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Consumer Alert

It’s showtime at the FTC!

Colleen Tressler

Videos from the Federal Trade Commission may not feature a cast of celebrity actors, but they’re still entertaining.


Reparando su crédito

¿Se está preguntando qué puede hacer para reparar su crédito? Nadie puede eliminar legalmente la información exacta y actual de índole negativa de su informe de crédito.

Consumer Alert

New Credit Law FAQs

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle

You’ve heard about the new law that makes credit freezes free and fraud alerts last one year.

Consumer Alert

Free credit freezes are here

Andrew Smith, Federal Trade Commission, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection

Free credit freezes and year-long fraud alerts are here, starting September 21st, thanks to a new federal law. Here’s what you should know:

Consumer Alert

Free publications about credit and debt

Amy Hebert

Do you work or volunteer with people who are concerned about debt or want to improve their credit? Then you might be interested in these three new free booklets.