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One thing we know about scammers — they want money, and they want it fast. That’s why, whatever the con they’re running, they usually ask people to pay a certain way. They want to make it easy for themselves to get the money — and nearly impossible for you to get it back.

Their latest method? iTunes gift cards. To convince you to pay, they might pretend to be with the IRS and say you’ll be arrested if you don’t pay back taxes right now. Or pose as a family member or online love interest who needs your help fast. But as soon as you put money on a card and share the code with them, the money’s gone for good.

If you’re not shopping at the iTunes store, you shouldn’t be paying with an iTunes gift card. Other payment methods scammers might ask for include Amazon gift cards, PayPal, reloadable cards like MoneyPak, Reloadit, or Vanilla, or by wiring money through services like Western Union or MoneyGram. Government offices won’t require you to use these payment methods.

If you get targeted by a scam like this, report it to the FTC at

Want to know more about avoiding scams? Read How to Avoid a Scam

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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

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August 29, 2016
My disabled son was scammed this weekend. A very slick person impersonated HP and talked my son out of $1000 in iTunes gift cards. He has finally realized that he was scammed. We have a phone number that they called from and an email from them. Is there anything we can do to help catch these thieves (or recover any of the money)?
August 30, 2016

In reply to by grannie

You could contact Apple Customer Support. They may be able to help you get a refund from the retail card seller when funds are still on the cards. Apple Customer Support may ask you to provide a police report and other documents, like a receipt for the cards. Apple may not make refunds directly, but may refer you back to the retailer, and work to contact the retailer about a refund.

Please report your experience to the FTC at The details you provide will go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations.


Washington caller id
August 30, 2016
Just received a call from washing dc 202 798 3209 offering me 9200 federal student grant for a 250 Apple iTunes card I had to purchase first I told him this was a scam and stop calling me
August 30, 2016
This just happened to me with a DC area code (2028272170) talking about tax fraud and arrest warrants.. I walked out of my house, on my way to the Walgreens a 30 min bus ride and I had to stay on the line with the person, and then just in case I looked up iTunes tax fraud scams and this was the first Google result. Thank GOD I saw this otherwise I would've been down almost $600. The lady kept asking if the bus was coming and I was like in 20 min so you just gotta deal with me. So I start asking her stupid questions until I finally just hang up, after 30 minutes of "waiting for the bus." They called back twice after but I just ignored it. So glad I saw this!!!
September 07, 2016

In reply to by justn

I got the same area code call from washington DC about a $9,000 grant.
August 30, 2016
They just got me for 200.00 on a iTunes gift card. I got denied a bunch of loans too and then they called and said they will wire transfer me a loan. Unfortunately I fell for it! Here are the numbers they called me from 9039609500,9133707479,8019947832,9546746044. These people need to be stopped!!!
August 31, 2016
7576566266 virgina says name steve evans from irs...had me put 490 on itune gift card...threaten me about police. I have contacted the irs as i have a payment arrangement now set up through them. Be aware people they are very agressive
September 01, 2016
Please be aware of David Jones from Personal Landing 914 930-4480 I was scam with the Apple I Tune card 4 different times with this man and still didn't receive the money.
Scam them
September 07, 2016
Usa payday wanted me to send 500 to them the guy called me his name twice so fig id c what i cld get got him offer to pay my creditcard off then he wanted me to send more after it cleared lol ya rt thanks 4 the 507.50$ same guy called at 1030at night so after i told him i knew what he was doing he threatened me with cops lol he paid it had nothing to do with a loan havent herd anything cence thanks 4 the bonus so turn it ard and pay close attention to everyword they say
September 07, 2016
I've gotten scammed on a tuesday of Sept 6 about me receiving a so called $9,000 grant. I've should of know better when it came to that grant money shouldn't NEED money to be given when it the grant is FREE. But since I was so desperate at that time and not thinking; ended up using the itunes gift card (which I never used or ever heard that I had to even register to get a grant which by far a false) while following the directions on the phone the so called lady was giving me. I proceeded to put $200 on the gift card, scratched off the back and read them the code and I also gave them my banking info when one of these (bleep) told me while I was at Walmart "there are 15 people ahead of you" for this so called funny money grant. So me being a bit flustered and telling that (beep) that I drove over here for nothing and he said "do you want it in cash or direct deposit?" which I told this other (beep) I wanted to do it in cash but since I was given the run around I decided to do it in direct deposit. I remember waiting for 15 to 27 minutes because prior to that the guy wanted me to hand over $750 then he opened his big mouth again and said "can you make a $900 payment" getting impatient with me. I yelled back at him with frustration saying "dude, I'm already broke, I don't have that kind of money to give" at that time he was pushing it. He then says "no worries, sir. Nothing to get impatient over this" (What? @#!*&%) So I ask him can you put the money back into my account from the itunes gift card (that I never use anyway) so I that's when we fast forward to the part of me waiting for the past 15 to 27 minutes. I answer with a "Hello?" and the (beep) responded with "Hello...Hello, Matt" so I say under my breathe, "What?Matt?" so I respond back saying my actual name...the @#$*!&# hangs up on me. I call that number back immediately...disconnected line! Ain't that a (BEEP) lol Sorry for all the swearing. I had to get this off my chest. Another lesson learned in my book.
FTC Staff
September 08, 2016

