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“I know about the secret you are keeping from your wife and everyone else. You can ignore this letter, or pay me a $8600 confidentiality fee in Bitcoin”.

It’s enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine, but these chilling words are part of a new scam targeting men.

Here’s how it works. Scammers have been sending letters to men, demanding payments using bitcoin in exchange for keeping quiet about alleged affairs. The letter also explains how to use bitcoin to make the payment.

This is a criminal extortion attempt to separate people from their money.

If you — or someone you know — gets a letter like this, report it immediately to your local police, and the FBI.

Threats, intimidation and high-pressure tactics are classic signs of a scam. Learn how to stay ahead of clever crooks with these practical tips, and check out the ways you can keep your personal information secure.

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June 30, 2020

I got the scam mail today from: Churchill

Received an e-…
June 30, 2020
From Email dkekid@ , stating they had put malware on my computer had recorded everything I had ever done with my webcam including watching porn and sex acts. Indicated they would send a video to my contacts if I did not send 2000 in bitcoin.
May 12, 2020
Received and extortion email this morning. The address they wanted me to send it to is 1DuH1HV5aw85F96krk7NChkfA7vjUS3mkv
May 12, 2020
I received the same email yesterday. They want $2,000 in bitcoin in 24 hours or they'll start sending a video of me to my contacts. It would be the most boring video anyone has ever seen!
Another victim
May 12, 2020
I just received a similar email and practically ruined my evening. Yep, they got one of the old passwords. Am not clear where to report this on this website. Thank u all for sharing , gives me some comfort. But dang how did they get any password of ours. One of the websites must be conpromised..
May 12, 2020
I just received an email today stating that they knew my password which was actually a password that I had used several years- strange how it came 2 days after my birthday as it did for other folks-they stated that they knew alot about me including my FB contact list-cell phone contacts and computer activity. Stated that I went to porn web sites etc and it activated their spyware and my webcam. If I reply that I want proof they are threatening to send it to 3 of my contacts- They are asking for $2000 bitcoin if I don't pay up in 24 hours. Will be forwarding to the FBI as per FTC directions.
May 13, 2020
I received one email this morning threathing me how they will send it to my Facebook friends and contacts they have my old password i just spammed it
May 13, 2020
Glad I found this site by Googling "how to report email blackmail." I woke up to a shady email from some character who showed me an old password and claimed to footage of me "performing sexual acts" while watching a porn site. Went as far as to say that I have weird taste! LOL I don't visit porn sites, nor do I use a webcam. He demanded $2,000 in bitcoin, or he'd forward said video to my contacts. Warned me that he'd get an alert as soon as his email was read, "so don't try anything smart."
June 30, 2020

In reply to by radiochick72

same situation and this was their email feanzo@ does anyone recognized it can we trace it?
May 13, 2020
Email,threatening me for money.send by bticom
Scam letter re…
May 13, 2020
The letter actually has my password which freaks me out. Plan on changing all my passwords. Those assholes!
May 13, 2020
I just received the same disturbing email today from a “Barbara” using an old password. This is the email it was sent from cdcrgx@ and here is their bitcoin number and instructions 1A4TB7Vce*mfDz11b4LQpDU HPfcgPiWJrebH [case SENSITIVE copy and paste it, and remove * from it] She gave me 24 hours from the time the email was opened to send $2000 or she would send an explicit video of me to 12 of my contacts.
May 13, 2020
i just received the same email today for the first time. I got really scared. but am glad to hear it is all a scam!
May 13, 2020

