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Image of cupid and heartNot everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people — even stolen pictures of real military personnel. They profess their love quickly. And they tug at your heartstrings with made-up stories about how they need money — for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Why all of the tricks? They’re looking to steal your money.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, romance scammers are now involving their victims in online bank fraud. Here’s how it works: The scammers set up dating profiles to meet potential victims. After they form a “relationship,” they come up with reasons to ask their love interest to set up a new bank account. The scammers transfer stolen money into the new account, and then tell their victims to wire the money out of the country. Victims think they’re just helping out their soulmate, never realizing they’re aiding and abetting a crime.  

Here are some warning signs that an online love interest might be a fake. They ask you to:

  • chat off of the dating site immediately, using personal email, text, or phone
  • wire money using Western Union or Money Gram
  • set up a new bank account

Did you know you can do an image search of your love interest’s photo in your favorite search engine? If you do an image search and the person’s photo appears under several different names, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. And if the person’s online profile disappears a few days after they meet you, that’s another tip-off.

Here’s the real deal: Don’t send money to someone you met online — for any reason. If your online sweetheart asks for money, you can expect it’s a scam.

Unfortunately, online dating scams are all too common. There may be tens of thousands of victims, and only a small fraction report it to the FTC. If this happens to you, please report it at

A woman looking at a dating site on her computer.

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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

We don't edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above. The comments posted on this blog become part of the public domain. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Opinions in comments that appear in this blog belong to the individuals who expressed them. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission.

He got me too
January 29, 2016

In reply to by SAME EXACT STORY-

I too have been scammed by this same guy..goes by the name David to live in Cincinnati, Oh, which through me for a loop. I was in contact with him for 2 years until he couldn't get any more money from me.
He got me too
February 15, 2016

In reply to by He got me too

Watch out for the oil rig lies. I think he even put up a website for Hybernia oil project leading me to believe that's where he had a contract to work! I didn't tell him I looked it up and found the site but he either copied info from it or made the site himself. If these guys are in Malaysia or Nigeria they have buds here in the States working with them. Im worried they are terrorists.
February 23, 2016

In reply to by SAME EXACT STORY-

I think I may be talking to the same person very attractive Has a strong German accent 310 589 Malibu ca
March 19, 2016

In reply to by jessj273

Hi I would like to know if I am being dupped by the same man. He has a German accent as well, thank you
March 24, 2016

In reply to by al75

This guy is busy....same story! A handsome, strong accent German man contacted me through Match. Just as we were going to meet, he needed to go to San Francisco to submit a construction bid. He won the bid and wasn't able to travel back home. He was off to Malaysia to start the project. The day after he got there, he sent me a text telling me his computer was know longer working and needed a replacement. I became suspicious and told him that he was probably a resourceful businessman and that I was sure he could figure it out. He asked for 10 bars of dark chocolate, cookies and various toiletries. The next day, he told me that he was able to locate a computer but could I send 2 $50.00 ITunes gift cards so he could purchase the necessary engineering software. That is went I blocked him from all of my contact info. I hope he is caught. Fortunately, all I invested was a bit of my heart and not my bank account. My first exposure to a con artist!
October 06, 2020

In reply to by Rosie

OMG! This is a busy guy! He's still around. This guy I have been talking to also says he's from Germany originally, but has an African accent. We met on POF and I swear he's stalking me there. He knows when I have even been on there for 5 minutes. He said he was about 100 miles from me, but then scared to meet due to covid19. Suddenly, he took the Amtrak from his town to Ohio. He asked me for money for his friend's sick wife. Then he came back to town. He has sent me flowers twice, like that's going to change my mind about sending him money. Later, he "had to go to his sick mom" in Germany. He wanted me to send him $ to help her out, then he said he is waiting for money from his company (still don't know the name) and he wants me to set up a bank account of to put it in my account for him. NO WAY! he goes by the name of GARY MCDANIEL. His daughter has a fake profile on Facebook, Lisa McDaniel.
June 08, 2016

In reply to by al75

I was scammed by a German guy, was his name Rob Carrick and has a son named Max?
December 15, 2015

In reply to by amibngsc

This sounds like someone that stole 115000.00 under the same premises he goes buy michael w henson and a woman claiming to be his sister in Australia. I sent the money to herostnof the times. When we where supposed to meet she go tt sick and dies he said and now he has disappeared. The same thing if having millions he cannot touch .
FTC Staff
December 15, 2015

In reply to by sadtosay

You can report this to the FTC at The information you give will go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations.

