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12 Days of Consumer Protection

Welcome to the FTC’s 12 Days of Consumer Protection, a holiday series to help you save money and avoid scams.

Each day, we’ll cover a new topic — from shopping online and bogus shipping notifications to temporary job scams and fake charities. We’ll give you practical information you can use every day and share with your family, friends, and community so they can be safe too.   

This holiday season will look very different as we seek to spend (sometimes virtual) time with loved ones, while staying safe from COVID-19. Follow along with us to help you keep your money and information safe from scammers who want to cash in on holiday spending and giving. And then share the posts and the graphics with people you know.

Happy holidays from your friends at the FTC. We’ll see you on the second day of Consumer Protection!

Search Terms
December 07, 2020
I would like to know more about the FTC consumor holiday protection from scams etc. I am willing to take part in it
December 04, 2020
Excellent information as always!
Don T Hun
December 07, 2020
I guess the 1st day of consumer protection was to announce that there would be 11 more days covering consumer protection? Thank you.
December 04, 2020
Thank a lot your people have been very on target in identify scam and letting us know how to avoided and block there bad intentions
Country life
December 04, 2020
Thanks you for all the great information, it's really helpful!
December 04, 2020
Thank you I just made another on line purchase. My internet suddenly became slow. Hopefully cyber attackers were not on my back wall, stealing my information. We’re experiencing a lot of strange things happening s lately, believe these cyber thugs are hacking into our internet homes, emails snatching text messages and more. Maybe using broadband networks devices. And inside threatening chattering beginning again.
December 04, 2020
I really appreciate these notifications. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
December 05, 2020
You are doing a laudable job! Thank you & more power to you.
December 10, 2020
Thank you for all the great information, is always very helpful to me. Blessings