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Please visit Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know for the most recent information.


As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being worked out, but there are a few really important things to know, no matter what this looks like.


1. The government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money. No fees. No charges. No nothing.

2. The government will not call to ask for your Social Security number, bank account, or credit card number. Anyone who does is a scammer.

3. These reports of checks aren’t yet a reality. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer.

Look, normally we’d wait to know what the payment plan looks like before we put out a message like this. But these aren’t normal times. And we predict that the scammers are gearing up to take advantage of this.

So, remember: no matter what this payment winds up being, only scammers will ask you to pay to get it. If you spot one of these scams, please tell the Federal Trade Commission: We’re doing our best to stop these scammers in their tracks, and your report will help.

Keep up to date with the latest Coronavirus-related scams at or by signing up to get these consumer alerts. 

Watch these videos for more tips on how to avoid ecomonic impact payment scams:

FTC tips to avoid economic impact payment scams

Updated link added on April 21, 2020.

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Dusty in Mississippi
March 21, 2020

In reply to by Wizzywow

To my understanding, yes. It is not a done deal yet. I believe the amount will be reduced somewhat, though, if they do decide to send them. Hope this makes you feel better. A little, anyway.
March 19, 2020
I'm a single mom, earning under $10,000 per year, so I do not file taxes. Now that this crisis hit us - my income has dropped by 2/3. Will non tax filers receive a much needed check?
March 19, 2020
Thank you for having the useful information thats available, it helps to ease anxiety.
March 19, 2020
Thank you for informing the American public and being genuine
March 19, 2020
Will people on disability or SSI get the stimulus check?
March 19, 2020

In reply to by AnnieC

Rates from electricity, water, and gas are increasing for those who have to renew the contract. Should this be controlled by the government due to the coronavirus?
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Cindy

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

Howard ebony
March 20, 2020

In reply to by AnnieC

Do people who get ssi checks for a 10 year old get the check to
FTC Staff
March 23, 2020

In reply to by AnnieC

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 19, 2020
Will we be giving the homeless people a check too
March 19, 2020
thank you for info keep it comming to get honest info
March 19, 2020
Thanks for this info. It’s very helpful!!
March 19, 2020
How does government know where you are to your stimulus check to you?
March 19, 2020

In reply to by Jasonwo72

I have the same question. How do they know? WIll there be an application process? Or are they just going to be sending out checks based off income and job title based off previous returns?
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by KYUNG

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 19, 2020
FTC What about disabled, elderly, who are so far below the poverty level we don't have enough income and unable to make enough to pay taxes? How will we be issued a check? I've been on total disability for over 10 years so savings gone, house gone, assets are gone, Social Security total $739 to 1200 for most all of us. Most tax credits don't work, not illegals, already raised our children on our own without welfare or handouts, etc etc etc. Time to address the issues of this huge group in the United States of America!
GGPAT 1984
March 19, 2020
Will people on disability get this
March 19, 2020
Even though it's not enough to supplant a majority of 4 week incomes, I believe it's a start, and shows us that our leaders are moving quickly to get us at least something to sustain our families over the next 6 weeks. They (government) don't seem to be applying rigid rules to collect said stimulus either which is refreshing. Be safe. Go outside and be active. And for the love of sanity... RELAX! This too shall pass. All we can do is be smart, cautious and protect those who can't protect themselves.
March 19, 2020
Hopefully these checks will be issued to all Americans over 18, and not just tax payers. Not everyone makes enough to pay taxes, and most retirees on medicare do not file.
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by M.a.m

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 19, 2020
How do they plan on doing direct deposit to our accounts without our account info especially for those of us that moved and got a new acoount in the past few months.
April 14, 2020

In reply to by How

I am on disability and don't make enough money to fill taxes and i have move so would the IRS have the information they need threw my disability
March 19, 2020
This is great info and very much appreciated! Having been an investigator and a retired Police Commander, I can tell you when it involves money, the scammers have no boundaries or a conscious. We appreciate the support.
March 19, 2020

In reply to by kbrann

Thank you for your service btw my brother was killed in line of duty, Sheriff in KY.taht said... s soon as Romney mentioned Checks the CRIMINALS were gearing up Phone lists, data banks theyve hacked for years and preparing to intercept the money. Again, the elderly are heavily at risk, they do not usually use computers have landlines still and sadly they hear GOV, FBI, SOCSEC and dutifully snap too and trust the caller. Please help your older family and friends.
March 19, 2020
I am on SSDI and i do not make enough to file taxes. Will i still get a stimulus check?
Molly A. Block
March 19, 2020
The REAL question, and I can't believe no one has asked this yet is: "IF we get any amount of stimulus check from the govt for dealing with this Covid-19, WILL WE HAVE TO PAY IT BACK NEXT YEAR, like we did when Pres. Bush gave everyone a stimulus check of $200 years ago? Anyone? Any answers? Yes, we got a check for $200, but everyone seems to have forgotten that the following year, when tax time came around, everyone had to pay that money back! Can you imagine having to pay back $1,000, or potentially $2,000, this time?!!
March 19, 2020
Will the checks be isssued based on those having filed tax returns; how do they know who to send the checks to, for how much, and where to send them?
FTC Staff
March 20, 2020

In reply to by deb208

As of today, there are no confirmed details about any stimulus money. Watch for updates from trusted news sources to find the latest.

March 19, 2020
Thank you very much!
March 19, 2020
Do the people on ssdi and ssi get the stimulous package
March 19, 2020
Totally agree. update me information and about new information..
March 19, 2020
How do we go by getting the stimulus check what do we have to do
March 19, 2020
If I haven’t filed taxes and I recently moved how will the check get to me? Also, bank account is different than what it was last year.
Shannon McNulty
March 19, 2020
It's very pleasant to see someone who works for the govt write in such a calm, normal manner. Its refreshing to see that they are concerned with scammers. In this time of desperation, it shows that we are all the same, nobody is above this virus. Well written. -Shannon, Massachusetts
March 19, 2020
If you receive Social Security disability would you get the stimulus package the government is sending outer
Don't use Sony…
March 20, 2020

In reply to by Richard

Will the ppl from disability get the 1000 cause we also can use the funds
March 19, 2020
Will this include USDA Mortgage payments
March 19, 2020
I recently moved and have not yet updated my mailing address. However, I have already filed my taxes for 2020 which does have my correct mailing address; it also has my correct bank account information. Will that be adequate or do I need to update my mailing address elsewhere? If so, where? Thank you.
March 19, 2020
Hello how will the government determine where to mail the checks because my address has changed since I recently filed. Thanks!
March 19, 2020
On disability don’t file taxes because I don’t bring in enough money ! Will I also receive a check from the government? I’m a widow and my husband was a war veteran
Good4now $
March 19, 2020
Please give the money to everyone....the homeless...the elderly...the disabled...the people on SS and SSI may not file taxes but are the ones in our society that truly need help.
March 19, 2020

In reply to by Good4now $

Absolutely. People on disability can't afford the added expense of home delivery for groceries, cab fare, etc. Homeless persons are hit even harder due to increased risk of exposure and lack of income and healthcare.
March 19, 2020

In reply to by Good4now $

I'm a Senior and did not see anything about a check?
March 19, 2020

In reply to by Good4now $

i hope so but all i see is *tax payers* when i google.
March 21, 2020

In reply to by Good4now $

I totally agree with you 100%all American citizens over 18 should get help!!!We all are struggling!!!