In reply to by BlackLumberJac…

You can call Apple Support at 1-800-275-2273 (you may have to spend some time on hold). Tell them what happened and ask if they can disable the card. Also, go back to the store that sold you the card and talk with their customer service staff. And when you hear from someone who wants you to send an iTunes card, please tell the FTC.

September 08, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

Oh, I already did on that same day of Sept 6th. On Sept 7, those (Beep) called me back twice!!! I called that number back to curse them out. Come to find out the FTC came through because I heard an automated message saying "This call is a suspicious scam calling in on this line" or something like that. I'm just paraphrasing.
Pablos Plight
September 11, 2016
My father just fell victim to one these I tunes scams using fake lawyers, a fake receptionist, and a number that they said was from Connecticut but the area code was from British Columbia (604 area code) I was able to convince him that he was has. What angers me the most is that he has trouble moving around, is 85, and was conned to go out to Best Buy and buy on his credit card 5 Itunes gift cards to pay $ 1800 to who told him was his grand nephew. When the person called they would not tell him his name until my father said a name. If you get these calls ask questions and ANYONE asking for transfers using an Itunes gift card is a scammer!!!
September 12, 2016
Thank GOD today i got my money back and thank uou Apple support and cvs for helping me
September 19, 2016

In reply to by saam

Hey Saam. Can I ask how you went through that process? Thank you.

September 22, 2016

In reply to by stupidlyscammed

Thank you for asking 1st go to apple store online then i ttune help Then select the subject other issue then mail the all story in short words tapple support reply me in two days the ask me for recipt of cvs wher i bught iTunes card and picture of my cards front and back and police report number and i send them after 1 week they reply me that contact cvs with apple cose no and i contact with cvs and they refun my mony in my bank account after 10 days
September 15, 2016
My roommate was a potential victim but had the confidence in me the hardened skeptic to let me talk to the scammers. $9000.00 in federal grant for the small sum of $200.00 on an iTunes card. The scammers was good. I asked to take a few minutes to talk to my roommate about loaning him the money. I then did 300 seconds of research and found this site. We did call the scammers back and I scammed him. I told him that my roommate got me involved because I worked with the District Attorneys office as a consultant in the scams department. That I was opening an investigation into this scammer. He started stuttering and making up things. Hopefully I put enough fear into this one to at least slow him down
September 16, 2016
It's actually common for scammers advertising something like that nowadays. Though it can't be tolerated immediately as this is already everywhere on the internet.
Fake call from…
September 19, 2016
I'm glad that I went through this post. I just reported it to FTC and hope the government take necessary actions to prevent such issues in the future.
September 21, 2016
It happened to me today and lost $3000 in itunes gift card scam. I am very sad that I tricked into this. They know all the information about me like where I am living , immigrant status etc. They tricked me by posing as an IRS officer. I totally understand that I mad a foolish mistake. I am not able to get Apple such a reputed comapny cant freeze those transactions. In the end its Itunes card, how can they biy and use the digital content in just 10-15 mins of buying the card. Apple must have some way to look into where those codes are used and what digital content someone bought. I am sad about losing hard earned money but more sad about how this money will be used for wrong things. I request FTC department to atleast ask apple to trace the gift card usage and transactions. Its a big fault on their side.
FTC Staff
September 21, 2016

In reply to by sachin.s

If you give someone the codes from an iTunes card, he takes control of the value on the card. He can use it or sell it. After someone redeems the codes, you can't get your money back.

You can reach Apple Support at 1-800-275-2273.

Please report what happened to the FTC at The information you give will  go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations.

