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It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air. You may think you spend a lot on flowers or chocolate, but losing money in a romance scam would cost you even more. Last year, people reported losing $143 million to romance scams – a higher total than for any other type of scam reported to the FTC. And, according to a new FTC Data Spotlight, reports of romance scams are on the rise.

What do we mean by romance scams? We’re not talking about the person you thought was “the one” but ended up being a dud. We’re talking about people you meet online, who lavish you with attention … and then ask for money. Usually they want the money by wire transfer or gift card. They might claim they need it for a medical emergency or to come visit you. Then they take your money, but there’s no surgery and no trip.

Romance scammers are hard at work wooing people on dating apps and social media. They may lift photos to create an attractive profile or even steal the identity of a real person. Just like with real romances, it may take them some time to gain your trust, but the scammer’s payoff can be big. Last year, people reported a median loss of $2,600 from romance scams.

How can you avoid romance scams?

  • Never send money or gifts to a sweetheart you haven’t met in person.
  • Take it slowly. Ask questions and look for inconsistent answers. Check the person’s photo using your search engine’s “search by image” feature. If the same picture shows up with a different name, that’s a red flag.
  • Talk to someone about this new love interest. And pay attention if your friends or family are concerned.
  • If you suspect a romance scam, cut off contact right away. Then, report to the scam to the FTC at Notify the dating site where you met the scammer, too.

For more information, read Online Dating Scams or watch this video:


Search Terms
August 09, 2021

In reply to by Rachel Pham

Please can you send a picture, I think we are talking to the same guy
February 22, 2021

In reply to by Scammed by UNI…

Can you send photo. I think I’m being scammed by same person
Don't use your…
June 02, 2020

In reply to by karen davis

I have been scammed out of thousands of dollars by a scammer claiming to work for Exxon I have his picture. Someone please contact 3
Absolutely Sick
July 01, 2020

In reply to by Don't use your…

Only once it was too late, I’ve realized I’ve been scammed. I’ve lost thousands of dollars. And now going to be homeless. Met a man on Zoosk, he claimed to be on a project for Exxon in Alaska. He stated he was widowed. The worksite lost internet connection and he asked me to wire money to his supplier from dis bank account. I made one wire transfer. The next time I tried to wire money for him the site locked me out. He stated the bank required him to go to bank I. Person to unfreeze the account. This guy told me he was not allowed to leave the job site. I immediately felt responsible and horrible for locking his account. He needed to pay for freight fees for the supplies for his project. He had his accountant email me a copy of a wire made towards the freight fee, from this guy’s account. The combination of feeling responsible for preventing him from being successful and what I thought was proof of this guy using his own money towards the freight fee, caught me with My guard down. I actually panicked to make it right and wired thousands of dollars to an account located tiny Turkey. I feel so stupid because , obviously not thinking, the supplier was supposedly located in China. This guy is very smooth, we Skyped twice, constantly rings and texts me. Has had his “friends” show proof of helping his cause towards the freight fee. Has a dummy Bank website that makes it look like I was making a wire transfer, with his credentials, from his Bank account. This has all happened in a matter of 5 weeks. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
No me sucker
August 17, 2020

In reply to by Absolutely Sick

A month ago widow surgeon contacted me while working in Yemen...skipping the love stuff...had me in account and sent orders for medical equipment...then needed me to send another but bank would not let transfer funds shipping that was at the dock...he begged to help with $8,500 and would pay me double...I am disabled but even if I had it would not happen...I have lots pictures would like to see if the match others ...
Love betrayal?
August 29, 2020

In reply to by No me sucker

I have a man claiming to be a doctor stationed in Yemen. He is asking for $1000 to bring him home to my place so we can be married. I have pics we can compare. Please contact me
September 03, 2020

In reply to by Love betrayal?

My sister is being scammed by a so called doctor in Yemen has a young daughter wants to marry her she was dealing with him earlier this summer and I know she sent money even after we had pictures of men from Nigeria who were doing this. Sorry but I am looking for the picture of Giovani I dumped everything after I thought she came to her senses but I guess not. He has hooked her again!!!!
Don't use your…
October 21, 2020

In reply to by Nena

Hi I like to send you pictures of the man I have lots of pictures of him he like to send the money for replacement for card to took to my
February 10, 2021

In reply to by Don't use your…

I would like a pic as well
January 17, 2021

In reply to by Nena

I hot contacted by a Doctor, who said he was in Yemen for work. He was a very handsome Korean man, who was grow up in US. He ask for money too. I never pay.
February 12, 2021

In reply to by Nena

Can you send me a picture of the doctor in Yemen. I think he is the one trying to scam me to send money for a leave to get back to US.
March 10, 2021

In reply to by Drobe

I am fed up of being approached by these men. All doctors, all widowed, all with kids in boarding school and they all love me and want to marry me in 10 seconds. I even had the same guy contact me twice with a different name but same picture. I would love to just string them along and waste their precious time!!
March 11, 2021

In reply to by Drobe

sounds so familiar. He can't come home to the States for leave. Must send money
September 06, 2020

In reply to by Love betrayal?

