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Image of cupid and heartNot everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people — even stolen pictures of real military personnel. They profess their love quickly. And they tug at your heartstrings with made-up stories about how they need money — for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Why all of the tricks? They’re looking to steal your money.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, romance scammers are now involving their victims in online bank fraud. Here’s how it works: The scammers set up dating profiles to meet potential victims. After they form a “relationship,” they come up with reasons to ask their love interest to set up a new bank account. The scammers transfer stolen money into the new account, and then tell their victims to wire the money out of the country. Victims think they’re just helping out their soulmate, never realizing they’re aiding and abetting a crime.  

Here are some warning signs that an online love interest might be a fake. They ask you to:

  • chat off of the dating site immediately, using personal email, text, or phone
  • wire money using Western Union or Money Gram
  • set up a new bank account

Did you know you can do an image search of your love interest’s photo in your favorite search engine? If you do an image search and the person’s photo appears under several different names, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. And if the person’s online profile disappears a few days after they meet you, that’s another tip-off.

Here’s the real deal: Don’t send money to someone you met online — for any reason. If your online sweetheart asks for money, you can expect it’s a scam.

Unfortunately, online dating scams are all too common. There may be tens of thousands of victims, and only a small fraction report it to the FTC. If this happens to you, please report it at

A woman looking at a dating site on her computer.

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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

We don't edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above. The comments posted on this blog become part of the public domain. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Opinions in comments that appear in this blog belong to the individuals who expressed them. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission.

March 03, 2016
POF...Aston Bill...very charming...supposedly lives in Texas...was raised in Lagos, Nigeria to build flare stacks for oilfield card shut down by bank because he forgot to tell the bank he was going to be traveling to thing after another occurs while he is there...just got a call the other day to not let him die over there....what a piece of work...I am beyond done with this...
March 03, 2016
Hi... I had trouble posting so I thought I'd start with a test-post. I met a man on OKCupid in January. I get a lot of attention, many want a one night thing and he stood out as being super nice. It's a long story worth sharing, if it save even one person, so I will edit it as I think of things. First off, I have not sent him Money and he has not gotten my bank info. I am still texting with him, partially because I have some clairvoyance and can see that he really is in trouble, partly because I Did fall for him, partly because a piece of me knows he "accidentally" fell for me, too, partly and most of all - He fits pieces of a lot of the stories here. One difference is that I did see him on Skype and it is the same man as the photos of him on Skype (50 accounts or so in Nantes, France) and on Facebook. He was the sweetest man I have ever met. The rest is what he told me so who knows: He lives in Nantes, France. He emailed me the story of his childhood. Born to a French father and Mongolian mother who were killed in an accident, he was raised by his Uncles family and abused and finally moved back to France where he was conceived and born. Jump ahead - He shows his birth year as 1967. He is very handsome. He only speaks French, I didn't care, I have had a couple of great relationships with men who did not speak English, and I do speak some French. We used Google translate. 2 weeks of yeah falling for him and the sweetest kindest words ever. He was divorced 6 yrs ago, one story was his wife cheated on him, the other was she left because he was in financial trouble, I know several people whose spouse left with BOTH those going on. It was similar to my story.. so I basically waited to see what would happen, since my last real relationship was a man in the UK, I didn't mind letting it unfold, and my Mom's parents has a long distance relationship for a long time before marrying for life. After 2 weeks he slowly showed signs he was sad with a financial crisis. He's a goldsmith and had borrowed from a friend. The funds froze the account due the the amount. 32,000 Euros. The he said the friend was in Dubai. And his English is poor, but he was asking for help getting to Africa to buy jewelry before the prices went up and didn't have plane fare. He tried to get me to do something I don't understand I think he meant he would set up an account and launder money through it here and he mentioned DHL. His words were messed up and he seemed very hurried at that point. He was told I am dirt poor right now. After 2 weeks of the romance bubble, both his and my accounts were hacked and each of us was receiving messages from a third person ( or 4th, 5th 100th...) I do know this from tech work years ago. The game continues. He never asked for sex, he did tell me to be quiet once, but the translation could have meant please, calm down, be still, or several other things. He had said all those things - you are the woman of my life, I want to come visit with my daughter, would you be willing to be Catherine's mother ( yes of course, I looked like her a bit and did not get to have children), I hate women who deceive hearts, looks don't matter, I am lookig for my soul mate - different for me, because I am judged only for my looks and get too much attention - he played down that part, said God put us together, we are together for life - and much much more. then......... he began to ask if I would never abandon him. I thought back to how he said he was going to visit and realized he word for work and travel is so close, that from the start he was asking what I do for WORK "travaille", not would I TRAVEL to see him, or can he TRAVEL to see me. He made one typo just on that word and I said no I don't travel right now, but yes I have. Jump ahead - somehow he got stuck in Africa Ivory coast - I can look up the Town, and said he was conned, the man never showed up. There is more. I am not ashamed I fell in love, I am not ashamed I believed he was the one conned ( I think he was stuck and perhaps in a gang - then woops, fell in love and his conscience started to bother him.) Again I DID SEE HIM ON SKYPE AND HIS FB AND SKYPE PHOTOS ARE HIM,Orlando Mailly, WHATEVER HIS REAL NAME IS) Ok that's a start. There are a lot of things that happened that I feel might helps someone so I might post more pertinent pieces of the 6 week story, He Texted me tonight. I was on the phone and he said "as I expected".. been getting smart mouthed like that....mad if I am not available. The truth is when I got off the phone I fell asleep, long day - woke up and went to Skype and he signed off moments after I signed on. ....I truly fell for him. I'm a intelligent woman, I have had self worth issues but just accept myself now, because men are almost always only attracted to my looks for the most part. No one wants to know me, and for the last 20 years, that's hurt my heart. I'm all about Loving the person for who they are, and I'm loyal to those I care about. But He hurt my heart - and even if my gut says nope he got conned for being naive, he Still tried to con me out of money, or get me to send it out of the USA and still is. He hurt my heart..... Beware Ladies. He's a very very sweet man in his words and if looks are your thing, he's a very handsome guy.
October 27, 2016

