might not have all the rent money because of the situation I could go on and on and on but what good would it do the president is going to do what he wants no matter what people situations are so as far as I think people on low income are sol and that's a shame because we are hurting just as much as everyone else
Townie 617
March 24, 2020
If I I am out of work and homeless am I eligible for a check?
Caribbean Girl 54
March 24, 2020
My husband & I worked very hard, I retired at 65 & my husband at 67. We had a pretty good nest egg at the time but I became very sick & it took over a yr. to find a dr. that knew what was wrong with me.tons of tests & mris the co pays ate most our money. I did not have long to live if they had not found it when they did. So know the prices in the grocery stores have raised their prices because of the virus.,so we have to decide if we will buy our meds., meat, fruit & veggies, so now it being said that retires on ss will not get a stimulus check, but if you bring in $75,000 you will , well that is GREAT, I know that we do not get what we payed in to our SS, but no way to prove it. It is under $1,200 a month for the both of us. But we do not beg for anything from the state I do believe we could get help, but we do not ask. So we will not get a check, AINT That AMERICA
Alexandra Espinosa
March 24, 2020
Will their checks to help ???? Ive been affected by this virus and were struggling......
March 24, 2020
Do people that haven't received SSI and are waiting and not working receive a check?
Don't use your…
March 24, 2020
My son claimed me a 75 years old veteran on his taxes and got his money already. Will I get a stimulas check.
March 24, 2020
What about the poor people, how much is the government given to these people?
Chocolate 55
April 27, 2020

In reply to by Chris

Hi I am a 53 year old female my uncle claimed me as a dependent and I live alone I receive ssi and social security I take back pain medicine and also depression medicine will I get something from the stimulus check do I receive anything because people not sharing they more I struggle hard every month off of $800.00 dollars a month
FTC Staff
April 27, 2020

In reply to by Chocolate 55

The IRS has questions and answers about who is eligible for a stimulus check on this page. The IRS says you may be eligible to get a payment if you can't be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.

May 02, 2020

In reply to by FTC Staff

Why did my daughter get an $800.00 stimulus check. She has a power bill for $560.00, I am not able to assistant her.
Don't use wand…
March 24, 2020
My son claimed me on his taxes and got his refund.Will I Wanda get a Stimulas Payment
March 24, 2020
Is that check for everybody who's disabled
March 24, 2020
I only make 10,000 a year so I hope it comes soon I only make 200 a week I have seizures so I hope it comes soon
March 27, 2020

In reply to by Toni

I'm right there with you. I have 3 Autoimmune disease, heart problems, and some kidney problem, and pass out or have seizures daily. I'm a single mother my 2 kids and I live off 220 a month. I child was claimed by his dad this year, but I pay for everything he needs. I hope I can have both my childrens money cause we are just getting by. Praying everyone gets something remember y'all we are in this together.
March 24, 2020
I already filed my 2019 taxes. I am single, head of household. My income is in the $50’s however I took a good amount of money out of my retirement last year to pay some bills and fix up my house which put my income over $100k. I am 61. Will I get a stimulus check?
March 24, 2020
Glad to get a heads up! Thank you whomever you are. My mom got scammed years ago,won't let it happen again if possible
March 24, 2020
If I owe back taxes but out of work because of shutdown will I still get a stimulus check?
March 24, 2020
Will people that get SS or SSI still get there check on the 1st
Ron Smith
March 24, 2020
What if I have new address and bank ?
March 24, 2020
Thank you for the update!
iva mincey
March 24, 2020
March 25, 2020
I have been on a small disability pension since 2016, I am currently appealing a social security disability denial. I've been also attempting to go back to work and have been hindered by my union postponing a physical to see if I was capable to return to work. The people who were helping me financially can no longer help me right now. will I receive A check
March 25, 2020
Will people on disability on ssa will I get a check ?
March 30, 2020

In reply to by nica

Me and my husband are disabled and have full custody of our grandchildren. How do we receive the money for the two grandkids living with us?
March 25, 2020
also I'm in a dragged out divorce, we're officially separated and a request for a hearing was filed. Do we both get a check separate or 1200 each and the custodial parent gets the 500 for a child
Joe b
March 25, 2020
I am being told that as far as anyone knows presumptively yes but who knows wise man once say don't count eggs as chicken until they hatch
March 25, 2020
How will this stimulus be sent out? My husband and I filed taxes jointly last year and had our return directly deposited into our joint bank account. We are separated and I am no longer on that account. Does that mean he will receive his and my stimulus? How can I make sure I get mine?
March 25, 2020
My wife lost her job not 3 weeks before this COVID-19 came & I am disabled & will I get a check from the stimulis package my sefs
March 25, 2020
I am on SSI for a couple years now. Most of my SSI (814 dollars) goes towards my rent. I am barely keeping above water. Do I get a check? I have direct deposit. If I get it, I will bring my gas, electric, and water down to a balance of zero. The winter is killing my fiances.
March 25, 2020
Husband is disabled and gets SSD. I babysit for a small amount of money each month (but self isolating now, no baby sitting and flat broke) and we do not make enough to file taxes. We also have two children. The four of us live on less than a thousand dollars a month. Will any of us get this stimulus?