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Image of cupid and heartNot everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people — even stolen pictures of real military personnel. They profess their love quickly. And they tug at your heartstrings with made-up stories about how they need money — for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Why all of the tricks? They’re looking to steal your money.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, romance scammers are now involving their victims in online bank fraud. Here’s how it works: The scammers set up dating profiles to meet potential victims. After they form a “relationship,” they come up with reasons to ask their love interest to set up a new bank account. The scammers transfer stolen money into the new account, and then tell their victims to wire the money out of the country. Victims think they’re just helping out their soulmate, never realizing they’re aiding and abetting a crime.  

Here are some warning signs that an online love interest might be a fake. They ask you to:

  • chat off of the dating site immediately, using personal email, text, or phone
  • wire money using Western Union or Money Gram
  • set up a new bank account

Did you know you can do an image search of your love interest’s photo in your favorite search engine? If you do an image search and the person’s photo appears under several different names, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. And if the person’s online profile disappears a few days after they meet you, that’s another tip-off.

Here’s the real deal: Don’t send money to someone you met online — for any reason. If your online sweetheart asks for money, you can expect it’s a scam.

Unfortunately, online dating scams are all too common. There may be tens of thousands of victims, and only a small fraction report it to the FTC. If this happens to you, please report it at

A woman looking at a dating site on her computer.

It is your choice whether to submit a comment. If you do, you must create a user name, or we will not post your comment. The Federal Trade Commission Act authorizes this information collection for purposes of managing online comments. Comments and user names are part of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) public records system, and user names also are part of the FTC’s computer user records system. We may routinely use these records as described in the FTC’s Privacy Act system notices. For more information on how the FTC handles information that we collect, please read our privacy policy.

The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

We don't edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above. The comments posted on this blog become part of the public domain. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Opinions in comments that appear in this blog belong to the individuals who expressed them. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission.

Meeting a scam…
February 28, 2016

In reply to by Not conned

I received a friends request for a Lieutiant General Baca Lawrence I accepted him as a friend it started 1-25-2016 an I fell hook line an sinker he made me feel like a woman again my husband died 6 years ago an did he woo me we text each other until the end he was coming here he was on a peace keeping mission in Ugraine I checked all this out an Canada was there I even seen the picture on one of the Canadian sites (army) I honestly believe it was a picture was stolen the man looks to real to be a fake his uniform look real an I know they make great copies but this guy had a 18 year old son an divorced so please be careful he does have a romantic side to him but if some guy tells you he can't leave his camp or no way to get money please don't believe him an if he mention sending money to NATO it is a scam I sent 1550.00 an l got an other e-mail wanting more money this time 3000.00 I told him I didn't have that kind of money he wrote an they reply back saying 1300. With in 48 hours an he would be on his way I did not send it I blocked him an then he blocked me long story know who you know if you are lonely an if you are a senior citizen please go to senior center in your county do not look at face book for romance or friends I thought I was helping someone out being a good person I fell for a picture an when he said he was divorced he did not beat up on his wife an that was my first mistake swallowing that he is going to tell you how special you are an how lonely he is he said he had been divorced in 2009 his son is in military school an there is no one but his son an him also he is going to start wanting you to marry him an perform the cermony he will read out of palms he is are has find him another victim please check. Things out an run he is very smooth
April 19, 2016

In reply to by Not conned

I have been talking to a Barry Stuart Perlman. He says he lives in New York but is stuck in india without funds. I knew what he was the minute he friended me on facebook and said hello so I have had over two months of enjoyment making up stories for him. every time I go to send him money - some tragedy befalls me and I couldn't get there. He thinks I am a wealthy widow who travels the world giving to charity. Makes him upset that I give so much to the poor and he and his daughter are starving. He is very smart but I am smarter.
February 13, 2021

In reply to by sally

I’m doing exactly the same. This man deserves it.
February 12, 2016

In reply to by Red Alert

@ red alert with cam please don't even send money xxxx okay
March 14, 2016

In reply to by Red Alert

Don't trust cams, either. Scammers can try to lure you in by using 3rd party software that actually uploads a pre-recorded video & projects it through skype. They'll say "my microphone is broken," I'm going to buy a new one, and encourage you to communication via the keyboard/text messaging application.... But they are not really live on camera, though you may be!!!
January 11, 2016