In reply to by OrlandoMaillyT…

HI, I was looking on line to see if anyone else got played by Orlando Mailly. I was married to a Frenchman for 13 years so when Orlando contacted me on occupied in July 2015 with a really charming letter I was delighted to correspond every day with him in French! For 4 weeks it was all polite and talking about him playing soccer on Sunday morning and making a chocolate cake for catherine and me telling him what my daughter and i were doing every day. We skyped but he didn't put sound on and he was so cute and like to laugh a lot and be charming polite, witty, sensitive it was easy to fall in love and chat twice a day with a huge love buzz. By the 5th week he started to get aggressive about telling me if I truly love him I had to send him money that he lost gambling for his goldsmith business or he would have to be a broken hearted man if I didn't support him in his efforts to build a life for the four of us and he would have to give his daughter to a foster home. I did not send him money and told him that he was truly a pathetic, corrupted man manipulating women's emotional intimate space like that. My heart felt numb and violated for several months. Big hug, I'm sorry that he played you too. I hope that other women see this and avoid communicating with him and avoid getting sucked in to his manipulative charm. So awful that people choose scamming, violating intimate heart space, as a way to make dollars.
March 04, 2016
I was conned out of going my boyfriend 2500. He promised to pay me back but it's been 6 months and I keep getting excuses. Can I have him arrested. I live in Pennsylvania are there and laws here on that?
March 07, 2016

I think the scammers got alot smarter. Mine goes by the name Franc, Francesco Briggs, met him on ok cupid. He was the most decent guy ever. He is not a widower, doesnt really tell asob story of his whole life, calls me by my name etc etc He claimes to be from Birmingham, mother italian, father american.

He had to travel to Nigeriato sort out a property issue there and now needs to get 35k together to pay of some dispute regardi g his propert which was seized. Running low on cash and is aski g if I could help him out someway. I told him no and that I would never do that. He understood and we are currently stillspeaki g. I am sure he is a scammer, he just not as obvious and will try again to get some money I am sure. Anyone came across this guy? Supersexy and handsome. Any came across this moresubtle kind of approach? Checked all his pics and couldnt find anythi g, checked his phone and it is a billphone from the uk. I still think he is a scam though...