Blog comments don't go into the database.

December 22, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

Hi, Bridget Small-FTC. I am planning to write the FBI to catch my scammer. OMG ! They stole a lot of money from me. They stole my life. Please advise. I am happy Ive found this sits. You are saving people who are victims from these heartless scammers. It's late having found this site because all my savings are gone. Thank you
March 15, 2017

In reply to by FTC Staff

Bridget Small-FTC, I lost all my savings and even had loans from Banks and friends to send to these scammers. All stories sound legitimate that's why I kept sending money. I have lost my future but I thank God I didnt lost my state of mind. Please help me. I want to recover just enough for my medication. I lost $90,000 USD. Please advise whom to contact. I am depressed why suck kind of people exist and meet nice women. Thank you
FTC Staff
March 15, 2017

In reply to by Tapot'17

You could ask your doctor or pharmacist about programs that help people pay for medication. Your city or county may have help for residents housing, food or transportation.

Older adults can find programs that help pay for food & medicine at Also, the ElderCare Locator has lists of local programs that offer help with finances, health care, home repairs, housing, transportation and other topics for older adults.

January 10, 2016

In reply to by amibngsc

Wow does that sound familiar....I had been chatting with a guy from our time singles dating site. We were chatting/texting for 2 months. Of course he said he loved me and felt blessed that he met me. He was a project manager who was suppose to have his Masters Degree and if he did then he must not have gotten good grades in English. He stated he was from Norway. He had to go to Germany & the Ukraine to look at job sites about a month over the texting. He was good did know that the Ukraine doesn't celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December I give him credit for that. He didn't want money but he slipped broke his laptop and pored coffee into the hard drive. He stated he could not obtain a new one with an English key? Not keys....He wanted me to do him a favor and buy him a new laptop and ship it to him in the Ukraine. He went by the name of Chris but never got my name right when we texted. I didn't send him anything and told him I would not send him a thing. Well he hasn't sent me another text back. They don't all ask for money. So please be careful it doesn't always start with wanting or needing money.....I have his cell number if anyone would like that.
March 25, 2016

In reply to by Theresa

Does that number start with 233 (from Ghana)? Those scammers in Ghana are unbelievable
Dazed and Confused
December 13, 2015

In reply to by shelly

I have 4pictures as well if someone with similar story soooo eerie....He started texting me on Thanksgiving.... how can we compare pics?
December 31, 2015

In reply to by shelly

if he goes by the name Thomas Farber, he told me the same thing and wanted approx. $22000. Did not send him anything and he quit talking to me.
January 16, 2016

In reply to by shelly

Hi this sounds like a guy who is messaging me. FB requested me, is offshore engineer in Dubai, is in love with me (after 4 days of messaging lol) and is suddenly Now being transferred to Nigeria. Hello red flags!!!
February 10, 2016

In reply to by shelly

I have pictures of this white guy Kyle Norman with a daughter works offshore drilling for oil sent me a bunch of pictures promised me a better future then has a trashy off the shore from Nigeria didn't give money maybe same man same ratios who know who is behind the picture fell in love with him but the money forget it
December 21, 2015

In reply to by alexandra

This women HER name is Jeanette warren asking for money cause she is in nursing classes from Tuskegee Alabama and not to sure about it don't want to talk on phone only texting

July 15, 2015
07-15-2015 I read Faking it-Scammers' Tricks to Steal Your Heart & Money; July 15th 2015. Thank you for pointing that out. The urban centers are notorious for these kind of heart-felt scammers'. And if you are not careful it goes un-treated a lot of times after your money returns, etc. Good Luck.
July 17, 2015
I know one person who does these tricks.Her name Ashley Dollten from Arizona.
Pamela L
July 21, 2015

In reply to by ivan

I also know a man from Texas (Austin area)Name- Alex Miller. Is a scammer
October 10, 2015

