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If you took out an online payday loan from a company affiliated with AMG Services, you may be getting a check in the mail from the FTC. The $505 million the FTC is returning to consumers makes this the largest refund program the agency has ever administered.

The FTC sued AMG and Scott A. Tucker for deceptive payday lending. When consumers took out loans, AMG said they would charge a one-time finance fee. Instead, AMG made multiple illegal withdrawals from peoples’ bank accounts and charged hidden fees. As a result, people paid far more for the loans than they had agreed to.

In 2016 the FTC won a court case against AMG and Scott Tucker. Then in 2017, a jury convicted Tucker and his attorney of crimes related to the lending scheme. The FTC and Department of Justice are using money obtained in both court actions to give refunds to consumers.

Here are answers to questions about AMG refunds.

Who will get a refund? Checks are being sent to consumers who took out loans between January 2008 and January 2013 from these AMG-related companies: 500FastCash, Advantage Cash Services, Ameriloan, OneClickCash, Star Cash Processing, UnitedCashLoans, and USFastCash.

How many people will get refunds? More than 1.1 million people will get refunds.

How does the FTC know who to send the checks to? The FTC and a refund administrator have used AMG’s business records to identify eligible consumers and calculate their refunds.

I’m eligible for a refund. What do I need to do? If you borrowed from one of the lenders listed above between January 2008 and January 2013, you don’t need to do anything. The checks are being mailed to eligible consumers automatically. There is no application process. If you borrowed from one of those lenders before January 2008, please call 1-866-730-8147.

How can I get more information? Visit the FTC’s AMG refund page or call 1-866-730-8147.

Three tips from the FTC:

  1. If you get a check, deposit or cash it within 60 days.
  2. The FTC never asks people to pay money or give information to cash refund checks. If someone asks you to pay to get a refund from the FTC, it’s a scam.
  3. The FTC has advice if you’re thinking about a payday loan or an online payday loan.
Search Terms
October 02, 2018

In reply to by Welch74

Yes!!! I received mine yesterday for roughly $800. Since they're not asking you for money in order to deposit, that helps with the validity. Plus I researched the hell out of this lawsuit when I received mine to check for legitimacy. It's LEGIT!!
October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

I received this check yesterday. I’m nervous too. Don’t want to have any problems with my account. I just want to make sure this is legit. I looked up everything. When you call the number your on hold for a long time.
October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

What if the name that is on my check is my maiden name? I've been married twice so my bank doesn't have record of my actual maiden name. My bank said I would either have to get with the financial institution the check is drawn off of. Which there isn't a branch within 100 miles of me. Or request for the FTC to send me a new check?
October 03, 2018

In reply to by Jessica

I signed my previous name then signed my new name and deposited it
October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

My check says this was a partial payment will I receive another check?
Judy 2022
July 22, 2019

In reply to by bruce32

My ck said it was partial payment will I get another ck
October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

I tried to call that number and everytime i call the wait time was terrible and i left my number for a return call and nothing
October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

I took out several loans with these companies in between 2008 & 2013. I dont understand why I am not in the database. Aneriloan.fastcash.united.several. they owe me money but no checks sent ti me.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I had one today and moved a month ago and it came to my new house
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

October 02, 2018

In reply to by YaYaTee

It varies depending on how many/much the loans you had were and how much they took from you. I've seen people report getting from around $100 up to $5000. Mine was about $1400.
Family First
October 03, 2018

In reply to by YaYaTee

My husband and I got back a total of 5800.00. So very thankful. Praise the Lord
October 03, 2018

In reply to by YaYaTee

Got mine today in Corona, CA. $537.00. It states DO NOT CONVERT TO ACH. VOID after November 26, 2018. Drawn on US Bank. From the envelope I first thought it was one of those car dealership offers that try to make it look like a real check. Glad I didn't tear it in two! I work at a bank. The MICR encoding across the bottom is legit and correct. DO NOT HESITATE to negotiate the check.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by KUNTRE84