March 06, 2016
I was talking to some one Named Michael Bodkin. Found me on Fb. Said he was looking for a friend and saw my profile pic.and friended me. He was from Rome Italy and now lived in Italy. Mother and father and twin brother were killed in crash when he was 2 yo. Was divorced caught his ex. cheating with his best friend...has a daughter Sarah 17 yo..Very into God .. Then one night he claims he had a revelation that we became husband and wife and that's when he knew he was in love with me... Engineer on an oil rig in the high seas gulf of Mexico .. Been for 4 months good English sometimes but at others omg!!! I became suspicious when I heard his voice... I told him he was a fake his voice was not Italian. I told him I was not stupid and told him he was a fake...he said he had no reason to lie to me or anyone..... Never asked for money ever..... Then he said he received an email from the UN security in Dubai where he has his portfolio and some valuables that they had to get there things out because there was a threat on the UN security where his valuables were.. He asked me if I could help I said how he said they would be delivered still no mention of me giving him money I was to just keep the valuables safe... I in turn said why can't your Daughter do it he said she was underage.. I told him I did not want the responsibility. I told him to get an attorney he said he could not leave the oil rig.. He told me he loved me and God bless me and I haven't heard from him since...
March 16, 2017

In reply to by Wisetothem

He sounds like the one I had been talking to from FB since February 1st, oil rig driller lived in California but from Italy, had daughter Sharon (who names a child Sharon anymore) who is 6 and lives in boarding school in New Jersey. Parents died when he was young, wife died 4 years ago of cancer. Used photos from a Hungarian guys FB. I did a reverse photo look up to find it was not who he said he was. I confronted him 2 days ago. He supposedly went to Scotland on a two month contract. He didn't ask for money yet anyway. He became angry and called me a very crazy person and that I had being alone issues when I asked why he was lying to me. This guy said his name was Henry Forest which isn't Italian name at all.
Male-scammer r…
March 06, 2016
Gregory Silverson Phillips is male scammer in FL. Says he is engineer, is from Germany, son named Julian, contacted me on Facebook, pursuing romance, then went to Malta (lie) and tried to get me to send money.
March 09, 2017

In reply to by Male-scammer r…

I think I had being scam by this man please let me know if you have a photo to compare with the one I have. Thanks
March 07, 2016
Anyone talked to someone first name Harrison??
April 22, 2016

In reply to by Scout1

Smith? Claims he's using alias to protect his profile, he's Indian and requesting sponsorship, asked for iPhone ( haven't provided either)
March 08, 2016
I met a man 3 weeks ago, through Facebook. He sent me a friend request. He claims to be a civil engineer and music recorder from Poland. He says he is pretty well known, but I cant find his name anywhere online. I goggled his picture and it was ok. As of now, he scored a huge contract for building in Lithuania. I have fallen for him. He said he was in love with me really quickly. A few weeks. His name is supposedly Erick Thompson. He has offered to help me with money if I needed. My heart says one thing but my brain says another. When I started asking questions, je acted like he did not understand why I didnt trust him. He says he is coming to visit me in May of he can get done with his program in Lithuania. Im worried. Just divorced after 24 years and very vulnerable. I have a 14 year old son. He does ask about him everyday. Dont quite know what to do.
FTC Staff
March 08, 2016

In reply to by whager3b

If someone you don't know contacts you out of the blue, and claims to be in love in just three weeks, it's good to ask questions. Read some of the other comments here, and you'll see a lot of people have stories like yours  -- they hear from a person who says he's not from the US. He's travelling for a job in construction/ oil rig/ engineering, and he wants to come see you soon.

If you open a new bank account for someone you don't know, or take their money into your account, you could get caught in a scam or worse. Some transfer stolen money into a new account, then tell the victim to wire some of the money out of the country. You might think you're helping your soulmate, but really be assisting with a crime.