In reply to by Pamela L

I know another man from Houston Texas beardsley julian richard... Smooth talker!!... Watch yourself ladies!!... So greatful I'm smart and even more greatful that I had saved another woman he was talking to from sending him money!!!
November 05, 2015

In reply to by Catskillflower

Interesting, a Houston Tx Beardsley Julian Richard has just friended me on facebook. Mentioned I am pretty and used the word 'dear'. figure he is fake....
November 16, 2015

In reply to by casper13

Same guy "Beardsley Julian Richard" from HOuston, TX has contacted me on FB. AM thinking it is a scam. Wants money now
December 29, 2015

In reply to by Catskillflower

I know one in Georgia by the name of marvin s powell, jr who claims to be a bishop and is a scammer.
July 15, 2015
Thank you for the help with security on my email which has been Persecuted and Scammed many times from many other Nations. Your knowledge is a benefit for me not to believe in them and to not respond. Thank You.
July 16, 2015
This is such GOOD advice. I've 'met' over 11 men all ready that are scammers and they think EVERY American woman is rich!!! Do NOT fall for their words of love. I'm glad I didn't. Thanks for this article. It's GREAT!!!
April 04, 2016

In reply to by rosebud555

Yes, if it wasn't for this site I would have fallen victim to a Romance Scammer. Falls in love after a few weeks chatting. Lives in NY, I live in CA. He found me via FB, said he was a friend of a friend. I fell for it but realized i was acting like a school kid in love. I'm a mature woman, single and my FB page shows I'm not in need of money. That's who they target. BTY he said he was 50 yrs old but had the voice of a much younger man . Had an India accent with an American name. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR SCAMS! If you can handle it play along and give them a run for their makes them go crazy. I would block him and unblock him he fell for it every time. Finally I got tired of wasting my time and called him out. Now he has threatened me and wrote it in an IM. That's how stupid they are. Good luck everyone. Never ever give them an personnel information they try and trick that information out of you. They are willing to work months and months to gain your trust. It's all BS! My name is Karen K I am real, they are the fakers/scammers.

July 16, 2015
I had learned a lot of beneficial information to the soul and wallet from the FTC's reports and I am encouraging others to follow suit.
Nonna Sylvia
July 16, 2015
Got a call fro "IRS" today that a lawsuit was filed against me for tax fraud! (Yrs 2008-2012" & I owed $898!) No written proof was provided a& it was MY fault that I was not @ home to receive the one written notice on my door the 3ed time they tried to personally deliver the papers! Their ph#509 exchange, their accents very Indian and their names: Jason Smith & his supervisor "Nick White! I should bring the $ to them because the lawsuit has already been filed! Supervisor then hung up after I demanded written proof of such action!!
July 16, 2015
I may be a victim. A man claiming to be a famous stra has been for payment of film equipment. contacting me He wanted to to transfer money to some people I may need help.
July 16, 2015
Somebody call to my cell phone, and told me the since l have a good clean record,the government Washington DC was going to give me 7 thousands and five hundred dollars, but first I has to call to a number that they gave in order to get this amount of money, l know they are trying to steal my identity,the voice sounds like it Indian accent,some peoples they work for Google support the sound just like the person to call me like,those people they work for Google support l don't know why they asking me for money to but some of protection in my computer, one day they asked me for protection like time for $300 and did take any money from my bank account,and a call them to see if they put that protection in my computer because l didn't see any money takin from my bank account, and other person we accent like Indian, told me that I have to put a security device in my computer,and l told. them that I already have one for five hundred dollars for life time, and guy that sounds like Indian accent told me that who was the person to talk on that With $300,dollars l can get that protection support for my computer, and I told him somebody that work for Google support ,com and he told me that that is not true, because Google only had only a identity theft suppor only forone yearfor$90dollars,l couldn't believe it why people can do that to a person, l wanted the FTC.G help me with this problem, thank you,
FTC Staff
July 20, 2015

In reply to by Teyes2.

If you need technical support for your computer, find a company on your own. Look for a company name on a package of software in a store, or on the receipt for your computer.

If someone calls you and says there is a problem with your computer, don't let him take control of your computer.  He might say he detected a virus on your computer, but he is trying to trick you. He wants you to give him remote access to your computer, or pay for software you don’t need. Don't tell him your credit card or bank account number.

