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Finding a new job can be a challenge. Websites can help you find work, but scammers also use these sites to find people to rip off. Do you look for work on caregiver/nanny job sites? Sometimes scammers will offer a job but say you need to buy supplies or other equipment. They pressure you to act quickly, before you have time to think. They send you a check and tell you to deposit it and transfer money to their vendor to buy the supplies. Don’t do it — scammers post fake job listings for nannies and caregivers, then make up elaborate stories to get your money. The positions seem real, but they’re not — it’s a scam. The check will bounce. So, the money you sent is actually your own — and it’s gone.

Some scammers may pressure you to send money via gift card or cash reload card. Anyone that asks you to pay with such a card is scamming you.

If you’re looking for work on a caregiving site:

  • Don't send money to someone who says they want to hire you. Don’t deposit a check and wire money back. Don’t send them a gift card or cash reload card.
  • Search online for a potential client’s name, email address, and phone number. You might find complaints by others who’ve been scammed and find out more about the scammer’s tricks.
  • If you sent money to a scammer posing as an employer, contact the company you used to send the money (bank, wire transfer service, gift card company, or cash reload card company) and tell them it was a fraudulent transaction. Ask to have the transaction reversed if possible.
  • Report nanny and caregiver job scams to the job site and to

For Military Consumer Month, share this video with military families to help them stay away from imposter scams.



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July 23, 2018
We've already seen this at my job. Lady had quit her job already. She completely doubted it was a scam. Kept telling us we were wrong. Why would people who can afford a nanny need you to buy toys ahead of time for their arrival?
July 23, 2018
My daughter posted her resume on a help wanted website, she was then inundated with school enrollment ads. Believe this websites are only a scheme to get people enrolled in for profit schools. Which can get the student to apply for government loans that they cannot pay as the jobs are not as promised. Just saw The Whistle blower where a beauty school enrolled thousands for students and then did not provide any training. The students are trying to pay off the loans. The beauty school declared bankruptcy. One of the teachers was granted money as a whistle blower and the students attacked her because they blamed her for their losses.
July 23, 2018
I'm getting this website alot sending me job offers that.did request
July 23, 2018
Worse yet, I've been doing research on human trafficking and many times human traffickers will lure their victims with an ad for a nanny or housekeeper, and when the young woman arrives at the place she discovers to her horror that she has to work as a prostitute against her will.
July 24, 2018
You also have to be careful of being paid with Money orders. Don't accept them! My brother did Pest Control jobs, and was paid with a money order. Never got his money back from a job he did. Sadly, he passed away in December before anything could be done. Made me so mad that someone schemed him. Please, don't EVER accept a money order. They are no good.
July 26, 2018
This scam happened to me back in 2015 when I was applying for babysitting work through, and that made me very upset because I couldn't get my money back.