In reply to by ao

Yes same here, I called the police and reported the crime. the officer said to google PORN/Bitcoin/extortion. I was relieved this was not a targeted attack but since they listed an active pass word it was unsettling. The officer Stated that they get these passwords when companies data gets hacked and we hear of these breach. Now I understand their danger. Anyway- relieved!
Gracie 27
May 13, 2020
I just received the same email. They used an old password from when I was 17 and my current email. Weird! They threatened to send a video of me to 6 of my contacts from my phone, my boss and parents. They said I have 24 hours to transfer $2000 into their Bitcoin account. I called the local police and made a report. I don't visit the sites they mentioned nor do I have a webcam. Don't fall for this!
May 13, 2020
my friend sent me a link to check this funny porn site on my ipad i got hacked got the email today saying that i was recorded pleasuring myself that they have all my contacts including facebook they knew my password for me to send 2000 in bitcoins never heard of this, otherwise they will release the video they sent the bitcoin address 20 to 30 characters long to paste it exaxtly same inf i have seen in alot of comments here should i be concerned since was an i pad
May 13, 2020
The one I got today began with "I have y our password" AND it then showed one of my passwords that I have used in the past! This was disturbing.
May 13, 2020
I just got the sane email.. yup.. it gets you thinking (actually, this makes me want to cover my phone cameras!).. same exact thing. So now, I’m expecting a follow up soon with curses in it.. awesome
July 10, 2020
Received a Bitcoin blackmail, the name send to my email is Shanta and email address xavbni@ (a wired email address). He said I went to the sexually graphic websites, ha ha sorry i am a woman so no point to watch a sexually graphic websites. I only concern is how he know my password but it was five years ago. He requested $2000 bitcoin and send it on the down below address: 1DkW3eZEVU SE9zMeJcVfg 2M*sE8ZDGa1czY [case SENSITIVE so copy and paste it, and remove * from it] (If you don't understand how, lookup how to buy bitcoin. Do not waste my important time) "If you send out this particular 'donation' (we will call it that?). Right after that, I will disappear for good . and under no circumstances contact you again. I will remove everything I've got concerning you. You may continue living your ordinary day to day life with absolutely no concern. You have 24 hours to do so. Your time starts off as quickly you read this e mail. I have got an unique code that will notify me as soon as you see this e-mail therefore don't try to act smart." One way to do, report to police and blocked the email address. That's is.
May 14, 2020
I received the same type of email, is the only response to just delete it???
May 14, 2020
Glad I found this site. I knew it was a scam, still shook me up a bit. Had an old password in the header to show they have my information. Threatened to release compromising video of me to random people in my address book. Said they know I go on porn sites, know everything I do and are watching my online moves daily. Very nasty, strong arm language. Demanded a "donation" of $2000 Bitcoin to stop the release of the video and then I would never hear from them again. I actually did laugh it off later on in the day. Reported it to the FTC. I am a young 72, however, I am not into porn. Thanks to all on here for sharing. All in this together, whether "cyber virus" or Covid-19. Stay safe in all ways, physically, spiritually, emotionally and online. :-)
Got tagged as …
May 30, 2020