In reply to by melanie

Melanie, I feel your pain. I fell for a scammer and sent him money. I mean I fell hard. When I found out he wasn't real I attempted to hurt myself. I spent two weeks in the hospital and missed Christmas with my family. Our "relationship " went on for several months. He had all kinds of photos of him and his little girl. He went by Michael, and he called her Jenny. He was good.. We even prayed together every night and then he would sing to me.. I am still recovering. I don't know if I'll ever get over all of this mess.. Please, run!!
January 12, 2016

In reply to by Josie19766

Josie: That is so sad but you are not alone. I fell for a scammer too and he sent many pics of himself and his 2 daughters. He also sang on phone to me and I still hear from him after I ended it a long time ago. I figured out what he was. Its devastating but you will overcome the pain.

Swedish Polka-dot
March 21, 2016

In reply to by debb0420

Debb0420, what was your scammer's name, what was his profession, and where was he from?
Almost 2016
January 17, 2016

In reply to by Josie19766

My scammer name is Michael Barry. His daughter's name Jane. His mother lives in Sweden. His ex-wife in Ireland. Independent contractor working for British Petroleum in Alaska. Called me at 2 AM every day. Wanted 75,000 to buy a part for a broken pump. Already filed a complaint with IC3.
February 18, 2016

In reply to by Almost 2016

I have been dealing with a guy named Michael Been. Says he is from Denmark has a Son with his Mom in Denmark. SAD stories that his ex wife cheated on him. He says he works for BP...then went on an assignment in Alaska to refurbish an oil rig. Once he supposingly gets to the Oil Rig he tells me the Internet was down and he needed to order pipe from China to finish his prodject. He asked me to pick up his emails and correspond with a company in China to order pipes. I stupidity do this for him. I was so astounded that he would trust me so much. Then he said he would call his bank for the payment for the ordered pipes....keep in mind he is romancing me the entire time ..calling me texting me that he has fallen in love and wants to marry me etc. Says all the things a girl wants to hear. He also sends me lots of pictures of himself. He looks like a gorgeous man with such a sweet honest face. I even did a light background check and found his Linkedin account matched his story..also a Facebook account. ..only little slip up was he had a different birthday than he told me...little tip off I feel so stupid for falling for it!. He then tells me that his bank will not wire the funds to China that they tell him he has to do it in person or simply do it on line...and of course he can't because the Internet is not working on the rig. He sweetly asks me to do it for him and gives me all of his banking information for Standard Bank. .again I can't believe how trusting he is with me and it completely sucks me in. I do it...over 900.000. I'm freaking out because it is so much money! He also has millions in this account! Then we received everything confirming that the the funds wire transfer is complete to China and the pipes have been ordered but he would need another 150,000 to ship the pipes. He asks me to wire that money as well and I can't log into his bank account anymore. It says I've been block..but strangely the bank link keeps bumping me over to facebook. I then see an email come through on his email from Standard bank saying that a fraudulent attempt was made on his bank account and it has been frozen. I give him the message and he freaks out...says he will call the bank. Then he calls me back saying that the bank has frozen his account and he has to come in in person to reopen the account. But be can't leave the Oil rig..he is almost in tears panicking (an Academy award act!) I'm completely sucked in at this point and feel terrible. He then tells me he is calling all his friends to loan him some money temporarily so he can get the shipment to complete the job and come back home to live happily ever after... calls me back again that day and says he only has part of the money ....then he asks me for the rest of the funds to help him out so he can come home. THAT is when I knew I was being scammed. .. I told him no..I spent all day yesterday doing a thorough background check...discovered catfish or romance scams.. called his 15 linkedin contacts and no one knew him or had ever done business with him.I did a reverse photo search on him and all kinds of things came up with his picture on several romance scam sites with different names but similar wild stories with need to wire cash. Also about 15 different profiles with his picture on linkedin and some on facebook....somehow I found the real guy that really matched the picture my scammer used. He use to be a male model years ago. ( that is usually where scammers get their photo identities from...modeling websites) I call the guys business listed on linkedin and they give me his cell number. I call him and tell him how I found him and that I believe my scammer is using his photos. At first he wasn't that concerned but I walked him through how to do a reverse photo search. He did it and called me back right away! He was blown away that so many of his photos were attached to so many different profiles all over the internet! He immediately contacted a friend that is a private investigator. He said that they Believe that my scammer is from Nigeria. ..several clues. I gave him all the phone numbers I had on my scammer. Also other big clues are that they don't sound like the nationality that they say they are. He said he was from Denmark yet he sounded black or from South Africa to me. They refer you as dear..or my love. ..they use babe, sweetheart and many terms of endearment. They have poor grammer...they use am for I'm..his profile said he went to Oxford. I MET THIS GUY ON MATCH.COM!!!Never saw him in person...never video chatted with him..yet I got so sucked into a 6 week virtual online relationship. I think I'm an intelligent woman and I started to fall in love with someone that I never met in person!!! I feel so stupid. This went pretty far. The scammer is still trying to contact me and convince me that Im wrong and that his information has been hacked and he is a victim. I really didn't want to believe that he was a scammer. I am now picking up my broken pride and moving on. I emailed the bank and the company in China with the copy of the fabricated invoice so they were aware of the fraud transaction. But most importantly I wanted to warn everyone to do complete background checks on anyone you out meet online. Take your time. Before you meet them in person...and don't have anything to do with someone that keeps making excuses as to why they can't meet you in person after you have been corresponding with them for a reasonable amount of time. Beware if they come on strong romantically too fast and say they are in love and want to marry you within a couple of weeks!! .stay safe!!
February 22, 2016