March 09, 2016
Thank you. Can he be investigated, and how would I go about having him caught doing this?
FTC Staff
March 09, 2016

In reply to by whager3b

Whether a person will be investigated and who will investigate depend on what you think the person has done. For example, if someone promised to sell you something and you paid with a credit card, but didn't get what was promised, you could complain to your credit card issuer. If you believe someone on a dating website has mis-represented himself, you could report that to the dating website.

March 09, 2016
I feel i should state its not just guys doing this there are a alot of girls that do this also i made the mistake once just to see cause ya never know but ive gotten to a point where just talking within one convo lets me know how they are
March 09, 2016
This sounds so very familiar, I have been speaking with a girl from America,even if she has got a nu!ber that's from Nigeria that should have been the first flag really and should have stopped messaging her. But I continued to see if she was genuine. First she asked me to send her a tablet because it was her birthday, I said I couldn't because well I really couldn't,so that stopped and now she's decided that she's coming over to England to visit,meanwhile she will visit her dad in Ghana (kinda lucky) to get some money to visit here.. Flag number 2!! Why can't her dad just transfer money to her maybe it works differently I don't know anyway because she is now visiting Ghana she wants me to send her money to purchase a gold necklace to then sell while here in England but I've said already that I can't afford it, so now I've decided it is a scam since that was flag number 3 being very insistent on sending money to her. The name she uses is curry but her 'real name' is seyram Gaylord, now I've done a Google search and the only name that comes up is male, she's also sent several pictures and I can't find those anywhere there's 2 explanations 1 she has no online presence whatsoever (highly unlikely in the current world) or its a scam. I'm inclined to go with the latter what does everyone else think (yes I should have stopped and realised earlier but it's a mistake that I will live with) I should also mention that we met on zorpia which is a dating website but seems to be full of scammers and such...
March 10, 2016
Am about to find out 100% for sure if scammed. I am a very smart lady and embarrassed. Trying to save my house. What have I done to myself! Be very very careful!!!
March 10, 2016
Of all places, we met on FB Seal of Honor. Site. I blocked others but this person somehow seemed to have a connection with a couple others. Ugh!
March 11, 2016
March 13, 2016
Harrison Clem, Harrison Jr Clem, Harrison G Clem. Harrison J Clem. Facebook names. Scammer. I have reported to Facebook, reported here, FTC and reporting to other agencies. I also Harrisonclem and who he says is his son johnnyclem on Yahoo now.
February 08, 2017

In reply to by Scout1

Shane b, says he's a Sargent in the us army - totally stole the pictures from an actual military member. Turns out the real b is a bodybuilder and this dude stole all his photos, I hope he knows. Says he's 40, widowed needed money to send to daughter and caregiver, was smart enough not to fall for that - number out of Wisconsin. 920-xxx xxxx
March 13, 2016
Also the number Harrison Clem is using is 206-317-4839. It is a Seattle phone number which is where he stated he is from. He mentions his Bishop friend that gave him money (200,000) to get his lumber home from China. Then over time things started to happen.All sounded so real, photos sent, conversations, i even engaged a law firm who deals with people being held hostage in China until they pay up. I finally got him to give up a home address when i would not send more money. The first address didnt check out by 2 realtors in Seattle. I was told it was his warehouse so he gives me another address. That address did not check out as his and actually went up for sale the very next day! Belongs to a different person since 2006.
March 19, 2016

In reply to by CLC

It came up as a landline when I originally searched from Bainbridge, WA.
March 15, 2016

I am currently working on a scammer that I spotted almost instantly. I had started an attachment to one a couple years ago but caught on pretty quickly and never sent money. After that and reading how many people have fallen prey to this I decided when they cross my path to do everything I can to catch them. If you have recently been frauded and still have contact or think you are dealing with a scammer any of these angels can help direct you or atleast take log of everything you have incase there are more.