In reply to by Mary72

I got this same type of email about an hour ago. I echo everything you said. So grateful to find this site and to read these comments. I will report to the FTC as well.
May 27, 2020
I also got and EMail today from Welby (ktkttt@ ) with pretty much the same treath. They ask for 2000 USD in Bitcoin. They also wrote a password that I use.
May 14, 2020
I am grateful for the information that has been shared here. I just received an email like some of those mentioned here. The password they referred to was from an old closed out Facebook account. Though I have no reason to be worried about the threat, it is disconcerting for someone to have the password and then the tone of the letter itself. Most unpleasant, but much thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences and thoughts on the matter!
May 14, 2020
I received an email from hacker claiming to be amazon delivery support and said that this person hack my personal information and said that person set up a malware porn site and said i was watching videos on my internet and hack into it and he demanded money and said if i dont pay within 5 days he will send the video thru social media, my family and friends. I know this is a scam so i had to report it to Amazon to tell them they use their web site to send me this email. So ill wait and see what happens next.
May 14, 2020
I am a mother and I just got this email today send to my 12 year old son trying to extortion.. where can I report this..? Thanks
May 14, 2020
Just received one of these letters about an hour ago. They said they had my password, which was an old password. They wanted $2000.00 and made claims that were not true. I did not respond.
May 14, 2020
I had an email in my spam box ,subject line was "code" and listed a #. I opened email to find it was someone stating they had all my passwords and they were inside my computer. They said to give them 2000.00 in bitcoin or,,, I didn't finish reading and deleted email. Now later on i opened my computer and on my yahoo sign in page there was and still is this oblong circle with a white dot moving up and down. I cant get rid of it. Any Idea if their connected to the scam or is this an issue with my computer???
June 29, 2020
I just received one asking for 2000 US Bitcoin. Threatened that he has videos. Don't have a camera on desktop and laptop camera is disabled. English was poor. The email address is the name comes across as Vijay. Threatened that he had a password, it was a very old password, over 10 years ago. Reported the scam.
June 08, 2020
I received the email today from chqixu@ . It said they have everything from the past 177 days due to porn I visited. " Hello, you do not know me personally. Yet I know pretty much everything concerning you. All of your facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts and all the online activity on your computer from previous 177 days. Well the previous time you visited the adult material websites, my malware was activated in your personal computer which ended up recording a eye-catching video footage of your self pleasure play simply by triggering your web camera." I have never done any of this!
May 15, 2020
i got same email asking for 2000bt within 24 hours if not will send to 11 people
May 15, 2020
I received two emails too, one was a follow up threat. I was tempted to reply with an equally evil threat but thought otherwise. I watch porn very what? Sad to think that vulnerable people probably fall for it and pay. Whoever it might be is a sad degenerate loser with no quality of life. I feel for their pathetically, ridiculous existence.
Furious RN
May 16, 2020
I have also received the email threatening to post porn pictures of me. Would be a trick since I have never visited a porn site except 20 years ago when I did it by accident, miss typed a web address. I have the camera lens on both my iPad and laptop covered. Now I am getting messages through Facebook messenger from friends with a video attached plus the message “OMG! Is this you? I am not playing the video because whatever I cannot see it. No matter how much they are asking for I don’t have the slightest idea how to get $2000 in bitcoin.There has to be a way to stop these emails!
May 17, 2020
I got one yesterday and decided I'd wait to see the evidence. I'm a 74 year old woman and haven't had much excitement lately so, what the heck.
May 17, 2020
I just received the same email. Saying know my password, personal facebook contact list, phone contacts, on line activities....etc... Asking for $2000 I don't need this....Very upset!!
May 18, 2020
I received the same phishing letter asking for $2000 and sent a bitcoin like. The person mentioned I had 24 hours and that they can see me through my camera. He provided an old password of mine. I have my camera covered and it went to my spam email. Be careful, never give a stranger money.
May 18, 2020
Got this today 05-18-2020. Not into porn so I knew they were fishing for a vic. when I was told they had web-cam footage of me being sexual. Was only worried that they had a VERY old password and email address,,, Wanted $2000 in Bit Coin in 24 hours or they would release sexual content from a web cam they/he/she has of me. I dont do Bit Coin but they wanted payment into their Bit Coin account in 24 hours or they would release my sexual content on facebook. 1CYq2HTcTDjL3cDWtbRb*nT7fFXsBqfRnQJ ... I would have cut pasted the email but they made their text into a photo. So, live a clean life, Retired Police.
May 21, 2020

In reply to by Wilber

Retired police here as well. Received the same message and a text.
May 19, 2020
Same here. Bitcoin address is: 151*pRwv6whqSCfVUcuBcNECXb1XgP1XrfS [case-SENSITIVE, copy and paste it, and remove * from it]
May 20, 2020
I’m a female I let someone use my email and they used it on sex sites now some one has been emailing me saying they have sexual video of me that I sent my husband they threaten to put it on my social media and send it to my contacts if I don’t give them 2000 to bitcoin can they really do this they told me they hacked in to my pc my iPhone I had mild heart attack because of this can they send the video to my contacts I have deleted all social media and change my google accounts and other passwords
May 21, 2020
Received 2 emails like this from different people a week ago. Blocked them. Today I received a text with the same message from the following number: 937-358-8636. Anyone receive texts?
May 22, 2020

In reply to by Bobo

I have, two in the past day but they're using my dad's name. Probably because the phone used to be registered under his name. So creepy
Text Received …
May 23, 2020

In reply to by Bobo

I received a text to my cell, the number sending the text was 240-540-4258.
May 24, 2020

In reply to by Bobo

I haven't recieved any emails messages but I did get the text message same day but different # 351 222
May 24, 2020

In reply to by Bobo

Yes I have today may 24th 2020 these scammers are so pathetic the world is going through a bad time and all they can do is sit at home trying to scam people