September 22, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

I put a complaint in police department and also FTC. I know it's a mistake but please try to stop these high denomination card. No one will buy the card with such high denomination for normal use or gift. Atleast educate or put warning in stores to stop this. I don't know how can they redeem so fast. Most probably they have activated the card and attach to apple id. Is it not possible to freeze that Apple Id and if someone ask to activate it again then ask questions from where they got it ? I know I was out of my mind when it happened. Please help if Apple can atleast refund partially the profit they are making.
September 23, 2016
On Thursday I got scam from the IRS they made me buy some iTunes cards 19 of them $500 and $100 each I gave them $3500. Is there anyway to get my money back from Apple store
September 23, 2016

In reply to by Raghav

You can call Apple Support at 1-800-275-2273 (you may have to spend some time on hold). Tell them what happened and ask if they can disable the card. Also, go back to the store that sold you the card and talk with their customer service staff. And when you hear from someone who wants you to send an iTunes card, please tell the FTC.

Vulnerable Law…
September 26, 2016
I am very heated; these scammers got me today for $8900. Threatened to have me arrested if I didn't settle a litigation ASAP. Being a decent citizen; I fell for their gimmick and went to several stores and purchased multiple Itune Cards;they kept me on the phone and didn't allow to text or speak with anyone; so I didn't have time to check anything online relating to scamming. I am very upset
FTC Staff
September 26, 2016

In reply to by Vulnerable Law…

Please report what happened to the FTC at The information you give will go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations.

Case Status
September 29, 2016

In reply to by Vulnerable Law…

Any luck in getting at least partial refund ? Atleast apple can refund some partial amount out of it's profit.
Almost Scammed…
September 26, 2016

I saw a post from retailer that says there are signs posted well if CVS posts them I don't know where that would be

an not only one but two clerks one being a manager said nothing of possible scam.

I have not used the card and luckily caught what was going on and reported to eBay. I was told there was no way to get my money refunded but I have hope now that I see at least 2 others have. I will contact police and CVS and see if I can get money back. I'm not into technical stuff such as internet and know nothing about online purchasing but at my husbands request I bought this card for vehicle purchase and even as I was buying the card I mentioned to the clerk I've never bought iTunes cards before as I don't know what can be purchased with them. I got an education and thankfully scammer got nothing no personal info or card info. She asked for 3 $500 cards luckily I only purchased one and did not scratch off the back. Apple really should step up for reimbursement or stop selling this particular card that I've found no one would want even as a gift.

FTC Staff
September 26, 2016

In reply to by Almost Scammed…

Please report what happened to the FTC at FTC.govcomplaint. The information you give will go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations.

Case Status
September 27, 2016
I submitted a complaint. I didn't get any email after that. Just want to know if I should expect anything. The email says will get update by 72 hours on the case.
September 29, 2016
On this Tuesday of 27th September 2016, I got scam from 911 and the uscis number they made me buy iTunes gift cards 6 of $500 each I gave them $3000. They kept me on the phone and didn't allow to text or speak with anyone; so I didn't have time to check anything online relating to scamming. He warned me, if I didn't pay the would put a warrant out for my arrest immediately. I got frightened and do not allowed to get help from others/ donot cut the call even. If I contacted anyone / cut the call, they will do immediate action. I purchased 6 gift cards for $3000.00 each of $500. Then they instructed to scratch off the numbers and tell him. Is there anyway to get my money back from Apple store. I have contacted iTune Support and informed as well about this scam incident and store also. Can any one help me how I get this money refund.
FTC Staff
September 30, 2016

In reply to by Julie

After you tell someone the code from the back of the iTunes card, he takes control of the card. He controls what happens. After the value is gone from the cards, there is no value for iTunes to give you a refund.

Please report this to the FTC at The information you give will go into a database that law enforcement uses to investigate scams.

October 05, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

On Tuesday, 27th September 2016, I got scam call from 911 - US Police department (Time 10.45 AM) and USCIS US Immigration office - 800 375 5283 (Time 10.48AM). And local police department - 972 424 5678 (Time 11.42 AM), and Till 2.02 PM. I believed they were really calling from Police department and US Immigration office. They were cunningly convinced me this.

911 the person: He was introduced himself from Police department said: I was going to be taken to court and arrested. And he connected with USCIS - 800 375 5283 the person joins (introduced as a USCIS immigration officer) with USCIS number and was asked me to type in google www. uscis. gov on the bottom read: National Customer Service Center : 1-800-375-5283. He was convinced me he really calling from USCIS immigration office.