March 15, 2016
I read all the scam stories on this site and believe me they all are convincing. I was scammed too but caught myself before the MONEY HELP QUESTION came up. I was contacted through FB. I accepted his friend request thinking he was a friend of a friend. After 2 months of talking, IM and his stories not making much sense I confronted him with his lies. He used all the keywords, Babe, Sweetheart how was your night, I hope you slept well and he used the word Mum for Mom and slipped and wrote what tribe I'm from. Boy, that was a give-a-way! Please ladies out there DO NOT FALL FOR THESE FAKE PEOPLE who profess to love, want to have a life with you or any other promises. My scammer is Gary Michael Smith, lives in New Rochelle New York, phone number 925 which is now disconnected and does not match the area. I'm sure his FB profile is stolen from some nice guy who has no clue. Oh, and be careful of the Google phone number call that they want you to accept. I read on a previous post on this site something about it. Really don't understand how it works but after reading about it triggered my memory because something similar happened to me. A name like Gary Smith with an India accent who I could hardly understand. Wow! What a SCAMMER. Read everything you can about how these people work. I had no idea people like this existed. I used my common sense to detect the scammer than read how they all work. READ, READ, READ...educate yourself first before you talk to someone you do not know. Thanks for reading my post.
concerned friend
March 15, 2016
Has anyone been contacted by a guy claiming to be from Liverpool that he was adopted by a couple there and that he is a widower and has two children a girl the oldest and a boy, my friend is seeing this guy and he claims that he is working in Benin Nigeria and had recieved a cheque from his last job site but he can't cash it there so he wants to send it to her to cash his name is Shelling Osamudiamen. Says he is about 55 and went to Liverpool university
March 16, 2016
A year ago this month I was approached by Talon Catecish in an Over 50 Meet-Up group. Said he saw my profile (we didn't really have profiles in this group, just things we were interested in). Included a picture of a very handsome man in military uniform. I replied "hi" to him and he immediately asked that we get off the Meet-Up group and converse through email. I have an email address that I don't use for much and gave him that one. He immediately sent me a very long email saying he was on deployment in Afghanistan and was retiring in 4 months. I got the whole story - orphaned young, wife and daughter died in train accident. Born in Holland, but somehow ended up in the US military ? At first he was from Illinois, then changed to Tennessee. His grammar was pretty bad and he used odd phrases. He would say he couldn't wait to "read" from me instead of hear from me. He wanted to put a ring "in front of my finger" instead of on it. I asked about things like favorite movies, food, etc. The movies he said he liked were teenage chick-flicks ! Very odd for a 52 year old military man. And I didn't even know what the foods were that he said he liked. I had to look them up. I would ask what time it was where he was. I actually googled it so I would know, and he gave me totally the wrong time. When I brought it up he got flustered and said he was actually somewhere else now. He would say he had to go out on the field with his troops, yet 15 minutes later he was back and emailing me ! I told him I really needed to hear his voice so I gave him my cell phone number. One day I get a call from North Dakota and all I heard was static then disconnect. The phone kept ringing every few minutes and same thing. I was at work, so turned my phone on vibrate because it was getting distracting. Then finally I hear a voice, very bad connection that said "Hi, this is Talon". Then disconnect again. This voice definitely didn't match the picture. Definitely a deep, black voice. In between his calls he would text me how frustrated he was about the bad connection. I asked why the calls were from North Dakota. He said something about the app he was using. Being suspicious I started googling his name. Also checked LinkedIn and every site I could think about. It came up nowhere. He didn't exist. Then I just goggled his last name. Catecish is not a very common name (and it was on all the pics on his uniform). And I did get a few hits - about an Army Major returning home with his troops to Houston Texas ! There were pictures with the articles and it was the same guy I was talking to. His name was actually Nick Catecish, he was 39, not 52, married with a child. I actually found his facebook page and all the pictures that I had been sent were apparently stolen from the real person's facebook. He kept trying and sent me more pictures, one with him and a small child (the real soldier's child). He said it was his adopted child. I did ask how a career soldier, widower, could adopt a 2 year old child ? He said he had a nanny in Florida to take care of his son. He kept texting and then came the money text. could I please send some money to his child ? I said no man has ever asked me for money and I would never send money to someone I had never met. He tried to make me feel guilty saying how would his son feel that I wouldn't take care of him. Crazy. This whole thing lasted about 3 weeks. I totally stopped communicating with him. Doing research on scammers I learned that you don't want to make them mad. It's better to just disappear instead of telling them you know they are scammers. He kept trying for about a month. Even sent me a picture of "his" injured leg and said he almost died. It was just a picture of an ankle with a few stitches. He even said he would "run out" of the army for me. Like a 20 year career military man ready to retire would do something like that. So, yesterday, a year later, I get an email from a Tony Dixon, saying we met quite awhile ago at a Harley event, but his computer broke and he's been searching for me ever since. Attached were two pictures of a very handsome 50ish man. And then the sentence - I hope to "read" from you soon. This was the same email address I used with my original scammer. Ugh....again ? This one I'm definitely not even answering. Wonder if its the same one again just using a different identify ? I never sent any money, but when I think of the 3 weeks of my life wasted on that scum and what it did to me emotionally. I find it hard to trust again.
March 16, 2016