In reply to by JR

Please help I think I may be involved with the same person do you have a picture
FTC Staff
February 22, 2016

In reply to by jessj273

We can't post pictures on the blog. Scammers often use pictures of other people without their permission. If you're dealing with a scammer, seeing a picture won't tell you who the person really is.

If you think you might be talking to a scammer, look for warning signs like this:

  • wants to chat off of the dating site immediately
  • uses a personal email, text, or phone instead of the dating site
  • asks you to wire money using Western Union or Money Gram
  • asks you to set up a new bank account
April 14, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

How can you talk to someone posting information as to a scammer here? Sometimes information fits very much one's one experience and it could be beneficial to talk about it to see if information can be interchanged in order to determine what to do and if to file a complaint with the FTC. How can you privately or publicly can give an fb address or email or something to be contacted to discuss the information? Is there a way to do that?
FTC Staff
April 22, 2016

In reply to by Angels

If you have doubts about a person you're talking to, our blog posts and articles explain how to spot online dating scams.

If you think you're talking to a scammer, please report it to the FTC at

There's a link to the commenting policy for this blog just above the box where you would type a comment. The commenting policy explains what we won't post. For example, we won't post personal information like addresses.

March 05, 2017

In reply to by Angels

I think I am dealing with a scammer. I found another person who looked just like him who is a romance scammer. The scammer used this guy's email address except used yahoo instead of gmail. The guy I met claims he has never had a yahoo account. I am trying t find out the name of his company in Illinois. He is supposedly a construction engineer and owns his own business, but I cannot find him registered with the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers.
March 23, 2017

In reply to by finicky21

the want that's doing the same thing we met in instagram all this poetry and his engineer old rig. starts of with a sculpted naked picture. The profile pic's is not the same has other picture. He's a widow he's engineer he's in India he has a certificate in Germany $2,000 then he turns around and ask me to trust him FRED WALKER.
March 26, 2017

In reply to by finicky21

Does the name "Ben Clifford" an engineer for Mercedes Benz sound familiar? Does he have a Facebook or tinder he just joined in March 2017? Is he saying he is in love with you and wants to marry you but he's traveling a lot? My friend is going through this and I'm trying to find answers for her...
April 15, 2017

In reply to by GOT

"Engineer Benjamin Clifford" comes on hot and heavy doesn't he? Saying he is in love, wants to get married, have children, and has only been talking for a few weeks. He sounds German or something foreign. He's been saying he will be in town and meet in person but something always comes up. Recently, it's been that his father is dying at the hospital out of state. When he Skypes you can never see him, something is always technically wrong. He sends tons of pictures of his family and friends but none of his family or friends are on his facebook page (he only has single women as friends). He insists he's not a scammer, that he is wealthy with many cars, etc. He has even tried to send his own credit card to use to prove that he has money and to trust him... I don't know what kind of scam this falls under but IT IS A SCAM! Beware. These people can lead you on for weeks, months, or years. It's their job and they are good at it.
January 22, 2018