I have to pay $3000.00 due to not updating the details in security broad office. I was told to go buy ITUNES gift cards. $3000 and Then instructed to scratch off the numbers and tell him. He warned me, if I didn't pay the would put a warrant out for my arrest immediately. I got frightened and do not allowed to get help from others/ donot cut the call even. If I contacted anyone / cut the call, they will do immediate action.

I purchased 6 gift cards for $3000.00 each of $500. from the store which they suggested to the following address: #2122 - 2930 PRESTON ROAD SUITE 700, BETWEEN GAYLORD PKWY & HWY 121 FRISCO, TX 75034. They kept me on the phone and didn't allow to text or speak with anyone; so I didn't have time to check anything online relating to scamming.

I am very upset and alone and helpless situations. Then they instructed to come out from the store and to scratched the numbers and tell him. After that they told me to wait for 10 minutes over phone and one person introduced himself as attorney the request is rejected due to some other reason and your identity now in blacklist. So everything will clearout then again you have to pay $2500.00. And do the same process. The moment my phone charge went down, then got switched off. I tried to recharge my mobile, and then they again called and asked about the same matters.

I said, I need to talk to my friends and get the money from them. After that they didnt called me.

I have contacted Apple representative ; I shared all 6 iTunes gift cards PIN number to her to BLOCK/CANCEL/DISABLE of these cards. But she didnt do anything with this call support. Next day I again called Apple iTune Billing department and stated above same. But there was no timely help I also contacted Office Depot: no help.

Apple and office depot are not at all supportive and don't know why they can't block the account who used the card. I think, Apple and office depot are adjusting to sell their product that may be the reason not providing the timely help. To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your help to get back my money refund from office depot. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I have reported to FTC at But they are saying : you can submit this receipts in TAX department. I dont have any hope now. Even complaint to anywhere also no hope. The strange things are scammers always enjoy with this strongly. Apple and Office depot seems more supportive for scammers. This is what I am feeling. The scammers always targeting who all are very new to USA and innocents.

FTC Staff
October 05, 2016

In reply to by julie

I am sorry this happened to you.

If you tell someone the code from the back of an iTunes card, he takes control of the card. He controls what happens to the value. He might use it right away, or quickly sell the code to someone.

After he uses the value from the cards, there is no value left for iTunes to refund to you. If he already used the value, it does not help for Apple to block or disable the cards.

Thank you for reporting this to the FTC. The information you give us will help law enforcement agencies do investigations. You could contact the corporate headquarters for Office Depot and tell them what happened and ask for help. Look online for a contact name and number for the corporate offices of Home Depot.

Case Status
October 08, 2016

In reply to by julie

I don't know what's going on here. I was scammed some days ago and bought card worth $3000 in Office Depot and provided them feedback that they should put some warning in the gift card section. It happened in Plano only and now again you faced the same issue. Why the heck they can't guide the customers by just sending emails to all the stores that whoever buy such high denominations should be given some hint. This is ridiculous. We should come forward and fight for this.
Case Status
October 01, 2016

In reply to by Julie

I also faced the same thing 10 days back. No hope of getting money back. It happened to me in Office Depot. This scam is so common and so many innocent people are targeted. There is no measures taken so that stores can atleast hint about the scam when people are buying cards with huge amount. Apple is not at all supportive and don't know why they can't block the account who used the card. We have all the receipts and proofs. Atleast they can return us the partial amount. Anyways I don't have any hope now. I think we all should come forward and do something about this.
FTC Staff
October 03, 2016

In reply to by Case Status

I'm sorry this happened. You can help law enforcement by reporting it to the FTC at The information you give will go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations.

Case Status
October 08, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

Please don't just reply with the same comment again and again. If you want to do something then please instruct all the stores to guide customers. In the same stores it's happening again and again. How difficult is to put some warning on the gift card section ? How difficult to stop apple itunes card of such a high denomination $500 ? Same thing is happening in Office Depot again and again , why can't they send instructions to Store Manager ?
October 14, 2016
Bridget, Can I go to the police, and can I make a report to the FBI. Please respond. I will try to get in contact with the State General Attorney.
October 14, 2016
Who do I contact RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I am being SCAMMED by someone from Accra Ghana. He is planning to call me when I am available, I have been making excuses and I text him. I cannot call him back it looks like he is using calling cards to call me. and I want them caught because they scammed me 55K and is still asking for more money, I maxed out on my credit cards, he put some money on two cards but he want me to go to the Apple store to buy Apple phones and computers total $9ooo.00 and send it to them. This person I am not sure if he's is using someone ID from the Barclays Bank who is the Exe. Director. SO PLEASE I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP BECAUSE I AM BEHIND ON BILLS AND MORTGAGE PAYMENT ABOUT TO LOSE MY HOME, I AM ALONE I LOST MY HUSBAND OF 30 YEARS AND ALL MY MONEY AND ALMOST EVERYTHING, SO SOMEONE PLEASE. I BEG OF YOU FOR HELP NOW.
FTC Staff
October 14, 2016