Hi I met a man on POF, he was very romantic sending peotry everyday. After about 2 weeks confessed his love. I am guilty of falling for this. After a couple weeks asked for money for his son. Said he is posted in Syria and retiring in a couple and he is unable to send money to his caregiver that is taking care of his son in Ghana. He was going to retire 2 weeks ago and wouldnt you know on his last day he was injured. Now he says he is in a medical bay and only has access to his doctors laptop, which the doctor gives him everyday so he can maintain contact with me and his son. Also asking for money to transfer him to a better medical facility in ghana to be closer to his son. I told him i am not sending money and now i am receivi g emails from his so called son asking for money for food. He is James Oconnor, has anyone else heard of him? I am pretty sure he is a scammer as i googled his pic and found pics with 2 other names on them.

March 17, 2016

Hey all, watch out for a girl scammer with the email:    It sucks that we can't find love online without the fear of scammers trying to steal our money. It is really frustrating and i do not know what to do anymore. I really want to find someone to spend the rest of my life with, but it is not easy when you do not know many people. So, the only way is to find someone online but it seems too risky now.

March 19, 2016
Watch out. I just found out some of who have been scammed are now getting calls from a number in NY that is tagged as scammers. It is 631-318-3183. Google the number and there are many complaints and very recent. One person said this number showed up on caller ID and when she picked up it was her neighbor. Number not even close. Something is up with this.
Cassandra L
March 23, 2016

Hi, I had some guy writing to me also on Facebook. He used his cell phone to text me messages. yes at first he professed his love to me, after a few weeks he wanted money. Told me that he was on a tour in Nigeria, he hit some guy with his car, he needed money to pay for this guys bills.

March 23, 2016
the guy apparently im dating online uses the Barclaya bank of Ghana where he will get an inherittance of 3M USD.. that case i instantly didnt believe that, but i didnt tell him.. He needs a wife coz hes been widowed for 3 yrs now wanted to start a new life.. he thinks im so stupid to fall in love with him in an istant .. he promised me the moon and stars.. now he needed some money to process the inherittance he doesnt have money left he said and wouldf need 1150.00 USD he asked me for sone help but i refused.. today, i blocked him so not to bother me anymore.. PLS DO NOT WIRE ANY MONEY TO THIS SCUMBAGS.. BE VERY VIGILANT AND SKEPTICAL
March 23, 2016
answer him quick, about two weeks after I checked his profile and I saw his profile, friends and pictures. I fell that he was not a bad person because everything look so real. I accepted his request and he quick responded me to thanks. We talked for about three week and two days ago he asked me for $400.00 dollars.
March 23, 2016
I want to report him, how can i do that?
Tera 22
March 25, 2016

Full Name; James Rogers SGT US Army From Miami Florida. stationed in kabul Afghanistan i have his picture and email add also if any one ask

Feeling stupid!
February 15, 2017

In reply to by Tera 22

Do you have a picture of him??? Same name is scamming my friend! Military and retiring. Age 50. Went to high school in California and his son is in nj.. he is no longer on Facebook but my friend has sent him $45 K for shipping a container back to the USA so they can start their life together.. please help if you cab
March 25, 2016
Anyone heard of Tony Craig? Lives in Texas , travels to Spain and Africa on business. Has daughter named Jennifer. Supposedly a civil engineer
January 23, 2019