In reply to by finicky21

Can you post more about your story? My mom is currently being scammed but still needs convincing. Thomas Burke is her scammer who has been detained in Turkey.
October 05, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

Hi Bridget, Thank you for this site. I gather I should file a formal report with the ftc at this point but it sounds like it may fall on deaf ears. I Had no idea this was so very real or pervasive. My "guy" is called Tyson Blanchard or, Alan Mueller or a combo of the above. He is supposedly a Clinical Pathologist living in Carson City Nevada but aboutto move tohis gazillion dollar home in San Ramon California. He is currently in Nigeria (ring a bell?) and has bought me a gorgeous $20K engagement ring which was supposed to be on my finger last Sat. nite. But nooooo...he was in a "terrible car accident" and the "doctor"..Dr. Ajiya (or something similar) will "kick him out of the hospital". Miraculously his hotel bill has been paid even tho he never checked out. His passport and $12,700 and credit card (singular) is "missing" from the accident but somehow he managed to get his laptop. Swear to God I have an IQ over 100 but these guys are good..not good enough to get my $$ tho. Still the heart hurts..damn these guys are careful and beware folks!
March 20, 2016

In reply to by jessj273

I think i been talking to the same guy lives in reading met him on match .com worked on oil rigs and jobs in south africa how do u check there photo please
June 18, 2016

In reply to by jessj273

i think the man who is contacting me is the same person, do you have a pic or can i send you one?
January 18, 2017

In reply to by jessj273

My guys name was Steve G. Murray. Same scenerio but different names. Wow. We need to catch this piece of scum. I met him on and they told me that you can't use fake pictures on their site they filter everyone. Yeah right!
February 24, 2016

In reply to by JR





November 27, 2018

In reply to by ELLE

Post his phone number in Google for others to know he is a scammer.
February 25, 2016

In reply to by JR

I had the same scenario as you have describe. He claims he is from Long Beach and gave me specific address. He had given me access to his bank account to wire money for his contracts in China, as he said he can not access his account from China, I followed his instructions and transferred funds in his behalf to contractors in CHINA. Then he ask me to wire $5MIllion into my account so that we can buy a dream house with Ocean View. Then ,all of a sudden his "lawyer" said that there are anti money laundering fees clearances to be paid to the British Govt, and Tax clearances and so that the funds can be cleared and transferred to my account in his behalf. All the clearances had been provided but they needed money from me to help to pay the fee,which they have instructed me to wire to them for immediate release of funds. I sent over $10K as instructed by his lawyer and they said that is it. Then all of a sudden lawyer send me another demand from the INterpol asking for another $13,200 for Interpol before the funds are release. Till today his lawyer and him keep asking me to send help in the amount of $5,000 then the funds will be released . I believed, I have fooled and stupid by falling into this trap. It appears to be so real though. What do you think?
FTC Staff
February 25, 2016

In reply to by cg

It's possible that you are involved in bank fraud.

A scammer may pretend to be interested in romance, but really he wants your help to transfer money. A scammer can transfer stolen money into an account, and then tell you to wire the money out of the country. You might think you are helping a romantic partner, but you are actually aiding and abetting a crime.

If you show you are willing to send your own money, a scammer will keep asking you to send more. He might have other people contact you and make up stories to convince you to send money.

