2020 Census: Visiting homes and sending emails
The Federal Trade Commission is partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau to help you guard against potential census scams.
Scammy PPE sellers exploit COVID-19 fears
Last month, the FTC filed its first case against an online seller that failed to ship next-da
Online seller failed to ship next-day PPE as promised
Facemasks and other types of personal protective equipment (PPE) have been in high demand since the COVID pandemic began. Many people have flocked to online retailers to place orders.
COVID mask exemption cards are not from the government
To help limit the spread of the Coronavirus, many states are requiring people to wear face coverings in places open to the public.
FTC: Fashion Nova failed to deliver the goods
In normal times, there’s nothing like finding the perfect outfit for a special event.
FTC: Coronavirus scams, Part 2
Last month, we alerted you to Coronavirus scams we were seeing at the time.
Look before they ship
You’ve spotted a gotta-have-it item online. You’ve looked into the price, product details, and return information. Ready to click the BUY button?
Coronavirus: Scammers follow the headlines
Scammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding the Coronavirus.
LendEDU deceptively promoted financial products
Online comparison sites can be great ways to check out products you want to try or buy. But are those reviews and rankings objective, accurate, and unbiased?