In reply to by Curious

Yes i know this guy Tony Craig. Daughter name Jennifer. He is a good one. Said he is a very important man. He left the States to go to Cape Town South Alficia to finish a job. Him and his daughter Jennifer when they got their and gotnto their room he said Jennifer left his charrie on bag that had all.his stuff in it to do his job. He need my help in getting him and phone and laptop. Hello believe it but was not to sure he was telling the truth. So ask him where to send it. He said don't put my name on it send to hotel and woman working in front desk would sign for it. The address he gave was 84 parkland cape town South Alficia 8000. Hummmm. He said he would pay me back when he got back to the States. Hummm.sent me pictures of his home in Canada beautiful place. Hummmm..will i didn't send him anything and deleted him of everything. So if you come a cross that name watch out he is a scammer.
March 25, 2016
Just an update on my latest scammer, Tony Dixon. He doesn't give up and keeps on emailing me. Says he's a lonely man, wife was a drunk and ran off with his only daughter. Originally from Serbia (actually says from Serbian). He came to the US to start a new life. His first email he is in North Dakota, later email from Ohio. I finally emailed him and said I'm not interested, I never would have given anyone this email address, and if we did meet at a Harley event, I would have been there with my fiancée ! And you apparently don't even know where you live. His answer was that he is so lost in thought thinking of me that he typed the wrong state ! Wow - how stupid do they think we are ? I've never sent a picture, or told him a thing about me and yet he is falling in love for me. He just keeps on emailing. The latest one he just got a huge contract worth a lot of money. I'm guessing its going to be in Nigeria or Ghana where most scammers are located. I wonder when he'll get the hint that I'm not going to play the game with him ? He's gone from he would like to be friends to calling me sweetheart. I bet pretty soon he'll be calling me his wife and asking for money. If nothing else, it's entertaining.
March 26, 2016
Anyone run into a scammer using rob spraklin? He/they have dukes a vulnerable elderly widowed relative of mine out of at least $2k.. Wants to come to Canada , lives in Utah, working in Nigeria and needs money ... Again and again . Has no video, but uses messenger, says he's German but speaks with a Nigerian accent. Pls help as it is very difficult to convince this relative they are being scammed...
March 28, 2016

480 939 7922 Bryant Powell Griffin , 48 year old widower,wife died in car accident, son Mike 11yrs lives with brother in Washington D.C. works for federal express taking early retirement to start own firm, too nice, uses my queen, my jewel, sugar plum (who says that anyway), sends morning and evening texts inquiring about what I ate and my day.met on okc he closed his profile when we started chatting, new Facebook profile started at the same time. Uses an app to give him a local phone number,says too busy with work to meet, madly in love after 2 weeks, no birth records or any thing besides his Facebook profile, uses b          . we were to have our first date next Saturday. This morning on Easter he said there was a fire at a fed.ex warehouse in the UK and he has to go the since he's an operational manager for office work. I'm changing my cell phone nber and will no longer be talking with this scammer.

March 27, 2016
Oh I forgot to mention , his voice is very distinctive, says he is American but was raised in Spain but doesn't speak spanish, yet he has a strong mixed accent.
Jessica L
March 28, 2016

Some guy started texting me on Facebook. Told me he was in love with me. O.K. But after a few weeks he told me that he had hit a drunken Nigerian guy crossing the street. He wanred money to help pay for the hospital bills. But I thought, maybe he really did hit some guy. I gave him some money, but then he wanted more. I told him in a nice way that I can't give him any more. Money Gram and Western Union refuse to send no more money to Nigeria. He was very angry with me, in fact he wrote some bad words to me. I just stopped writing to him. I never got my money back, which he told me he would pay me double the amount. yeah, I bet!

cannot believe it
March 28, 2016
I think I have been scammed by someone posing as military personnel. Is there an agency who investigates? Please advise.
April 09, 2016

In reply to by cannot believe it

Contact the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) of the branch of the military they claim to be serving in. You can Google the contact info or better yet, if you know the name of the base they say they are stationed at, look that post up and call that CID unit directly.
April 16, 2016

In reply to by cannot believe it

Check out FB. Scamming scammers. They post photos being used by scammers. You will be shocked!!