August 18, 2017

In reply to by FTC Staff

I am grateful to have come upon this website. Why is it that no one from the government is getting involved with anyone who has posted here? I and others are right in the middle of the scamming process. Haven't been asked for money yet, but the questions are coming. Wanting my last name and address etc.????? Wouldn't a nice sting be appropriate here? This seems like millions of dollars are involved. Thank you.
February 13, 2017

In reply to by cg

Im sorry, I fell this is the same person,this is downright shameful!
March 23, 2016

In reply to by JR

I have a scammer to but could you please email me and walk me thru how to do a background check and I have pictures I would like to find the poor man the scammer is using . need your help
July 18, 2016

In reply to by JR

This sounds like a guy I meant on EH worked on a oil rig for Reef Oil and Gas uses the name of Greg Van Hoof. From Netherlands. Needed money to get his gold bar shippment over here. Write's poems all the time. Uses terms like Hey babe... how is your day? Was working on oil rig In gulf then retired on 7/8 and then had to go to africa to get a treasure.
Same Here
August 30, 2016

In reply to by How_stupid

Hi. I hope you stopped talking to him. I search google image using the name and it seems he has different names/company with the same picture. I just want to help since I was also scammed and I learned a lot of researching everything and not to believe everything what they say. Please research....Take care.
Joining the club
September 07, 2016

In reply to by How_stupid

HI, do you have a picture, email of phone #?
done with onli…
July 11, 2017

In reply to by How_stupid

I've been contacted by Greg Van Hoof from reef oil and gas as well. I searched his name and found that he did work for reef oil and Gas accoroto ZoomInfo- could this person have stolen someone's identity? This guy writes poetry- is from Netherlands, dual citizenship American and Dutch. Retiring supposedly after current project- living is Salisbury NC.
July 19, 2016

In reply to by JR

November 14, 2016

In reply to by JR

Do you know which website you found his information ? And which modeling web site you found in real person? I try to find this person if is scam, the story is silmlar , but never find any from scam listing or email list or picture?
December 28, 2016

In reply to by sunshine

well how do you then if he is scamming you sounds to me like someone you maybe still interested in so why cant you find him if hes not a scam? this man is real he is no joke if you need more information then you should give infor I kept in touch with ledet a long time he never stoped calling me until I had my number change he did bring money up but many times it was about me and him but he would soon ask for money againe and I was not have any of it the last time I tale with him he asked if I would want his address feelins did become very strong but he was a scammer no I don't no were he is he came in my life through facebook I did have a real number he give it to me he is some place in calf
January 20, 2017

In reply to by sunshine

this man is a scamer that is why you cant locate him he was on face book I have a number he talks to me a lot yes he seems real seems like you are still interested saying hes a real person of cause he is real if you throuht this then why cant you find him like I said I cant get read of him facebook is were I mate him
March 29, 2017

In reply to by JR

Hi I think I have been talking to this guy. He is going by Johnson Albert and has the same story... Ex wife cheated. Do you have pictures you can share?
I'm done!
November 06, 2018

In reply to by JR

He now goes by Andy Oscar Johnson from Norway. He got me for $15k...same story. Wow!
January 19, 2016

In reply to by Josie19766

I got one saying he is John Mellencamp (private messages). He even has a John Mellencamp FB page but its not the verified one, it looks like the real one but it doesn't have the blue check mark where FB verifies them.
Laurie 77
February 04, 2016

In reply to by Josie19766

Josie, I am in the same situation you were in. I met a guy and he said all the right things! I have had a bad childhood as well as into adulthood even now. I was lucky in that I was "aware" of scammers because of dealing with them in the past. I felt horribe finding out this guy wasn't real. I had even prayed about it with family. But I know now what to look for and so do you! I was just writing this to tell you that you aren't alone. We can all be too trusting at times. That makes us good people! Just be secure in yourself and don't dwell on it. Best of luck in the future. I will be praying for you and hope you do the same for me. We DESERVE to find love someday and we will! Best wishes..... Laurie
December 20, 2016

In reply to by Laurie 77

Laurie 77, you are not alone. I'm old enough and trusted too much. I know God has a purpose why HE let this things happend to me. I lost all my monies God had blessed jwelries I have pawned to help this man I he is gone. I gave it all to GOD for HIM to handle. The money Ive lost is huge. Thanks GOD I still have good state of mind. I have to let it go and move forward. I am starting my life again. Please pray for me as I pray foryou.
February 06, 2016

In reply to by Josie19766

Was his voice a black man's voice - kind of young? Very religious? It sounds kind of familiar - did you ever see him in person or skype and being sure that it was not a tape but he himself? Could you please tell me?
February 08, 2016

In reply to by Josie19766

Josie, I think I met the same scammer! Is he bald, very good looking, little blond girl? Says he is widower?