Yeah That's why I'm wondering. They found me and I had moved a couple of times since my loan. Het FTC How did you find us???
October 02, 2018

In reply to by KUNTRE84

I moved end of June 2018 and received mine at new address. . .wondering how they got the new address? do they tap into utility companies or cable companies? seems too good to be true, but I did use one of the companies back in 2009
October 04, 2018

In reply to by KUNTRE84

They found me at my new address I don’t know how because I only been here a month. God is good because I definitely needed this money.
October 13, 2019

In reply to by TG

Once you change address at DMV, SS, MOVE, PHONE THEY WILL FIND YOU!
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

Mine went to my mom's house which was my adress at the time of the loan
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

They will find you. I got my check today after moving a few times in the last 10 years but their information was updated.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

Yes it will go to your new address. I moved into my house 6 months ago, I took my loan out in 2008. I just received mine at my new house.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

My address did change and they sent it to my new address I didnt know anything about this til I received my check today and researched it...
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I’m moved since taking out the loans and my check my addresses to my current address. Hope this helps!
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I moved 2x and I received my check today to my new address.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

Mine was sent to my updated address.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I've moved several times but i received my check today!
October 02, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I moved a few times since this loan and i receive a check at my job today
October 02, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

Yes, I had different address and received mine yesterday
October 02, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I moved twice and they sent me a check.
October 24, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

I moved since then how do i get my check..will they forward it
FTC Staff
October 24, 2018

In reply to by Ifrank

You can call the company that the FTC hired to manage the refund process at 1-866-730-8147.

October 03, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

Yes my check was mailed to my old address.
October 04, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

i moved 7 times since i had a payday loan and my check found me. but if you haven't received anything yet i would call.
October 05, 2018

In reply to by Applebee62

Yep. My address is not the same and I got mine!
September 28, 2018

In reply to by Redhawk6656

I am a new customer of Santander and I am learning and losing my patience with this company. I have tried 3 times to make 1 payment using my personal checking. They have no idea why the payment cannot be made. And of course, they are throwing all kinds of charges at me!!! I am looking for help to get this resolved. The worse of it is my 1st payment on the loan!!!
FTC Staff
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Bruce943

You can report that problem to the FTC at, and to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at

October 01, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

The letter states that this is a partial refund. Will there be more checks dispersed?
October 01, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

Bridget, This is off topic but does the FTC investigate car manufacturers for selling lemons? Ty
September 30, 2018

In reply to by Redhawk6656

1800 loan mart repossessed my car ... They are really the worst.
October 01, 2018

In reply to by Redhawk6656

There are a lot of companies that need investigation. SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING is another. They buy mortgages and tack all kind of fees. My mortgage has more than doubled in the last 2 years. I have seen a lot of complaints but nothing is ever done.
October 02, 2018

In reply to by Brenda

Brenda, I hear you and agree! I owe 20,000 more on my mortgage than I had when I moved in 13 years ago!!!
September 27, 2018
I have moved twice since I took out the payday loan. Do I need to submit an updated address?
FTC Staff
September 27, 2018

In reply to by mveney123

Please call the FTC's refund administrator at 1-866-730-8147.

October 02, 2018

In reply to by FTC Staff

Bridget, No one is answering the 1-866-730-8147. I no longer live at the address you guys have on file. What do I do.
October 02, 2018

In reply to by mveney123

I moved three times and they sent it to my new address without me even realizing this was a thing... Got my check in the mail yesterday and didn't believe it was real and if it was- how they found me at my new address.
Friend of Poormen
September 27, 2018
The problems with this automatic online settlement: In many cases the person to receive the payment is transient and will have moved long before the settlement was reached. Also, there is no way for them to receive a payment other than the auto payment announced in this notification. What are these folks to do? They are the people that need the money the most.
FTC Staff
September 27, 2018

In reply to by Friend of Poormen

The FTC and Department of Justice are mailing 1,179,803 refund checks totaling more than $505 million to people. The FTC is not making automatic online settlements. For more information, go to