Can u send pic cos I have also in yemen keep in messaging me and a lit of promises
February 12, 2021

In reply to by Panget

A man of the name Henry Wheaton claiming to be on Yemen under the UN
October 08, 2020

In reply to by Love betrayal?

My sister in law may be scammed by the same “doctor” in Yemen. Pls provide a pic do we can compare.
February 13, 2021

In reply to by Roberts

Please send me pics. I have one claiming to be a dr in yemen and how we were meant to be
December 23, 2020

In reply to by Love betrayal?

Can I ask the doctor’s name, sounds like the same guy that found me in FB
Goldenfish 102320
January 03, 2021

In reply to by TL

Yes I have the same scenario a doctor in Yemen wants to come to my place to marry me but needs money
XenADon't use …
December 25, 2020

In reply to by Love betrayal?

Please send me pictures, and l will send you mine. I had the same scenario
January 28, 2021

In reply to by Goldenfish 102320

Hey in talking to blinde guy. Says he a doctor. Wanna share pics fo him?
January 29, 2021

In reply to by Goldenfish 102320

Gee I texting to a Dr that blonde and suppose to be in love with me want money too can we pass pic seen if my real or not
January 06, 2021

In reply to by Love betrayal?

Been talking to a man who claims to be a Orthopedic Surgeon stationed in Yemen with the UN Peacekeeping Mission. Sent me lots of photos and a State Id and United Nations ID..Said had a son in Boarding School. Always needing money he says to talk to me via WhatsApp.
January 19, 2021

In reply to by DMona

I think my friend is being scammed by the same person claiming he's a Dr over seas contracted by the US Army Born in germany and has a kid I think in boarding school. Send love emails daily. They have been talking for about 6 months she said. She also claims he hasn't asked for money. He says he is 62 apparently she used the name Dr. John Williams. They started talking because out of the blue he sent her a private message via Facebook. Anyone know anything similar
Theresa Green
July 27, 2021

In reply to by Elizabeth

Oh Darn. I have been talking to Dr John Williams for the last 10 months. Born in Germany, parents deceased, widower, lost son in car accident with wife. Has a 13 yr old daughter in boarding school. Contracted with UN serving in Somalia. Needs money to get out of contract to come home to me. Quotes scripture regularly. Would love to exchange pictures.
Dont do it
January 20, 2021

In reply to by DMona

Same story with me by a surgeon called Mavin Daniels. Stay away. Bad news.
Don't use your…
January 23, 2021

In reply to by DMona

Steven Wrightvsays he is an ortho doctor in Yemen. Classic scammer.
January 26, 2021

In reply to by DMona

Same but he was in Burma! Claimed no access to his money!
January 29, 2021

In reply to by DMona

I have a similar scenario please share pictures with me. I have lots of them
February 03, 2021

In reply to by DMona

Hey, I have ben contacted by a orthopedic surgeon also stationed in Yemen and has a 13 year old son in boarding school. Everything you writes is very like my case except he hasn’t asked for any money yet. I have pictures off him it souldrottningen be very intresting to se if it’s the same person. He contacted me on FaceBook Dating.
May 04, 2021

In reply to by Sweden66

I have also been talking to a man I met on the Facebook Dating site. The profile says he's a 53-year-old orthopedic doctor from Morrow, Louisiana, working for the U.N. in South Sudan. He's not been very specific about what he's doing there (if he's there at all...which, to be honest, I'm skeptical about). He asked me to chat with him through Google Hangouts. The profile photos are of a blondish man with a nice set of teeth. He has not asked for money, but he has been saying things like "You're in my heart" and calling me "dear." Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
May 05, 2021

In reply to by Jaded28

Oh my! Same story here. Someone sent me a message thru FB, He said he is a Neurologist and now based in NATO sudan, He said he has a 13 yr old son and his wife died 5 years ago.
May 04, 2021

In reply to by Sweden66

Oh! This guy's name on the dating site is Henry Jasper.
July 01, 2021

In reply to by Sweden66

same as i Please send pic to me as well
February 05, 2021

In reply to by DMona

Hi I have the same story, doctor from Yemen. Working for the UN, and want to send me a parcel and I have to pay for it....
February 09, 2021

In reply to by DMona

Talking to a man claiming to be a dr in Yemen missionary.Sent me lots of photos as a dr ,his bank account has been frozen ,his wife and daughter has been killed in a car accident and has a boy at 14 in boarding school ,the killing that’s bad he has to get out and needs 14000 dollars or he won’t live ,seems to have away with words
February 22, 2021

In reply to by Donna

hi there , can you show me pictures ? Is he a UN doctor in Yemen ? Greyish hair ,loves dogs . Sent me pics of a bulldog and him.
February 25, 2021

In reply to by kitkat

Could you please send a photo think it's the same person lve been speaking to thanks
March 02, 2021

In reply to by kitkat

yes I think i am talking to this guy too. met me on scrabble. do you have pics I can see? He has a dog, widower, in Yemen, surgeon