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Starting November 20, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home. If you didn’t order tests since the program reopened in September, the site will let you place two orders for a total of eight tests. Order your test kits through Orders will ship free starting the week of November 27, 2023.

The kits will include instructions on how to verify extended expiration dates. Many kits have had their expiration dates extended beyond what may be printed on the packaging.

You don’t have to pay for shipping, and you’ll never be asked for a credit card or bank account number. You only need to give a name and shipping address. If you’d like an email confirmation and delivery updates from the U.S. Postal Service, you can submit your email address. Anyone who asks for more information than that is a scammer. So, remember:

  • Only go to to order your free test kits from the federal government. When you click to order, you’ll be redirected to If you’re following a link from a news story, double-check the URL that shows in your browser’s address bar.
  • No one will call, text, or email you from the federal government to ask for your information to “help” you order free kits. Don’t give out your credit card, bank account, or Social Security number. Do not respond. Instead, report it to the FTC at

This blog, originally posted on September 25, 2023, has been updated to reflect the extension of free COVID test kits through 

Search Terms
Rosie Soto
September 26, 2023

I need some

Margaret Winnie
September 26, 2023

I could use some Covid tests I have asthma September 26

Kimberly Wesley
September 26, 2023

Thank you for helping us and our children try to stay healthy and safe!🫶

September 26, 2023

The site keeps saying my address is not valid having been living her for over 20 yrs

September 26, 2023

Can we just get the $$ instead. We have no confidence that any of these tests are accurate.

September 27, 2023

In reply to by Marie

Well the free one are correct as well wayyy better to 👍👍👍

Kathy, RN
October 04, 2023

In reply to by Marie

Take a few science courses and you'll understand why the tests work, and work so specifically. Don't be money grubbing when there is a real public health problem. Attended another Covid Funeral last week. She didn't believe in vaccinations.

Barbara lucas
September 27, 2023

Please stop telling people that tests and shots are free. Taxes and the people pay...please tell the truth

October 23, 2023

In reply to by Barbara lucas

Since you already paid your taxes, you might as well order the tests, your taxes won't change. The tests have already been set aside for this program and will be thrown away if not ordered. Waste not, want not. That is the truth.

Ray Caplinger
September 27, 2023

I would like to get some test kits mine are wxpired

Chrissy Maier
September 27, 2023

Also health partners gives covid test to people with health partners and some other insurances for free u should look into that as well but this offer is awesome for those who may not qualify the other way ...A relative gets 8 per month I believe through that insurance..can never have enough covid test. I just took 3 in the I tested positive about 3 weeks ago and 3 days ago still u see one person would need at least 2-4 so the offer is perfect

Latina Brown
September 27, 2023

Please send me my COVID test
Thank e

Nancy Minh Vuong
September 28, 2023

i need suply home test covid kit

September 28, 2023

Corrupt! not free! Need insurance to get! Very disappointed with government supported site on application! Need to tell American people it's not free without insuance!

Samantha Peeler
September 28, 2023

Can I get these kits mailed to me every 6 months

Lawrence Rodgers
September 28, 2023

Please send 8 testing kits.
For my wife and myself.

September 28, 2023

Thank you for this! Really appreciate it opening up again, especially since so many family members are getting sick and bringing it home right now. Better safe than sorry since I have pre-existing conditions!

Gordon Fernandez
September 28, 2023

Send free cover test kits

September 28, 2023

Thank you for your generosity n keeping us safe n healthy

October 16, 2023

In reply to by Elaine

There is no generosity involved. This is all paid for by taxpayer dollars.

Frederick Jones
September 29, 2023

I live in a group home with nine other patients and two live in care givers. I was advised we can only get one test kit per address. Does not seem fair.

Deborah Nadler
October 02, 2023

I need tests

Judy Drenten
October 02, 2023

would like the test kits

Stacey Flathers
October 02, 2023

Tried to order today but got a message that the address had already received the limit. Thought this was a new offer.

Darwin Jordan
October 02, 2023

Please send the free Covid testing kits

Annette Broyles
October 02, 2023

Can I get at home covid test

Dolores Buriegi
October 02, 2023

Please send free Covid test kits.

CJ Lee
October 02, 2023

How do I get these?

October 02, 2023

How are they expired yet detecting current covid variants? They're old tests that were stock piled. How will they detect variants that came out after they were created?

October 02, 2023

So I understand that the test is good through 2023 even though the date on the box says 7/3/23? Correct.

Jim Snyder
October 04, 2023

Received the free Covid tests today in the mail today. Original expiration date on the tests is May 9, 2023 and the extended date is December 9, 2023. It seems the government or the vendors are cleaning out their stockpiles and sending almost expired kits for us to throw away in 2 months. Kind of a waste of money!!!!

October 04, 2023

Received COVID test in the mail and the box has expiration date of March 2023. Why are they mailing expired boxes when date was extended only for 6 months?

October 04, 2023

Thank you

Susan Grainger
October 04, 2023

I received the requested Covid tests today but information on extended dates of use was omitted.

Ed Waters
October 04, 2023

I would like the free home covid test kits.

October 04, 2023

First, there has been reports that the COVID TEST previously sent had a longer shelf life. Well past the expiration date shown on the packages. Now to validate that the government is sending the consumers COVID test that are clearly marked as EXPIRED. I JUST RECEIVED THE BINAX NOW COVID SELF TEST IN THE MAIL. BOTH BOXES HAVE AN EXPIRATION DATE OF "JUNE 17, 2023. TODAY IS OCTOBER 3, 2023. THIS IS FRAUDING THE CONSUMERS.

Alfred Anderso…
October 05, 2023

Thank you.

Lina Robbins
October 05, 2023

I need free Covid test at home

Junne Seela
October 05, 2023

I have tried the government site 2x to get the free tests. I was turned down the 2 times because it stated Ive already recieved the tests since 9/25/23. I have not. I tried after that date and was turned down saying tests have been delivered and I can't order again. I cannot talk to anyone at the 800# as I was on hold for 1/2 hour. What can I do?

Junne Seela
October 05, 2023

I already left a comment. I cannot get the tests and here I am led to the same sites to get test. I've been turned down a total of 4 times since 9/25/23. This site here is not helping me.

Junne Seela
October 05, 2023

You are not answering my comments. I am turned down for tests x3

Ana S
November 09, 2023

In reply to by Junne Seela

Nobody in this comment section can answer your question, ma’am. This is not monitored or run by the agency that is distributing the tests. You need to go to and use the contact number provided for those who were having difficulties ordering online. There have been numerous verified errors with the address verification fields on the site, which have resulted in the order being denied. Go to the correct agency to speak to them about it. The FTC cannot help you

Jeanette Williams
October 05, 2023

How does it take to receive test never received

mae stone
October 05, 2023

Please provide phone number for people without a computer.
And hours of operation for this phone number.

FTC Staff
October 05, 2023

In reply to by mae stone

Need help placing an order for your at-⁠home tests?
Call 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).

carol aller
October 06, 2023

Why can you only get 4 tests if you have seven people in your family?