If someone took your money in a scam, report it to the FTC at

July 20, 2015
I found out, that a man ( I meet with him, and be an victim. I have still now contact with him, so I get more information and now I know the real name of this scammer) use the photos and name of an other man. Should I inform the man, that his photos and Name get use from an scammer?
December 25, 2015

In reply to by Kabu66

That is a trick in florida a man was using his girlfriend Stacey Walters who lookd just like Adrienne Walters. He is nigerian ghana decent. What he does is has family with florida numbers and dated a girl in that family. I went to meet her in person she had no clue who I was but her boyfriend did. What he does is says he acts as part of the family. To me the strange part of all this is I contacted the family about him faking her kidnapping he said he was going to kill her. I looked up his record and he had a criminal history you would not believe. He stalked a woman in the past said his exgirlfriend came back to life waved a gun around got arrested and released. He used his crimninal mind and my feelings for her against me he saw me crying like a baby and finally he admitted to me it was him but my issue was the girls past because it was clear they had a relationship in the past. I think its gang related and they are holding people against there will in florida so family cannot talk her whole family is on flirchi i just thought it was odd that noone in the family told me she was ok after i told him what he did not one text back from fb maybe if you use the pictures everyone get a cut but i think he stole them from her family when they were dating and things went bad. He was a good scammer because he had the same last name as she did but after texting them they say send money to someone else western union or moneygram it is a scam
July 20, 2015
931-813-2368 Has called me every day what get on Disability, ask me if I could here him, I told him non of his damn business. He keeps calling me. I think he is a scam. I hang up on him. Lucy
July 25, 2015
Also called Catfish. These are the ones that romance you online, gain your trust, then ask you to send money to them for whatever reason. Like the earlier post said, Dr Phil has had a ton of folks on his show that has been scammed by the catfish. I'm amazed at how many people are so gullible to fall for them and willing to send all this money to them.
July 27, 2015
I was romance scam I was in a hard place just needing company, never went through a online service well I was surprised to get a response!! Now I know it was a scam took me 1 1/2 to really understand I was beening scammed he took so much ÷$$ form me I so embarrassed how stupid that I didn't open my eyes
July 27, 2015

In reply to by Deboa

Me too. Lost so much, in financial ruin. I'm sorry for your loss and heartache.
July 27, 2015
Can I do anything if I wired via Western Union over $25k within 1.5 yrs to a man in South Africa who I thought loved me .... He had to pay the Western Union Agent (same agent every time) 20% of the amont I sent as he did not have proper ID. Western Union confirmed the he in fact did pick up $$ at same location and same agent every time. Do I have any recourse with Western Union?
July 27, 2015

In reply to by Iblisae

If you’ve wired money to a scam artist, call the money transfer company to report the fraud and file a complaint. You can reach the complaint department of Western Union at 1-800-448-1492. Ask for the money transfer to be reversed. It’s unlikely to happen, but it’s important to ask. Then, file a complaint with the FTC.

For more information, see Using Money Transfer Services.

August 03, 2015
I believe I'm being scammed by someone who calls himself Harris Aurelio. Has anyone know anything about him. The strange thing is that I cannot find anything associated with this name anywhere. He asked and I've sent to his "agent" electronic devices. Now he is asking me to send money he desperately needs to cover purchases he needs to make.
November 18, 2015

In reply to by apsmith

I have a guy right now wanted me to send money I didn't have then needed a phone, was going to send a used iphone but that was not good enough wanted iphone 6,didn't send. Now he wants me to open a checking account for him uuh NOT
Nicola Faith
February 16, 2016

In reply to by LMC111

If you check back and see this can you please let me know. I had guy do same and he still chatting even though not send either to him. Thank you
June 10, 2016

In reply to by Nicola Faith

I would like to know more about someone in South Africa, asking for iphone, and money. I am in the same situation.
March 26, 2017

In reply to by MBEASLEY

Has anyone heard of Charles Law? Claims he is working for the UN in Egypt...El Gorah. Its been awhile now, and Im falling hard and fast. I feel so stupid.
August 12, 2015
seems our government doesn't care about scammers Or the abuse of women by them Other wise they would catch them With all technology us women have given them enough info to arrest them especially on bank fraud