In reply to by Asita

You can block a person on your phone and email, and on your social media. If you used a wire transfer service you can call them and report fraud. Call MoneyGram at 1‑800‑926‑9400 (or for Spanish: 1‑800‑955‑7777) and the Western Union Fraud Hotline at 800-448-1492.

If you gave your bank or credit card account number to a scammer, he can take your money. Contact your bank and credit card company and ask how to protect your money.

If you're an older person, you can go to to see if you can get help paying bills. Or, go to to get connected to agencies in your community that help people with housing and other issues.

big sigh
October 17, 2016
I've been speaking to a man who is saying he is in love with me and that he's working in Instanbul and will be home by December. Claims he's coming home to the states to start a life with me he asked me tonight to buy him a iTunes card in order to add more minutes to his phone. This is the first red flag. Should I be concerned? Or does this seem legit?
FTC Staff
October 17, 2016

In reply to by big sigh

If someone you never met asks you for an iTunes card, it's probably a scam. Scammers look for people on dating sites, and pretend to start a relationship, then start asking for money or iTunes cards, or bank account information.

iTunes cards don't add minutes to a phone. The only place to use an iTunes card is for online music, books or apps.

Scamming Grand…
October 21, 2016
Scammers called my parents today - said my son (grandson)in car accident in other country. Directed parents to get iTunes gift cards for many $1000. Total scam. If you get the call. Hang up.
October 27, 2016
So I'm in the store right now and for the past 30mins they have been convincing me and swearing by their daughter and Jesus Christ that this is what it is. I'm 24 but not naive. I told them I'd call them back, but I new something wasn't right about the whole thing so I started doing a quick research. Thank God I did what I did. I just saved myself $175.... God is good
February 08, 2017

In reply to by Tbvictorious

I'm glad you did t. I was so dumb that I actually fell for an IRS scam. We argued for 3 hours and I knew something wasn't right but I kept going out of fear.
Don't use your…
November 28, 2016
Was called yesterday to buy meds.sounded good had to make multiple iTunes wantsn600.00 more for shipping insurance. Im out 750.00 so far still dealing with him trying to get money back. What do i do?
FTC Staff
November 28, 2016

In reply to by Don't use your…

If you tell someone the code from the back of an iTunes card, they can take the value immediately. You can't get a refund from the store that sold you the iTunes card.

If anyone tells you to pay for things with an Amazon gift card, or PayPal or with a reloadable card like MoneyPak, Reloadit, or Vanilla, it's probably a scam. The Government doesn't use that kind of payment.

November 25, 2016
I was contacted the day before yesterday this guy told me a number to call to get a 7,000 dollar grant when the lady answered the phone she said you pay nothing this isnt a scam well she continued to go forth with what she was instructing me on what to do, i listened didnt say very much about it but i was thinking in the back of my mind if i got a grant wow im excited to know i never applied for one so how could i possibly get this grant of 7,000 so after she told me to put 145.00 on an i-tune card im like sure why not she's saying she will give me 7,145.00 back so i wont be without right? well then i got even more curious and asked cvs if i didnt use the card can i return it, sadly the lady said no nothing about people being scammed at all well turn around i called apple to see if they would pay it back to me since i would not use it they said no so i thought long and hard for another moment and let it go, this morning the lady called me back and she didnt like her answer of well mama im not going to do this please stop scamming other people to make your holidays for your children or your bank account look great! the number she called me from is ( 844 770-2110 )
December 12, 2016
I received a call from 2357217269 claiming I had been randomly selected for not having filed for bankruptcy as well as paying my bills on time.The money would go to nothing but school or to start a small business. It's a thing that happened because of obama's term or whatever. I had to call 2064726026 and give them some code mk311. After about 10 mintues they asked me to buy an itunes card and put $250 on it that would be refunded. I did not do any of it but these phone numbers are out there just to help another person.